74 days left....Aaargh!

That friday feeling!!!!

Good morning fellow slimmers!!

Friday has finally arrived and it's time for my official weigh in.... (drum roll.....)

14 stone 1lb!! :D :D :D :D :D

I know I cheated by getting on the scales early on in the week (when I was 14st 5lbs) but thats another 1/2 a stone gone since last friday!!! I could hardly believe my eyes & had to jump off & back on to check 3 times!!!

I even managed to get myself a ticker to show my progress last night & I'm really chuffed with that too! :D

(Here's a bit of background info if anyone's interested)

I started trying to lose weight in december when I was getting ready for a night out & it dawned on me I had nothing to wear as everything was way too tight :mad: so I nervously stepped on the scales & was shocked/horrified to discover I weighed 15st 7lbs :eek: (I honestly didn't realise how much weight had crept up on me and - especially seeing I was due to get married in a few months time, could've cried :cry: )
Needless to say... I went out and had a thoroughly miserable time, so from then on - I was really, really careful (read hungry) for a whole month & managed to shed 3lbs - yes that's right a WHOLE 3lbs after a month of misery!!??? :confused:

Thankfully I heard a few fellow brides to be were getting great results on Cambridge (I thought not eating "proper food" was pretty extreme but I was pretty desperate so decided to give it a go)

HOW WRONG WAS I?????? it's not extreme at all... more like it's the answer to all my prayers!!! I've NEVER felt better!!

Well I'd better get back to work now before I get in trouble & someone in authority wipes this daft grin off my face :D

Love & best wishes to you all (we can do this!!)

Nic xxx

Good morning fellow slimmers!!

Friday has finally arrived and it's time for my official weigh in.... (drum roll.....)

14 stone 1lb!! :D :D :D :D :D

I know I cheated by getting on the scales early on in the week (when I was 14st 5lbs) but thats another 1/2 a stone gone since last friday!!! I could hardly believe my eyes & had to jump off & back on to check 3 times!!!

I even managed to get myself a ticker to show my progress last night & I'm really chuffed with that too! :D

(Here's a bit of background info if anyone's interested)

I started trying to lose weight in december when I was getting ready for a night out & it dawned on me I had nothing to wear as everything was way too tight :mad: so I nervously stepped on the scales & was shocked/horrified to discover I weighed 15st 7lbs :eek: (I honestly didn't realise how much weight had crept up on me and - especially seeing I was due to get married in a few months time, could've cried :cry: )
Needless to say... I went out and had a thoroughly miserable time, so from then on - I was really, really careful (read hungry) for a whole month & managed to shed 3lbs - yes that's right a WHOLE 3lbs after a month of misery!!??? :confused:

Thankfully I heard a few fellow brides to be were getting great results on Cambridge (I thought not eating "proper food" was pretty extreme but I was pretty desperate so decided to give it a go)

HOW WRONG WAS I?????? it's not extreme at all... more like it's the answer to all my prayers!!! I've NEVER felt better!!

Well I'd better get back to work now before I get in trouble & someone in authority wipes this daft grin off my face :D

Love & best wishes to you all (we can do this!!)

Nic xxx

Hi Nic,

Good Luck on your wedding mission, mine was 3 weeks ago today. Whilst I didn't get down to what I wanted to, Minimins really helped me to get more in control and to at least lose a couple of stone after I joined up. Keep typing through the good and the bad times and you will succeed! Plus...don't make my mistake and break the diet because CD is never as easy as the first time that you try it.

Also, are you pasting your ticker directly into each post? If you are, did you know you can set your signature to automatically appear on all of your posts by pasting the code into the 'Update Signature' page of the User CP menu? Just a tip to save you a job - it also automatically updates when you complete updates on the Tickerfactory website (which I only learned myself this week)!!

Good Luck :)
Yay! it worked!
I also now have a countdown telling me how many hours/minutes I have left (which is quite scary actually!!)

Lost another pound today too!!!!

Nic x
Hey everybody!
Hope you all had a good weekend?
I'm feeling really proud of myself cos i'm almost finished day 14 of S/Sing and not 1 single drop of anything other than my 3 CD meals (& lots of water) has passed my lips!!
I overcame quite an obstacle today, as I went out with H2b & he had the most scrumptious looking sandwich for lunch I have ever seen in my life whilst I calmly ate a peanut crunch bar & drank a litre of water! It felt so good afterwards knowing I hadn't caved in & had a bite!! I almost feel like I can achieve anything now I've got to this point!
Well it's monday morning again & day 15 of my journey to get slim...
Been arranging stuff for my hen nite over the weekend and I'm quite looking forward to it on 1 hand, but on the other hand i'm really panicking about breaking the diet...
Hen nite's gonna be on 31st March (which is less than 6 weeks away) and I'm going away for the weekend with 15 of my friends for the usual "drunken debauchery" but I'm literally petrified of drinking anything other than water (I'm being serious) - obviously I want to go & have fun which will include a certain amount of alcohol & I'll also need to eat proper food cos to drink on a practically empty stomach which has only contained CD shakes for the last 8 weeks probably isn't a good idea is it??
This probably sounds a bit mental? but the last time I went out for H2b's 30th it took a full 2 weeks to get back on track

- It's like I can abstain from food completely but once I eat something my stomach gets a green light to eat anything in sight & I can't stop!!!

