55lbs and counting...

Sorry to hear about your gain :(. Hope you get a loss next week!!

less than a stone to go, not long til i'm in the 12's!
um... might take me longer than i thought to get to my final goal weight.

i think i'm safe in telling you guys...

i'm pregnant <3

found out yesterday - we are ecstatic! it's very early days, so there's always that 1 in 5 chance something bad could happen, but i'm a big believer in people's kindness and i'd rather it be out there than kept in the dark as a dirty little secret.

so there we go - i'm giving myself 100 extra calories per day for now and will be chatting to a midwife in a couple of weeks about proper weight management. i'm also going to start doing regular blood tests to catch gestational diabetes early - it wasn't picked up til almost 8months in with taylor and i think that's part of the reason i had trouble with the birth.

so there we go!

just don't tell my mom or in-laws - we haven't caught them in to tell them ourselves yet.