4 stone less! Fandabbydozzy!

Hi Mini,

Hubby is good apart from having major sweet cravings today and seriously considering buying chocolate but his guilt got the better of him. He has lost exactly the same as me 4 stone 7 lbs. It seems when I have a big loss he has a small one and vice versa then we catch each other up. Our CDC is stunned by it all as she keeps saying how men lose quicker. My theory is that I have a lot more to lose that hubby so thats why we are even. My mums lost over a stone now with CD so evenings round hers are a lot easier these days.

4stone 7lbs already:eek:

Wow! Well done
Hi Helen,

Have you decided what you are all going to do on Xmas day yet? I was thinking that at least with your mum SS'ing she will also be keen to stay on track this year, which is ace - it's my mum that would be trying to feed me up over the Xmas period, so at least whatever you decide to do, you will have a CD sympathetic family behind you!!

Keep up the good work!!
Thanks Karion.

Lottie-Kins - In answer to your question about Christmas Day we have always said from when we started that we would eat protein and veg throughout the day. It would be treated as a oneoff. Its my mums AAM week but ours is next week and so that will include last day staffroom lunch, Christmas lunch with my class and my mum is having a family gathering next weekend. I've decided to go along with the staffroom food as its usually salad based. The Christmas lunch with my class I've decided to sit with em but not have any food. I usually spend more time helping them cut up food and encouraging them to eat more food instead of just aiming for the pud. My food is usually very tasteless and cold by the time I have it. James has been terrible for wanting food this weekend. Its strange cos I'm being more disciplined and trying to keep him on the straight and narrow. Hopefully he will return the favour someday soon no doubt.

My mum was in shock that she had suddenly lost 6 lbs since being weighed Thursday night (3 days). Its all still new to her and she is gobsmacked. She then went on to moan about wrinkles. I told her I'd then know to pay for botox injections next Christmas for her! lol

Scan results in - and about time too!

After waiting 6 days for my results a staunch nurse finally phoned me back to give me my results. After every sentence she said 'my dear' in an authoritative manner which wound me up slightly.

Basically, she read out the report stating that there was nothing to be found, no lumps, no fluid and a smooth endometry with a good lining so all is ok (I even got told my uterus is normal - woohoo! lol) I had actually been told this before hehe. Aparently alot of women have wonky wombs and don't even know it.

As things have returned to normal my mind has been put at ease for a while now. I just need to concentrate mainly on getting the weight off. I need to remember how good I felt at my work's Chrimbo do (even tho hubby was at his own evening:( ) I liked that feeling a lot and long may it continue.

I've felt like a counsellor tonight as hubby has been badly craving food and fighting his chatterbox. I've felt amazingly strong trying to get him to explain what he would gain if he ate although he even considered phoning our CDC but he came to the conclusion that she'd say it was his decision whatever he chose to do. I think the fact I would be abstaining made him realise he was putting me in a difficult situation and so he has got through it for tonight anyway. He did mention putting his large clothes on ebay and even put his top on that he knew was tight up until recently just to remind him how far he's come.

Helen ;)

P.S. The dress rehearsal went too well today for my class so its all gonna go Pete Tong tomorrow in front of all the parents I bet!
Hey Helen,

Great to hear from you, C:) ngratulati:) ns on your results from the tests. Must be a great relief of your mind.

You've the makings of a CDC in you yet, well done its harder to stay motivated if someone else is swaying, you could so easily have joined him and then the two of you would be disgusted, so fair dues to you.

Good luck with the kiddies show tomorrow nite, bet it'll be brill,

Cheers Caz
Been to the gym tonight so feeling good. I really didn't feel like going as it was raining heavily and so cold but I went all the same. When I got there suddenly the alarm was going off. Our gym is Club Moativation (used to be The Moat House now its a Holiday inn) so it has a pool, sauna, spa, steam room etc. All these people were standing out in the cold with the alarm going. Hubby arrived and we deliberated over whether to just go home or hang on. After the fire brigade arrived we decided to still go in. Of all the good excuses for not going this could have been the best but we still did an hour there.

Our first concert went ok. The poor children had had to sit through 1 hour 45 mins of Key Stage 2's concert this morning so by this afternoon they were lively. Some of my class had a special mention by the Headteacher at the end which was nice. Last one tomorrow morning then we better get cracking with making Christmas cards.

I'm meeting up with 2 close friends tomorrow night. Both are pregnant and I'm dreading our conversations being all about babies which is very likely. I want to be mature about all of this but emotions are running high on my part and I don't want them feeling bad either. I don't want pity and I really hope I don't end up crying.

Its nice to hear from you, Caz. I wouldn't dare be as brave as you commiting to weighing every day officially recording how much you've lost. Mine would fluctuate big time. You are doing very well indeedy!;)

Hi Helen,

Its the standing on the scales each morning that keeps me motivated, I know not to expect a loss every day and I'm ok with that, especially as the weeks go on, this morning I didn't lose anything but I didn't care, I just stepped back off and got on with my day. I just hope I can continue with this attitude, I'm also going by my clothes fitting looser and my face looking slimmer, so its not all about the scales, but gotta admit the CD SS drops the weight so fast, I can afford to step up once a day.

you'll be grand tomorrow nite, your with friends and if you get emotional then you should be ok, if they're true friends.

Cheers Caz
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow night hun, and Im sure you will be fine, just look at what you have acheived so far.

You are doing this for such good reasons, and although I havent posted much I admire you x
I've survived my evening with preggars friends. I think I am making more of an issue of it all really. My 26wk pregnant friend is really in a bad way. She is panicking about everything and has had to have counselling. She is still sick and really having a bad time of it all. A pregnancy book was sitting in front of me when I got there and then it somehow vanished quite quickly.

I'm really tired tonight. The concerts are all over for another year. Phew! I'm looking forward to AAM week which starts tomorrow. I really don't think I've lost much but I'm not going to let it bother me. I've accepted it and thats that.

Thanx Cazmaz and CanI for your kind words. I really find it difficult accepting kind words and complements. I have learnt to accept it when I teach as we get observed teaching each term by the Headteacher so I need to progress to comments about me as a person and not just my job.

Hi Moley, glad to hear your nite went ok, and yep its good to get a little reminder, that not everything about pregnancy is like in the movies, but still you did well going and lasting the night.

Hope you enjoyed yourself chatting to them anyhow.

Cheers Caroline
Hi Helen,

Delighted to hear your tests went well and that yourself and hubby are doing well on the diet front and you have each other when the other has the old chatterbox banging away....hard when it won't shut up and it really is not worth giving in to it...I know as I have:( so not worth it and it is such a time waster to get back into the zone.

Very impressive to hear your mum is also doing exceptionally well.

Have you thought about becoming a CDC? Yourself and the hubby would make a good team.

Love Mini xxx
5 lbs to go to 5 stone loss!!!

Well, I'm hoping to hit the 5 stone mark by New Year. Its AAM for us this week but as our CDC pointed out I've had good weight loses both AAM weeks so there are no excuses lol

Our whole school went to watch 'Beauty and the beast' this afternoon and I suddenly felt like mum to all 22 kids making sure they were all ok. There were monsters in the show and quite a few children freaked out bless em. I have now realised that I could buy myself a monster mask and threaten it if they misbehave! lol The children seemed to get emotional towards the end crying and being horrible to each other. Then arguing over who sat with me on the bus. WHat it is to be popular! lol 3 days of work left and I can't wait.

My attitude towards Christmas is so much different this year. We got decorations out last week and we are really looking forward to all the frivolity that Chrimbo brings. Last year we 'couldn't be bovvered'.

I ordered a variety of clothes from Bon Prix which was recommended on minimins. It was getting me down that I felt naff wearing baggy clothes. These clothes are decent and cheap. I've ordered smaller sizes and won't be long before I'm in a size 24 now which feels pretty amazing as I had been 28-30 for so long then towards the end 30-32. I don't feel that different at times apart from feeling more positive in general but my clothes sizes are telling me I'm reducing nicely.

James and I as CDC's erm.... not my thing. I feel like I work non-stop (apart from coming on here) as it is. I keep asking hubby as he doesn't always seem happy in his job and I reckon he'd be good. I always wonder what the neighbours must think... all these people coming and going leaving with bags. Saying that our neighbours didn't notice when we got burgled in the daytime where they nicked off with our laptops and James guitar on a stolen bike so they probably would just think we had loads of friends.lol.

Time to curl up on our new sofa. Its soooooooo comfy so it has to be done.



P.S. Caroline - your dogs look so cute! Would love to have a dog but after our dog died I developed an allergy.:( Our cat Milly is cute tho (when she's not stealing baubles off the tree or scratching at our bedroom door at 6am like she has done this week just cos she wants attention!)
Thanks Helen,

I've gotten them groomed since I took that photo, I think they look even cuter, gonna try and upload it , just took new photos, and now they're enjoying there treats, real bones filled with mince meat, they think Christmas has come already, I'm not particularily fond of having real bones in my house, but felt they needed a proper treat

Cheers Caz
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Well, its been a weird few days. We ate food on Thursday night and Friday night. We ate at my mums on Saturday night. Then as she'd bought some ketostix I gave one a try and to my horror was not showing any ketones at all! Hubby wasn't either. He then went on to eat a shortbread biscuit as he said he might as well although I didn't even when he offered me a bite.

