6 weeks in and doing great!!


New Member
Hi everyone

thought that I would finally post as I have been following everyone elses posts about Diet Chef and how well they have been doing! I am now six weeks along my journey, 2 weeks on weight to go, which I found too restrictive as I missed having food at breakfast time, I then moved onto Diet chef 4 weeks ago and I must say I am getting on great with it, there is nothing that I find I can't eat, I have gone through my next order and made sure that there are lots of my favourites (sweet & salty popcorn is to die for!!!)

I have now lost 28lbs, and the best bit of all is I had to go and get myself new trousers for work and I managed to get into a size 18 pair of jeans!!! to some that might be a small achievement but to me that is like climbing Mount Everest!! I can't remember the last time I was able to wear a pair of size 18 jeans, they are wearable, slighly tight but definatley wearable!! considering the jeans I have been wearing are size 24 you will see why i am so excited about it. My tops used to be 24 to 26 and I am now comfortably into 22's and I bought size 20 work trousers, and got the size 18 jeans - LOVIN THIS DIET!!!!!!!!

I agreed to do the 3 months, and then i will manage myself (hopefully), as it had taught me portion control and healthy choices.

Hi Kim, that's fantastic and I totally understand the great feeling of buying smaller clothes! I had a work event recently and reached into the wardrobe for some formal trousers and the first 3 pairs I tried on were too big and just hung on me! Glad you are getting on so well and finding it pretty manageable so keep it up!!

Wowwww! TWO STONE IN SIX WEEKS??!! Thats unbelievable! Well done you! If i could lose half what you have in the same time i would be over the moon! That really is fantastic you should be so proud of yourself! Im still in my maternity size 16 jeans but theyre probably a size 20 normal! Well done you youve come so far! Keep up the good work xx