A Hotel Manager's Diary To A Healthier Life! 11/42

Heya love, glad to hear you're finally getting some time to relax. You have had one heck of a week so I wouldn't worry to much about a loss or gain. If getting to the meetings is just another stress factor in your life why not eliminate it? You could always start going again in the future if there is another group opens that suits you better. You could always go to one tonight to buy any books or magazines that you think might come in handy while you go it alone? We're always here to help you too. .x.x.x.

Thanks Abi I have drawn a line under it and have started again. I will get to whatever meeting I can this week (which is none whatsoever of the ones I needed to go to!) I will get myself a magazine and maybe a couple of books to help me out. I feel like I have to go though! I bought at 12 week countdown!

When that finishes I am definitely going alone :)

I hope that all is well for you and that you are a bit more relaxed- don't worry about the gain it will be off in no time!

Back with a bang!

Shopping done! Head screwed on! Feeling better with the exception of an ear infection due to being run down!

Mahoosive shop arriving tomorrow afternoon with lots of yumminess in it. Have also got a microwave now (woo!) and have even bought soup (eek!)

My 8 in 1 cooker has arrived which is excellent also and I am looking forward to using it :)

I am taking homemade meatballs and salad to work with me tonight as well as a tub of fat free Greek yogurt to eat (I will get home honey and fruit at work!) as they have now stopped offering salads on a Wednesday and Saturday night (gala dinners) but I don't often work those anyway!

Boiled eggs tomorrow morning! Followed by beans and then fruit for lunch and then chicken with homemade Cajun chips, salad and Maggie so juicy garlic rub (5 syns) with quark and options orange hot chocolate for afters! (Yum!!)

Monday- grapefruit & boiled eggs at work, jacket potato/salad for lunch. Lamb and mixed pepper stir fry for dinner. (Earlies)

Tuesday- grapefruit & boiled eggs at work, smoked salmon and olive salad for lunch. Cajun chicken pieces and roasted veg for dinner. (Earlies)

Wednesday- bacon, eggs and mushrooms for brunch. Greek yogurt, capers, olives, garlic, mushrooms and bacon pasta with salad for dinner (Lates)

Thursday- bacon, eggs and mushrooms for brunch. Ham salad with homemade coleslaw at work (Lates)

Friday- boiled eggs & grapefruit at work. Tuna salad with capers olives mushrooms and peppers for lunch/train. Dinner with parents!

Weekend at home in Harrogate. And then comes the biggest test... Away on a course for a week in Stratford upon Avon with work. Please God I hope they let me have salads!!!!

Morning Ruth :), glad that your feeling much better hun and you've committed to the 12 week countdown. I hope the groups that you go to are supportive and friendly. Wow you seem to have covered a lot this week, well done for that, your food diary looks fab ! You sound well organised for the week ahead. Congrats on the new microwave ! :p Hope you'll have a chance to cook up some scrummy meals. I hope with all the hard work your putting in, you have a fantastic loss this week. Staying positive for you hun :D . I'm so happy that you're sounding much happier and healthier, long may this continue :) !

Hugs Kay xx
Check you out miss thing! That is one organised week! You're food is looking fab, but make sure you are getting enough if you're running around like a blue bottomed fly again! The only thing I would say is where are you hex a&bs fitting in? Dont forget about those little lovelies.
Morning Ruth :), glad that your feeling much better hun and you've committed to the 12 week countdown. I hope the groups that you go to are supportive and friendly. Wow you seem to have covered a lot this week, well done for that, your food diary looks fab ! You sound well organised for the week ahead. Congrats on the new microwave ! :p Hope you'll have a chance to cook up some scrummy meals. I hope with all the hard work your putting in, you have a fantastic loss this week. Staying positive for you hun :D . I'm so happy that you're sounding much happier and healthier, long may this continue :) ! Hugs Kay xx

Hello Kay!

So do I! Thank you so much I am really looking forward to it and being healthier too! Sick of being poorly which is why I bought some soups because my ears and throat are in a right mess!

Hope you're well :)

Check you out miss thing! That is one organised week! You're food is looking fab, but make sure you are getting enough if you're running around like a blue bottomed fly again! The only thing I would say is where are you hex a&bs fitting in? Dont forget about those little lovelies. .x.x.x.

Hello Abi!

I have bought my laughing cow and Babybel lights :D also got my new Covent garden potato and leek soup and my olive oil :) although the way I am feeling today it may be soup for dinner :/ thank you for your positive comments :)

Hope you're alright!

Ah yes sorry, forgetting soups can be a B choice too. I love cheesey bits to pick at for hex A (mostly because there's no measuring) Apparently you can freeze them and grate them into your meals to make a cheese sauce or whatever, I've never tried it myself though.

Im not too bad just a bit of a hangover, but it was totally worth it haha. Looking forward to sticking to plan for the rest of the week, trying my best to be low syn too.

My consultant was saying something interesting this week. Someone was saying oh its ok Im only losing 1/2lb now Im nearly at target, so my weightloss is slowing down. His reply was that it doesnt matter, Yes it might be easier when you have a lot to lose but more often you get those big losses in the first few weeks because the plan is all new and you have the commitment and drive, you double check all of your syns and always have you're book open. So Im trying to get my focus back and really make an effort, no eating out and snacking and Im doing a food diary too.

Waiting for my delivery to come. Haven't had this much time off in over 2 weeks and I am at a loose end as it's too windy to go out believe to or not! It's taking everything I have not to raid the cupboards... Therefore I have found that porridge with chocolate spread in it is rather nice!!!! Better than other things I could have eaten, my glands are swollen and it's the first time I have made porridge haha! Yummy :)

It needs to hurry up though serious boredom eating!!!

Ah yes sorry, forgetting soups can be a B choice too. I love cheesey bits to pick at for hex A (mostly because there's no measuring) Apparently you can freeze them and grate them into your meals to make a cheese sauce or whatever, I've never tried it myself though. Im not too bad just a bit of a hangover, but it was totally worth it haha. Looking forward to sticking to plan for the rest of the week, trying my best to be low syn too. My consultant was saying something interesting this week. Someone was saying oh its ok Im only losing 1/2lb now Im nearly at target, so my weightloss is slowing down. His reply was that it doesnt matter, Yes it might be easier when you have a lot to lose but more often you get those big losses in the first few weeks because the plan is all new and you have the commitment and drive, you double check all of your syns and always have you're book open. So Im trying to get my focus back and really make an effort, no eating out and snacking and Im doing a food diary too. .x.x.

Oh wow I like the idea about the frozen cheese!

And your consultant is right I remember it always being said that you need to go back to how it was in your first few weeks and shake things up- then things will be fine in no time!

I'm sure that your effort will pay off no problem!!

Not too bad, having a relaxed sofa day after some long shifts at work. Glad your feeling better xx

Ooo sounds fab! Yes I am glad I am feeling better too, I don't do being I'll well!!! I'm always so busy so can't stand stopping!!



Once again I am exhausted. Food is still in the fridge but I still haven't eaten at home. Hoping to get home soon!!!

I am ravenous as well so I really need to make the most of it! Ugh sometimes even though I love my job it doesn't fit in with ordinary life!!!

Aww hun :( At least you know you have lots of nice food waiting for you when you get in.
I know you said you had been able to delegate some of your workload, is that still working? maybe you could unload some more?
Or just move into the hotel! haha
Hope you manage to get a relax soon, make sure you're taking care of yourself.