I'm so scared of breaking the diet and not being able to get back into it 3 weeks before I get married - cos I could potentially pile a lot of weight on in that time & all this will have been for nothing
Hiya Lovey!!!

I so know where you are coming from!!

I am getting married 24th March and going on hen night 10th march, I have chosen to go to Frankie and Bennys.......cos a) I love their food!!
b) dont really drink so didnt really want to go and have a real piss up!
c) I have my mum and sister+SIL with me and they...and me...wouldnt really want togo clubbing(been there and done that!!)

So I am planning on eating and having a drink or 2 that night...but I will need to get back ontrack the next day so I dont go gaining any weight 2 weeks before the wedding!!

I would suggest you try doing a few AAM in the week before you go away. I know that alcohol has a bad effect on you if you havent been eating or you are on Ketosis...........and you dont want to feel any worse than expected after a bender!!lol
Also its going to be hard going away and sticking to packs 100%(not saying it cant be done) but this is your hen night!

you will just have to make sure you are firm with yourself and get right back to CD asap when you get home again.

Not really any help I know but:rolleyes: I am right with you on this one!!

hope all plans are going well!!

Lou X
Hi NooNoo!
Thanks for the reply (I LOVE Frankie & Benny's food too Mmmm!) The thing is... I'm doing CD & S/Sing so haven't tried the AAM part yet & to be honest i'm even fairly worried about that part!!
There's NO WAY I'm even gonna try and have my packs whilst i'm away with 15 girls who wanna go for Pizza/KFC/something equally yummy but lethal to my weightloss... partly cos they don't know I'm doing Cambridge (I can't be bothered explaining it to everyone & getting all the lectures about how stupid/dangerous it is etc etc...) and partly cos how much fun would that be?? NOT!!
Like you said - it's my hen weekend & I don't fancy torturing myself by watching everyone having a fried brekkie in the hotel and making excuses not to eat mine when I'm in serious need of some stodge to soak up the alcohol from the night before!!
I'll just have a couple of days off - then give it 110% on Monday (might even have to hit the gym?!!) & suppose I'll just have to put up with the suffering!! I know it'll be awful... but the realisation that I only have 3 weeks left till the wedding should be more than enough to make me stay focused (I hope!) ha ha!

Nic x
Morning all!!

Note to self...
Must try to stay away from the scales a bit more cos I stayed the same weight sunday & monday morning which was very dis-heartening as I've stuck to CD 100% and was starting to feel a bit defeated.
I put it down to only drinknig 2L of water per day over the weekend instead of my usual 4-5L so weighed in again on monday night (after drinking my usual amount - thinking I'd see a loss) but couldn't believe my eyes when I'd put 2lbs on!!!
- I tried to reason with myself that it must be water retention but I was majorly upset!! (so much so... I didn't have my 3rd pack & went to bed sulking!)
Thankfully I weighed myself again this morning and I've lost the offending 2lbs plus another 2lbs (taking me down to 13 stone 12lbs) - it's a good job really or I would've found it very hard to stay motivated & not throw in the towel!

So I think there's a lesson to be learned here.... drink drink drink that water and try to limit my obsession with getting on the scales!!

Best wishes to you all

Nic x
Hey everyone!

I'm onto day 17 already & still feeling pretty good about CD.
As I said yesterday, I've banned myself from getting on the scales again until friday morning so hopefully I will be posting another loss then. I seem to be struggling to drink all the water a little bit like I did in the beginning but i'm trying to force my 4 litres down regardless.
I actually felt hungry yesterday for the first time which was quite scary as I haven't cheated at all... but I've put it down to only having 2 of my packs the previous day (after weighing heavier in the evening & feeling so gutted I lost my appetite & had an early night) - I hope this is the reason?
Anyway... I stayed strong and stuck to my 3 packs & hopefully things will go back to normal today.

Nic x
Well day 17 is almost over and although I haven't really felt hungry as such... I seem to be thinking about food a lot more than I have been & kind of missing it a bit (if that makes sense?)
I'm still motivated to stay on the straight and narrow but i just hope this is a passing phase? cos the more time i spend feeling like this... the bigger the temptation to eat something gets.
I think it might be cos during the first fortnight the weight seemed to drop off & I could see the results immediately, but so far the 3rd week hasn't lived up to my expectations? (expectations a little too high me thinks!!)
I know these things take time blah blah blah... but I was kinda hoping people would've started commenting on me losing weight by now and they haven't!! (sob!)
Plus I'm dying to go & try my gorgeous dress on again but just can't face the assistant not being able to do it up at the back and being fairly abrupt about it. I weighed 14 & a half stone when I first tried it on so want to be 13 & a half max before I make my next appointment.
I suppose thats only another 5lbs if I think about it... but patience never was one of my strong points & i just want it to be gone!!!

