4 stone less! Fandabbydozzy!

I've hit the 3 stone mark!!!!!!

I am sooooooooo pleased with myself. My target is to get to 20 stone before Christmas. I've got 20 lbs to go with 8 ish weeks left. It was my 6 year anniversary living in my house last week (how sad but its my 1st house which I bought all by myself) I remember breaking into the 20 stones for the first time then. It was horrible admitting it emotionally as I was 24. I had some cheapo scales which only went up to 20 stone so they just stopped at 20 stone but I hadn't realised (or was in denial). When I went to see the practice nurse she weighed me and that was when I realised I was in fact well into 20 stone. I was mortified.

5 weeks after I moved into my house I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle. 9 weeks in plaster and agony. I had had a benign tumour removed from the nerve in my leg some years ago which left me with weakness in my leg. I broke the same ankle and have lived with the pain since. The CD diet has helped to get the water retention from my ankle and reduced the pain enormously. I wear an ankle support to keep my foot in a straight position. My consultants have always gone on about losing weight. I have been told if the arthritis gets bad and the pain worsens then my ankle will be fused and I'll have to have a raised heel as I would lose some height on that side. I decided there and then that this would NOT happen. Lets hope not!


P.S. This was gonna be short but I just get rambling! lol
WOW!! Am needing some restart inspiration today and have read your diary thread. THANK YOU!!!

Well done on all you have achieved so far and i know you will get to your goal by christmas!!!
Thanks for your support and vote of confidence. Good luck in restarting. Have just looked at my before pics from 7 weeks ago and I can't believe how I changed compared to my 5 week pics. I need to get em printed off to get the full effect.

Helen x
Hi Helen,

Congratulations on reaching the three stone off mark that is absolutely fabulous and well done.

Just think! You could have another two off now before Christmas and that would really be something!!!

I found that my knee was giving me awful trouble when I was just the 18 stone...and now that I am down at under the 12 stone there is a huge difference in everything.

My knee does not hurt at all and instead of pulling myself up the stairs I now run up and down them.

Here is to another good week for you.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks D_Q and Mini for your kind words. Really appreciated.:)

We are picking our parents up from the airport tomorrow. We have both lost 10-11 lbs each since we last saw them and we have had our hair cut. I have a new top which I got lovely comments about when I wear it so I'm gonna make sure I wear it tomorrow. The top is more fitted and not loose like most of my clothes lately so that might be a reason for comments however it is a pretty top which I feel great in when I wear it.

Here's to a good weekend;) before I have to go back to work teaching my 24 little darlings:rolleyes:

Hi Helen,

Nothing like a new hair cut and some new clothes as they do make you feel good and have a way of reinforcing the fact you have lost weight.

Have a nice weekend and enjoy the break.

Love Mini xxx
Well I've managed more water this weekend with a 'litre before midday' rule which has had me running to the loo. We don't get weighed by our CDC this week as she is in hospital and so we have been trying to be good but have eaten some meat this weekend. Have decided to not do a full week of AAM next week to make up for it. Hasn't helped that its now my TOTM. It seems I have returned to a 28 day regular kinda gal which pleases me immensely.

We had a chuckle tonight as one of hubby's shakes has no flavour printed on it. He hadn't paid any attention to what flavours were near it so he has no idea what flavour it is! lol

Busy week ahead at work. Whole school evacuation and will NOT be eating spam. Do actually like it to a point but a tetra pack will suffice. Last week I managed to pull together a class assembly in 2 days. I hardly seem to get nervous these days and again the nerves hardly showed when I led my class assembly in front of 350 chn and staff. My CDC thinks its because of my new found confidence.



Helen :p
Well I've managed more water this weekend with a 'litre before midday' rule which has had me running to the loo. We don't get weighed by our CDC this week as she is in hospital and so we have been trying to be good but have eaten some meat this weekend. Have decided to not do a full week of AAM next week to make up for it. Hasn't helped that its now my TOTM. It seems I have returned to a 28 day regular kinda gal which pleases me immensely.

We had a chuckle tonight as one of hubby's shakes has no flavour printed on it. He hadn't paid any attention to what flavours were near it so he has no idea what flavour it is! lol

Busy week ahead at work. Whole school evacuation and will NOT be eating spam. Do actually like it to a point but a tetra pack will suffice. Last week I managed to pull together a class assembly in 2 days. I hardly seem to get nervous these days and again the nerves hardly showed when I led my class assembly in front of 350 chn and staff. My CDC thinks its because of my new found confidence.



Helen :p

Hi Helen,

It is great to see you making such good progress not only in your weight loss but in all of your life and it is lovely to see the confindence coming back as you feel good about yourself again.

So happy for you and well done.

It is magic having the support of your husband, I have not heard from him in awhile how is he doing?

Love Mini xxx
Nasty food!

Well... not been so good this week. 1 week before AAM and we have been consuming some meat and veg most nights. Hubby and I decided to swap the weeks although my parents are coming round for tea tonight which is the first time since doing the CD. We have decided that we are going to make 2nite our last food night and have SS til Thursday when we get weighed by our counsellor. She has been unable to weigh us this week due to being in hospital and so we knew we'd get away with it. We both need to get a grip. We've not put on any weight but we have come to an abrupt halt which isn't a nice feeling. In an effort to be very good this week we are going to get to the gym more as we seem to lose more £'s than lbs there at the mo.

My school did a whole school evacuation as we have been learning about WWII. It was on Anglia news and in our local paper. I felt quite drab in my land army girl outfit and yet there were people lookin fab in hired military attire or very feminine dresses. I didn't like feeling like I hadn't made much of an effort. My khaki trousers were too big and my green jumper wasn't very flattering either. I so desperately want to have the opportunity to wear hired outfits which sounds daft but I did once venture to look at some outfits and the nuns habit didn't even fit me which wasn't appropriate anyway for our christmas bazaar! lol

Grizzle over. Looking forward to preparing salad and chicken for my parents this evening. Didn't think I'd miss preparing/cooking as much as I have. My parents haven't seen our front room since it was decorated. We have new everything including light fittings and light switches! They'll be in for a surprise.

Love Helen

P.S. Don't know weight loss as haven't weighed much this week... through fear me thinks.
Well, no food now and thats that! My hubby and I went to the gym today and we both felt great. I managed 4km on an exercise bike, over 2000 metres on the rowing machine and I luuuuuuurve rowing lots! I actually felt like I could just keep going. I had been there an hour and thought it best to stop. I really enjoyed my time there today and felt great during and after with bags more energy than I've ever had there before. I enjoy the weights toning up my slimer bod and pushing myself to feel the burn!

Our tea went well last night. I even managed to do strawberry mousse for our pud while my parents had mini meringues. All was good and my mum went on a lot about the diet and how she is seriously considering starting. I spoke to her today and she is going to phone our CDC this week as she has decided to join our club! She is worried what the doc will say as she is on blood pressure tablets however the doc told her recently that just losing a stone could make a big difference to her blood pressure. She thinks the doc will say no.

Anyway, at the gym today we booked in for the aquafit class tomorrow which we haven't been to for months. We stopped going for many reasons altho one was that we got back quite late to then cook tea. We began to go to Sainsbury's for tea or even McDonalds tut tut. At least we can have our 'tea' when we get home no fuss and doesn't take too long to prepare. Hoping for a good week this week. Need to keep on track although I'm being observed teaching on Tuesday which unnerves me. Thats when I would've previously dived for bad food and then a takeaway (Scuse unintentional pun...takeaway - Numeracy!!)


Well, so far so good on the food front. We went to aquafit and our swimming attire was too big! Hubby's shorts were close to falling down a few times. New swimming clothes needed! I was really pleased as for the first time ever I was able to bend my legs one at a time behind me and hold it. I was so pleased with myself.
All the jumping around in the pool made me realise that better fitting costumes hold you in a bit. I felt conscious of my flobbedy stomach but I realised that aquafit is a must each week now to get the toning up done as well as regular trips to the gym.
My mum has got to get her form signed by her doctor and then she will be following the CD. I can't believe she thanked our CDC for all her support so far with me and hubby...how embarassing!
I had a class observation done today by the Headteacher. I was only an ickle bit nervous but once into the lesson there were no nerves. My confidence seems to be helping me deal with things better. Its gotta be good for the heart surely...