I was feeling good on Sunday then did another test and it was still negative. I drank loads of water and didn't eat anything I shouldn't but decided to weigh to cheer myself up. To my horror it seemed I had put on 3 lbs since Thursday. I sobbed and got myself in a right state. I didn't feel what I had eaten justified the weight gain. I decided to eat last night and then call a halt to it until Christmas day. My breath has been pongy and a test revelaed I was on the next colour up from negative. I've been good but the scales are still showing a weight gain.

I realised that I can't cope with putting the weight back on as I love the way I feel about myself and how able I have become at doing things more than before.

I helped out with the Christmas lunches at school and to top it all a child bought in sme Thorntons chocs for me today. Eek!

Helen x:rolleyes:
Hi Helen,

I think its something we all worry about, the eating real food again and will it undo all our good work, I hope if you stay back on the program for a few days the weight will automatically drop, you'd had 3 evenings? of eating meals again so no surprise to be out of ketosis if you had carbs, the pee stick is showing your getting back in there, so you are doing it already...well done for getting back on the wagon.

The weight gain wouldn't have been fat, just your glycogen replenishing.

As for the ketostix. Mine never showed me to be in ketosis, so don't take them too seriously.

Just keep your head down and keep going. The weight will come off again very soon. It's got to.
Hi Caz and Karion,

Thanks for your replies. Karion - I was wondering if the ketostix worked for me...thanx for your words of comfort.
Caz - When I say I ate food I mean the food I'm meant to have for Add a meal week. I haven't fallen off the wagon apart from havin a bit more protein at my mums on Saturday night. This is what worried me as I didn't feel I'd done anything to justify the weight gain.
The ketostix are my mums but she has given me the tub now saying to see how things go. I've learnt that whatevers going on its not a quick fix getting back into ketosis so its not worth having the extra food even if it is just extra protein.


p.s. why am I on here so early...? oh yeah I was just checking my work email. As usual got sidetracked lol
Hi Helen,

OMG, Sorry I hope you don't think I was being insensitive, I didn't mean you'd done anything wrong, i completely mis-understood you being on AAM, it is worrying isn't it, I've not had an AAM yet so completely forgot about it being an option. OOps...

Hope your seeing the results you deserve, 65lbs is an amazing loss to date, I live in hope to be there one day myself,

cheers Caz
Yippee! Off work for 2 weeks!!

Well, its been a bizarre few days. After feeling traumatised about being out of ketosis after eating some food the story continued to me suddenly putting 4 lbs on!!!!!!!!!
I was MORTIFIED as this just doesn't happen to me and I wondered what the heck was going on...? I was trying to work out where things had gone awol although when I did a ketostic thingy I was doing just great so I hung on to the idea that things would maybe sort themselves. My breath was very pongy and I had been drinking extra water to usual. Went to the cinema curtesy of hubby's work who had hired a screen at the cinema so we didn't eat the whole 3 hours we were distracted the whole evening and yesterday we went to the gym.

I have never, ever had any kind of energy left at the end of a term to go to the gym let alone it being Christmas. I did 2000m on the rowing machine and 20 mins on the bike as well as lots of toning. I felt great after all that and the fact that I saw someone who I'd not seen for a year and she was very impressed with how I am looking.

I got boxes and boxes ( and a tin) of chocs from the kids at school as well as a few candles and some bubblebath. I'm not too bothered by it but hubby is! This is surprising me as I was more of a choccy fiend than him pre diet. I'm satisfied with the CD bars.

We have been avidly watching 'The biggest loser' and last night we realised how well we're doing as some total weight loses were around what we have lost. Caz, its hard to realise how well u've done at times as its going equally all over. My only reminder is my clothes size at times. The in-laws live quite a way from us so we only see them a few times a year. On the phone last night hubby was arranging a visit for next week as we are both off. His mum just assumed we had lost 4 1/2 stone between us so she was shocked when hubby said it was each. I'm looking forward to them seeing us as we had lost nearly 2 stone I think when we last saw them and it wasn't too noticeable apart from my clothes being baggy. James' dad almost taunted him with some food when we were last there which I thought was incredibly insensitive. We will have the last laugh me thinks when he sees how well we have done particularly hubby who has not got too much to go to goal weight so he looks more impressive. I can't help but buy him new clothes a lot as a) he doesn't have the urge to buy himself clothes and b) I wanna show off how good he looks (he tends to dress older than his age if I let him sometimes lol)

Well, its our weigh-in tonight. I will be happy to stay the same after the week I've had. I realised the culprit I think from putting on the weight and going out of ketosis. SAINSBURY'S PARTY SAUSAGES!!!!!! I kept nibbling on some and just did not realise how many carbs they have in them. SHOCKING! I didn't touch a morsel at the school Chrimbo party or the staff bring a dish thing yesterday. I just enjoyed my choc mint shake.


Helen :p