50 shades of grey books

I'm about a third of the way through and I think it's pretty awful! The female character has to be one the biggest drips ever to appear in print.
For those who've finished it - is it as repetitive all the way through to the end?
I'm about a quarter of the way through the first one and finding it really dull! Even the rude bits I find really boring. Certainly haven't had the "can't put it down" that everyone I've spoken to has said they've had!

I really can't get into this book at all! I'm about a quarter way through first one too and I hope it picks up.

I'm about a third of the way through and I think it's pretty awful! The female character has to be one the biggest drips ever to appear in print.
For those who've finished it - is it as repetitive all the way through to the end?

Hi Guys

I read all 3 books in 3days. They are not the best written books and it is a bit slow to start and does get repetitive with the 'rude' scenes but please bear with them, skip the repetitive bits and keep reading. There is a story there and a good one if you can just get into it. I am so glad I read them. Hope you manage to grin and bear it and let us know what you think - did you change your mind or still think it was a pile of rubbish?!!!!!
A friend of mine summed these books up perfectly....they are for women who think a good night out is dinner then the missionary position :D

I read them, good trashy read and quite tame really. There are far better erotic books out there. Don't believe the hype. xx
Oh, I thought these were awful! So badly written and repetitive (all that lip biting and inner goddess/subconscious baloney) and about as "erotic" as doing the ironing!

And yet ... I couldn't stop reading the bloody things! Devoured all three books in one long weekend and just *hated* myself for having done it, afterwards! My OH was in stitches about me grumbling at the books the entire time!
luce28 said:
Oh, I thought these were awful! So badly written and repetitive (all that lip biting and inner goddess/subconscious baloney) and about as "erotic" as doing the ironing!

And yet ... I couldn't stop reading the bloody things! Devoured all three books in one long weekend and just *hated* myself for having done it, afterwards! My OH was in stitches about me grumbling at the books the entire time!

Lol --I know the feeling.
I've written a couple of stories on Literotica, no links though, I'd DIE of shame!
I'm about a third of the way through and I think it's pretty awful! The female character has to be one the biggest drips ever to appear in print.
For those who've finished it - is it as repetitive all the way through to the end?

Yep - I read the first one, and a few pages of the second one and then gave up. I forced myself to finish the first one, and only started the second because I downloaded it with the first one. But I just couldn't take anymore!!
Rattybabe said:
Yep - I read the first one, and a few pages of the second one and then gave up. I forced myself to finish the first one, and only started the second because I downloaded it with the first one. But I just couldn't take anymore!!

I'm similar, about halfway through the first and I can't bring myself to read more than 3 pages at a time. I'm sure if half the people reading these purely for the hype picked up a decent book now and again they would be able to tell what utter drivel it is! (disclaimer- I'm not suggesting anyone here is only reading for the hype, I am referring to the whole of my female facebook friends list who normally declare- "ugh books how boring" who are now rushing out to buy this cos their neighbours friends aunties dog groomer loves it....
Yeah think I'm going to give up on this. I was hoping it might be fun, enjoyable trash but it's just plain trash!
I'm not a book snob at all, and can read trash happily (loved the Twilight books) but 50 shades just bored me. By the end of the first book, nothing had really happened! I like a book that offers something to get your teeth into, but 50 shades is as dull as dishwater to me!
I'm really surprised by a lot of the comments about these books! I'm a reader, a big reader and I read anything and everything, I really enjoyed all 3 of the books. Very different from anything I have ever read before.

I'm no prude but I was a shocked by some of the scenes, yep, they got a bit repetitive but there was a nice love story running through it. They are not the best written, but I don't think they proclaim to be. I know there are better written books out there!

I actually downloaded them because of the hype, I'm guilty of that, but isn't that how a lot of things go "viral"???

I reckon a lot of people are taking them far too seriously.

Just my twopennorth. *goes off to book a meal out with hubby and hopes for some vanilla afterwards*
The sex scenes didn't shock me at all - I found them laughable to be honest. Certainly didn't take it seriously - just found it uninteresting!

I should add though that I don't really read "chick-lit" and generally read crime novels. I'm currently reading the Hunger games trilogy and loving it.
The sex scenes didn't shock me at all - I found them laughable to be honest. Certainly didn't take it seriously - just found it uninteresting!

I should add though that I don't really read "chick-lit" and generally read crime novels. I'm currently reading the Hunger games trilogy and loving it.

It's the constant eye rolling, head cocking and lip biting that's bugging me!
jaylou said:
I'm really surprised by a lot of the comments about these books! I'm a reader, a big reader and I read anything and everything, I really enjoyed all 3 of the books. Very different from anything I have ever read before.

I'm no prude but I was a shocked by some of the scenes, yep, they got a bit repetitive but there was a nice love story running through it. They are not the best written, but I don't think they proclaim to be. I know there are better written books out there!

I actually downloaded them because of the hype, I'm guilty of that, but isn't that how a lot of things go "viral"???

I reckon a lot of people are taking them far too seriously.

Just my twopennorth.

I'm with you on this one, I read anything I can get my hands on and I only bought the books because I was curious. Yes bits are repetitive and It's clearly no literacy masterpiece but It's a good lazy read and if It's making people read that never normally do then I think that must be a good thing surely?
Rattybabe said:
Along with his "long index finger" and "foil packets" :D

And 'body wash and Christian' which has to be the most ridiculous (and least descriptive) description ever used.. Ever!

I read the first one and have started the second because I love moaning about how terrible it is, I can't get into it because there's a typo, or a description about energy saving lightbulb light being erotic which distracts me! But I didn't find it shocking like everyone said I would..

But, E L James is laughing all the way to the bank.. Let's all write one! X
Well have now finished all 3, I agree in places it's a bit repetitive, but so are some other books. I have just finished the bonus section that I downloaded which is from Christian's perspective, from his early days and when he first meets Ana, quite interesting ;)
Tracey - I think a lot of us are hoping there'll be a book written from Christian's perspective too!! Well, a lot of my friends want it, not sure many on here would agree!!!!!