4 finger kitkat = my daily lactulose!!

thansk to those who replied to my post yest re my daily lactulose intake - after looking into it more - each 5ml I was taking contains 3.35g of sugar - times that by 6 spoons per day gives me the same amount of sugar intake as a 4 finger kit kat - without counting/synning it etc!
so glad I have realised so early on and it explains why my weight has gone up since jan!!
so watch this space - will not take it for a week and fingers crossed for a loss next week!!
What a discovery! I'm sure you will see a difference if you cut that out. Good luck!
Yeah that will make a difference to you hun x
Lactulose is a form of sugar so it's gonna be synned but using laxatives you would have been losing that anyway as nothing sticks or gets absorbed as it passes through so quickly so it's a bit of a mystery to me i work for a drug company ;-) but hey if you don't need it i wouldn take it anyways XX
ta for your replies- re above one - maybe thats not the answer then? when i looked at was i was actually taking and it stated 3.35g of sugar I thought wow!! but will try for a week not to take it and monitor it so to speak!
Maybe it is hon who knows peoples bodies react and absorb and excrete blah blah totally different maybe if you haven been having enough syns your body is just storing all forms of sugar try for a week without it and then see what happens in my experience laxatives encourage weight loss not in a healthy positive way though because your body can't store as many nutrients because it's just flushing but if you need them maybe it's not flushing you as much i'll have a look in my books and have a see for ya.
thanks, it wil be good to see what you find out, ta x
Meantime why don't you try sweetcorn as that was what helped my mate when she had probs