3weeks in. 12stone to lose. need help =/

well done hunny, keep it up. its so hard at times, dont let the bad days/weeks stop you from carrying on. i thought id never get to goal i had so many bad times.

even now maintaining, i have to come on here regular to keep me focused. this week my girl has got chicken pox too, sleepless nights makes the day worse food wise, i feel like the lack of energy from no sleep makes me turn to food to find energy, then end up having all my dailies before lunch! aaarrgghh.... my boy hasnt had them yet, so sods law, he'll get em next!

keep going hun, you'll get there, youve had some fab losses. you should be so proud xxx
Hi, Just reading through your thread and wanted to wish you well on your weight loss journey. I did WW for about 4 months last year and during that time I lost 4 stone and went down from a 22 to a small 16/big 14. I made the mistake of coming off my diet after my August holiday and put a bit back on. Then I went to slimming world a few weeks ago and did well for all of 2 or 3 weeks before my losses slowed right down to a standstill so now I've just rejoined WW this week. It really does work and I feel the 49 weeklies just lets you live a little and have a splurge one day a week which I come to look forward to as I would find it impossible to diet for any length of time without being able to let my hair down once a week :) I find it helps me to have little goals too so it doesn't all feel too difficult and my main aim is to get my weight off for my holiday in August and then hopefully maintain or continue to lose after.
Good luck to you and I'll pop in here regulary to see how you're getting on and swop some tips etc if that's okay xx
Hi. Thanks for those tips, make it seem alot easier. I put 3lbs on this week, but I was expecting it as mothers etc. I find if I have a bad weekend I always struggle to redeem myself. But it's a new start, stocked up on fruit, brought some green tea too so hopefully will have that 3lbs + more off next week :) look forward to hearing from you again xx

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Hiya, sounds like you are well in control again now. That was the biggest thing for me, getting back into it after having a bad day/few days. In the past my bad times lasted and lasted as I just got the attitude "why do I bother cos I've blown it now" but it's only these past few months that I've come to terms with the fact that I'm only human and will have lots of bad days and even bad weeks but the trick is to quickly draw a line under it and start afresh again so in the long term it's only a minor blip and not the end of all the good work. It's not easy at all and I do worry what I'll be like after August as I find it helps enormously to have a goal such as my holiday. I've got some lovely strawberries, grapes and watermelon this week to help me stave off the hunger. My main snack right now when I'm hungry or need something sweet is a dessert style WW yoghurt poured over a load of chopped up strawberries, only 1 point and it hits the spot! What sort of things do you have when you're struggling and don't have many points left?

Just been reading through your thread...well done on your losses so far! You have done really well and you are proof that getting back on the wagon after a blip is the best way forward - you have inspired me! I am currently 18st 13lb so have a way to go too xxx
hello =)
dont know if anyone is still posting here. im still on weight watchers, bit disheartened, have lost 14lbs in 14weeks. only 5months till the wedding and still need to shift at least 3/4 stone =/
i brought raspberry ketones in holland and barret yesterday, anyone tried them???
how is everyone doing?

I'm quite new on this site and only 3 and half weeks into ww this time (second time for me). Reading your posts are so motivating as you're so honest and I can relate to every bad day you've had. You're going to look amazing at your wedding and I know you'll feel fabulous too as you've put the effort in. Please don't stop posting here as you seem to find it helpful to vent and well, it makes me feel human too.
When I first started losing weight approximately 10 years ago I was nearly 23 stone ( used to travel a lot for work and was uber embarrassed when a flight attendant had to give me an extender for the seat belt as it just wouldn't fit!)- I didn't join a diet group, but tried to go it alone and slowly the weight came off. But 2 years ago I was still at 16 stone so knew I had to do something and followed ww. I lost 2 stone and kept it off for two years but I still have another 4 stone to go, so I'm here to finally get rid of the last 4 stone that have plagued me all my life. In school I was always big and it just got worse. I really want to get to a point where I don't have to feel as though I have to give an excuse for the way I look. You are such an inspiration and I'm so chuffed to have found you on here. Keep going hunni, I'm with you every step of the way xx