Nic x
Morning all!

Day 18 and although I promised to stay away from the scales... I let myself down by weighing myself this morning (I'm just so desperate to see myself losing weight) but it backfired cos I've stayed the same since tuesday :-(

I'm trying not to let it get me down but it's quite hard to understand how I'm not losing weight this week when I've stuck to it 100% since day 1?
Has anyone else experienced this? do you have any tips to keep me motivated?

I felt fantastic for the first 2 weeks & thought CD was the answer to all my prayers, but I must admit I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for myself now :-(

It's time for my official weigh in tomorrow and if I haven't at least lost another pound I'll be gutted (which will make the weekend (and all its temptations!!) VERY difficult to get through)

Everyone cross your fingers for me please??


Nic x
Yeah!!! Ketosis rules!

Hello again!

I'm feeling a lot more cheerful than I was this morning! :)
Reason being... I wee'd on one of those ketosis test strips again at lunch time & it went pink for the first time!!
Yahooo!! :D :D :D :D :D I'm now officially in "the zone!!" lots of smiles and renewed motivation for me!!!

Lots of love Nic x
Hey Nic,

STAY AWAY FROM the SCALES! Sorry for shouting he he.

Anyway, well done for your loss so far, keep to your weigh in with your CDC and forget about your scales it just does your head in. At least your in the dream zone of ketosis so keep going honey.

No problem Dawn... I sometimes need someone to shout at me!
Problem is... I don't actually see my CDC :eek: cos she lives too far away & there isn't one in my area :mad: GRRR!!

(she just rings me every friday to see how i'm getting on) :( thats why I'm so pleased to have found this site - I need all the support I can get!!

Maybe I should ask H2b to hide the scales from me? he he!!

Love Nic x
Ah that's a shame Nic, well tell you what treat one day a week as your weekly weigh in and get the scales out only on that day! Then you can have something to focus on once a week hon.

Keep it up tho.
I am being a right hypocryte(sp??!!) here but please try and stay off the scales!

I usually try and have a glass of water as soon as I get out of bed and then i have to reason with myself that there is no point in wi as it would be inaccurate anyway!

They are very tempting but can really sway the mood and the thoughts in your head!

Sometimes you can stay the same all week and then suddenly by wi day you can drop by a couple of pounds.
Could be water retention, totm looming ir various other reasons. Have you started int he bars this week?? other peeps find they can cause weight loss to slow down(i never have personally) or cause a but of constipation:sigh:

Have faith in the diet, it really does work, just you reap what you sow, so hang in there and be extra strong at the weekend.

You will get to where you want to be and be a stunning bride!

just beware.....................having now got to only 30 days left....these next few months will fly past, make the most of them, and enjoy them and get the full amount of benefit out of CD and lose the max you can!

Hugs Lou XX
Hiya NooNoo! :)

Thanks for the advice & encouragement.
I totally agree with what you are saying but I feel a lot better now anyway.
I was a bit disappointed with only losing 3lbs this week, but when I thought about it properly... if I'd been doing weight watchers or slimming world etc... I would have been chuffed with a 3lb loss!! (kind of put things into perspective for me)

I've also had a look at some other threads & they seem to be saying we should average a stone per month which works out at 3 or 4lbs a week anyway. (duh!!) :rolleyes:

I'm sticking to CD 100% and I'm as motivated as ever
(now my little panic is over he he!!) only another 6 or 7 weeks & I need to be in maintenance to get my final dress fitting!!

Good luck with your weight loss & wedding planning hun! :D

Lots of love
Nic x
Day 20 of my journey to be slim

Hey everyone! :wavey:

How are you all doing? I'm great as I did another ketosis test this morning & it was even darker pink than my last one :D

I've also just discovered how yummy the chocolate shakes are when you have them hot! :wow: Mmmm!!
Can't believe what I've been missing out on!!:doh: DEEELICIOUS!!!!

.... I must confess my addiction to the scales :scale: hasn't improved yet (sorry Dawn & NooNoo I tried not to do it!! but the voices in my head made me!!! :crazy: ) - it's OK tho... I've lost another pound!! YIPPEE!!!

Also... (as if you hadn't noticed he he!!) I've just discovered all these FAB new smilies Yay!!!

Love to all

Nic x
Hi there Nic, well done on another pound! You are going great guns and I love those icons!!lol

Just a note though, the darker the ketostix is doesnt mean you are further into ketosis it actually means you are not drinking enough water, its supposed to be in the lower end of the pinks, so I would suggest upping your water a bit.

Tut tut about the scales though:( ....mind you I guess its better being atticted to the scales than being addicted to food...so I guess its the lesser of the 2 evils!

I am just off to update my diary.........28 days to go ..OMG!!!! I am really looking forward to it and as yet I am not nervous or stressing about anything...but I guess there is still time!!:rolleyes:

Have a good day hon......

Lou XX