30st 5lb Start Weight

I'm feeling a little better today. Not so emotional but still tired. The thing with counselling is that when I was a misunderstood unruly teen my mother forced me to go to counselling and I hated it with a passion, I couldnt stand telling some jumped up hippy my problems so I would just go and sit in silence. Then my mother called the police on me because I dropped a tv I was giving back to her because I didn't want anything she gave me and she said I threw it at her (?!?) so I was taken away and then put into foster care at the age of 13. Me and counselling don't get on very well. X

Omg Hershey - that is horrendous!! You poor thing. I really can't say anything about your mother because I'm sorry but I have nothing nice to say.

I'm not even sure what to say to you other than *hugs* and pls don't take this the wrong way but I think it explains a lot about your relationship with food.

Really, big hugs.
Omg Hershey - that is horrendous!! You poor thing. I really can't say anything about your mother because I'm sorry but I have nothing nice to say. I'm not even sure what to say to you other than *hugs* and pls don't take this the wrong way but I think it explains a lot about your relationship with food. Really, big hugs.
that's not even the worst of it!

When I had Duncan at 18 she got very jealous and tried taking me to court to have him taken off me because she thought I couldn't look after him!!

And that's just my mother! My father is similarly as bad in different ways.

Food became my comfort! Only now in my life I feel ok. Maybe that's why it's all coming out. X
Hello Hershey, I am just dropping by to subscribe, you have achieved so much already. Counselling is not for everyone, I have tried a few times because of particular "incidents" but it never worked out. There are other ways of coping and processing experiences like cognitive behavioural therapy, EMDR or journaling (I find writing stuff down very helpful). In the end it can take a while to find the right way for you. I hope that it was ok for me to post here. lostinarnia xx

Of course it's ok. Thank you. I don't know which way to go. The tablets seem to be helping so I will stick with them unless it gets worse x
Hey hershey,

I am glad that the tablets are helping you!

Sending lots of support to you if ok.

lostinarnia xx
When i first embarked on weight loss seriously a few yrs ago i was at the end of what now seems to have been a very long tether, i walked in to work one day burst into tears and just mentally collapsed. nobody had ever seen me cry or realised that i was anything but happy, not even my own family . luckily enough i managed to get into my gp's that day who referred me for an urgent psych assessment, they came to my house and diagnosed me with moderate depression, i was deemed a risk to my self and medication prescribed on a weekly basis due to the increased risk of an overdose,.I felt totally hopeless, it took me 4 months to return to work and was the start of a huge change in my life. One of the things i did was counselling and like you i had done it before and was convinced it would not work but let me assure you it has come on a long way.
I learnt a lot about myself and how I react. Consider giving it another try, i am sure you will find it will help you, this time you are choosing to do it not being made to do it and that will make a big difference

My weight loss failed that time due to many things mostly a sense that i don't deserve to be happy , and i equate slim with happy, that i can't shake off, but as a result of the counselling i have managed to keep my head above the water this time and have a much more positive approach.

Consider talking to your dr and asking to be referred it might just help xxx

Much love hershey and i am always willing to listen xx
You ok lovely? Not like you to miss daily food update ;-)
I'm ok. Trying to remember what I ate yesterday! B - nothing
L - beans on toast
T - meatballs and spaghetti

I've been out today! First time for 3 weeks. Went out with joe and my niece to the beach. Was terribly windy and it rained a bit but that's perfect weather for me!
Then we went to the county wedding fayre as my sis had a stall there and it was so busy but I took it in my stride and only told one person to move out the effin way. That's a record for me :) she saw us coming but just stood there! Umm... MOVE!!
I don't deal well with people.

Then we went to a cafe and had lunch. I had a bacon roll and joe had chicken nuggets and chips, 20 chicken nuggets!!! Wtf!!!! He was stuffed! Home now recovering from being amongst humans.
Going to bake a cake later for after out Sunday dinner :)

I went outside!!! Xx
Well done lovely! Makes me happy that you went out.

I want to be snuggled up at home today, feeling terrible :-(
Awww how come you are feeling like that? Hope you feel better soon xx

I lost 1.6lb this week. Better than nothing!

Slow and steady wins the race! X
well done on the loss.

I've got man flu - feeling horrendous but so busy at work :cry:
On the plus side no appetite.

What you doing food wise today ?
B - bagel and tea

L - super noodles (not good but hot and tasty!)

T - Quorn lasagne and salad

You know woman flu is much worse than man flu, coz when a woman admits it, you know it's worse!

No appetite is a bonus but get some greens in you xx
Well done for heading out into the crowds hun, a wedding fayre sounds like a blummin nightmare! And well done on your loss too. :)
well done on the loss lou and going outside and being with humans x x
Thanks everyone :)

Doing a scary thing today. My sis wants to to fill in for her admin person as she's called in sick so she's picking me up at 10:30 and it looks like I'll be there a good few hours.

I've had 3.5 hours sleep :(

I'd best go and shower and do myself a packed lunch!! Eek!! X
Turns out she didn't need me!

I was up and showered anyway so ive spent the day doing housework, getting tea ready and making the packed lunches for tomorrow.

I'm so tired from little sleep so should drop off quickly tonight! X
morning lou
how are you