4 lbs to go to 4 stone!

Well its been a good week. I am really feeling each bit of weight loss now and my trousers that I'd put away until I'd lost a bit more weight are now getting a bit too big for me. I was actually quite disappointed as I wanted to wear these nice trousers bought over a year ago and they were always to tight. Recently they were too tight to sit down in and now they are too flippin' big! I put on a jumper from last year and my hubby said I looked like a child who has tried on adult clothes! How sweet.

I bumped into a friend who I used to work with who was doing supply at my school. She said she had a pic of my hubby and I at her 50th which was in June that she would email. I recieved it today and I was in absolute shock. This turned to excitement at how good we both look now and then I started to cry at realising how bad I looked at the time and how far we had come. I then said what a great before pic it is as we are both sitting in her back garden so its not our best angle but it shows all of our bods, not just our faces. Gonna print it off for inspiration.

Can't believe I have lost 7 lbs and 7 inches in 2 weeks. People are noticing more and more at work now which is nice. Hubby put on 2 inches on his thigh and wasn't impressed. All his gym effort had bumped up muscle which is a new concept to him. Bless im.

We both have 4 lbs to go to lose 4 stone. I have 10 lb to get to for my Christmas goal. I'm shocked at how I've done really but am really pleased too as I'm feeling the benefits more and more.

Off to the gym tomorrow, aquafit on Monday. My mum starts CD next week hopefully.

Helen :D
You are both doing really well, its amazing what confidence we get after losing some weight, and its a natural confidence, not a forced one!

Keep hold of that before pic, I often use mine to remember how far I have come x
Hi Helen,

You and your hubby have done so well and not far away from 4 stone each in weight loss.

I find it amazing how four stone can and does make such a difference.

Photos really do show how we can transform ourselves by losing weight and at the same time feel so much healthier and fitter.

Well done both of you.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Helen,

Have just spent half an hour reading all of your diary posts. You are doing fantastic and I'm so glad that you and your hubby are supporting each other through this diet. I'm sure that you will definately achieve your Xmas goal, which you thoroughly deserve.

It is so good to hear how well that you are doing! Keep up the good work!!!
I made it! 4 stone less! Fandabbydozzy!

Yep... 4 stone lighter than I was at the start of September and I feel grrrrrreat! (sorry 4 stealin ya phrase Tony!)

Thank you CanI, Mini, Lottie-Kins and Cheb for your encouraging words (L-K your dress looks fab...brings back memories of when I had my dress fittings over a year and a half ago. Just hope people don't keep treading on ya train like they did mine!)

I'm getting people at work suddenly saying WOW now and how my shape is changing. Has anyone had the same thing as me where you suddenly notice a not so obvious place has gone bonier or changed? Under my arms I noticed that there used to be something to pinch but its just gone! lol My boobs were big from when I was even at Junior school and they are disappearing before me! Never ever had to buy a smaller bra but looking forward to fitting into nice pretty ones with matching undies.

I'm desperately needing new clothes particularly as the works Christmas do is on 8th Dec. I'm still in shock that I need to look at size 26 stuff instead of 30/32. I'm now the weight I was about 6 years ago so size 26 seems a distant memory.

My mum started CD on Thursday. She weeed non-stop Thursday and said how she liked all she had had so far. Am hoping this will mean no tempting foods around her house which we have had to cope with since September. All 3 of us (oh yeah...hubby [jamesky] also reached his 4 stone mark) are getting weighed together now so it'll save me mum phoning to ask how we've done.

Got a pelvic scan on Tuesday to see if I have fibroids or anything going on that shouldn't be. I'm really dreading it but James has booked the morning off to come with me. Am scared but will know one way or another whats going on. I'm so negative I've already looked into fostering and adoption as a possible option as I so desperately want us to have a family soon. I've always thought that I couldn't get pg cos I was so fat. Will find out soon.

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Hi Helen....best of luck with the scan next week....I cannot even bbegin to imagine how it would feel not to know if you can have kids or not when you want them so badly!! Hope it all goes well for you &congrats on your fantastic loss!!
4 stone, well done you, good luck for next week x