
Well today hasn't been great, I'm having so much trouble sleeping recently and last night/this morn it caught up with me, I had breakfast at 4am, then more food at like 10am then didn't have lunch until 4pm! Mess. I was out for lunch and had a baked potato but I definitely couldn't resist the coleslaw and I'd already had my daily syn allowance.
Oh well, here's to tomorrow!
Have had a lovely day though...bought a size 10 playsuit, a michael kors watch, had a massage, sunbed and lunch with the girls :)
STS. Completely undeserved as I haven't been that good! So i'll take it.

Pineapple, apple, muller, toast (HExB), egg, ketchup (1syn), 2 biscuits (8 syns), baked potato (HExA cheese, HExB tuna), sweetcorn, mayo (2syns)

In a real munchy mood today so god knows how it will turn out.
Another random question for anyone reading my diary...
Do you ever think it's ok for a girl to take the risk and ask a guy out? I want to, but I am freaking!
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Definitely go for it.
If you don't, this time next week, next month, you will still be sitting wondering.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that ;-)

Plus, you never know, he could be sitting too scared to do anything too and that would be a waste x
Thanks ladies, I think I'm just psyching myself out. I know he likes me, he told me to my face but I just have the fear he's not ready for anything. One way to find out, sadly I'm too chicken to ask him to his face so it'll be a msg. Roll on Friday til I get it over and done with, just need to know one way or another.