A confession

This might do it though - apparently where you get those cones of meat, they sometimes slap the new meat over the old and food hygiene people have found that the middle is completely infested with maggots where it's decomposed.

Still fancy a kebab?[/quote]

Where did you hear that from? I had a kebab last week, the first one in YEARS. Now it will be my last....Yukky yuk yuk.
drink more water!!!
I Love your honesty. Hope the cravings have now subsided.. Way to ride it out..

Sorry, I'm with you on this one mate, I never really liked kebabs before I started this diet, but the lapses have been with twister kebabs, I think I'm trying to fool myself by saying as it's a tortilla it must be healthy!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

OMG, with garlic sauce too, help! I need to go to bed!!!
Oh I forgot, the packet of Sour Haribo that my little brother left on the table are CALLING me!!!

Squeeze some fairy liquid on them....quick!!!!!! :eek:;)
An American's First Taste of a Kebab.

WHen I first moved here, my husband wanted me to taste all the local fare, the traditional foods of England. So we worked our way through a few things, and I kept hearing him mention a Donner Kebab. (I thought he was saying a Dona Kebab...lol)

So one night, we ventured down to the shop and got our kebabs. I was intriqued by this mass of odd coloured meat, spinning in a vertical position, draining streams of fat into a tray below. Intrigues may be the wrong word - I think it was more fear.

But the Pita bread and the salad looked nice, and the chilis - I am always up for chilis. SO I ventured in and we got two to go. We took them down to the seafront, and en route, I could not quite discern the smell. Was it beef? Was it pork? Chicken? HORSE?? I really could not tell what it was. But, being adventurous, I was still game.

My first bite was all lettuce, chili and sauce and i thought MMMmmmm this i good!

Second bite, a chili! YUM!

Third bite - WHAT IS THAT!!?? Is that the meat??? It was the same as the smell - I could not tell what it was.

I had another couple of bites, not really enjoying it, but playing a game with my taste buds - " I can name that meat in 5 bites Alex!" (reminiscent of an old American Game show - Name That Tune).

But I couldn't. I asked my husband again, "What are these called?"

"Donner Kebabs"

"Dona Kebabs?"

"No Donner. D - O - N - N - E - R"

<gulp> "DONNER!!!???"

"Yes, why?"

Ii said, "That explains the mystery taste - we are eating PEOPLE!!!" :D

He asked me to explain.....

One of California's majoe events in history is when the pioneers attempted to migrate from the midwest to the west coast in Covered Wagons. A very brave journey considering they would be trespassing on the Indian Territories.

But a small party set out, with all their worldy possessions and dreams of a new life in an undiscovered part of the country.

They planned the journey and loaded what they thought was enough food for the trek.

The journey was slower then they thought, and by the time the reached the SIerra Nevada Mountain range, winter was upon them. And winter is harsh in the Sierras.

They made it to the summit of one peak, nestled just above Donner Lake. But they could go no further. Winter had stopped them in their tracks. They could not go forward, nor could they retreat. And they did not have enough food to last until spring.

Inevitably, one by one, members of the group perished and died.

When the food rations were gone - the remaining few survivors started eyeing each other. THey then had another idea - the only idea for survival....and they ate the members of the party that died before them.

They have been referred to hereafter as the "Donner Party".

So - you see - Donner Kebabs ARE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAH AH AHA HA HA HA HA

:eat: :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao: :eat:
Wow - an amazing tale BL! I've never been one for Donner Kebabs ... but I was partial to the chicken shish kebabs. Somehow I convinced myself it was 'healthy eating' as it was chicken breast ... well, as far as junk food is concerned I suppose it WAS healthy! :rolleyes: (compared to the donner anyway)
Oh dear BL, all I can think of now is Soylent Green!

I have to admit, I think I have only ever had one kebab in my entire life. Watching the greasy rotating...minced...thing...whatever it is...is enough to put me off even without the horror stories. :eek:
Dave, you're just incorrigible! :D
:cry:confession of the chicken craver!

OK so when Im attempting healthy eating, chicken doesnt seem to appeal..a good old KEBAB perhaps but not nec. chicken. LAST night, 2 days into foodpacks and the chicken tikka in fridge is enticing me....i guess its better thahn choc or crisps...maybe its just the munch i miss...ahh wish me well..more confessionals to come no doubt..

PS i did succumb to the chickens cries!:cry: