30 Day shred

117 cals burned today!

Need to defy the snooze button and do it tomorrow morning as off to the Mourne mountains for the weekend after work until Sunday. Is it really sad if I bring my iPad and weights and fit it in on sat before we go hiking?!? X

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Only 110 cals this morning, go figure...

Left out the cool down though - rebel!

Not getting bored of it as not allowing myself not to do it, if that makes sense?! Finding it very easy to fit in though. It really is only 25 mins!!

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Flip! That sounds horrific!! What sort of stuff does it include?

Just done day 7 - only 84 cals today!!! Seem to burn less the later in the day I do it?! X

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Yes same with me too, interesting!!
Oh gosh really intense HIIT cardio tabata rounds. Didn't do it tho lol, didn't do any cardio yesterday or today eekk x
I have her on mute now on the ipad on the floor whilst I watch something on TV!! Haha! I've been watching the London marathon footage to get me inspired!!

I'll have to listen to her again tomorrow until I get to grips with the routine for level 2, it's def a lot tougher! I sweated so much more!! x
Hi- hope you don't mind me dropping in. Started the 30 day shred workout yesterday as it's 33 days until I go away for a wedding of one of my closest friends and I'm bridesmaid- needed a kick up the bum!!
I'm a target member and I've been at target for 1 year this week- unfortunately I've been to class this evening for the first time in 3 weeks and I've gone half a pound out of target! This hasn't happened before now so I now mean business!!!!!
I totally get bored with exercise routines after a few days which is why I switch them up a lot. So today I got Beachbody T25 and started the first cardio session, phewww let's just say had to do a lot of modified moves lol then hurt my back at the last 5 mins arrggghhh so could only do v easy moves. Hopefully it eases by tomorrow. HR peaked at 177 and cals burned was 147 even with the mods lol. 10 week programme which has a different section for each of the 5 days, wish me luck, gonna need it x
Totally understand what you mean about getting bored of the same routines. I usually go to the gym and do a different class each time I go but I've had to cancel my membership so I'm trying to do things at home. I usually get metafit classes up on YouTube but really wanted to stick to something that was more like a programme in the countdown to my holiday! Day 4 of 30 day shred complete- much easier on the cardio but the strength is killing me- doesn't help that I only have 5kg weights so my muscles are aching!! X