A new mum trying to get healthy!


Gold Member
I have a 13 week old baby boy :) who i want to be healthy for. I hate the way i look right now, I dont fit into any of my clothes :(( i have clothes ranging from size 24 to size 10, i know i will never be a size 10 again, but would like to be a 12-14).

I have lost weight CC before so i am sure i can do it again. I need to stay motivated, and need help to do that. I just fed LO his 11pm feed went downstairs for a bottle and was going to grab a biscuit, but decide to come on her and read post for motivation :)

I need to loose a lot of weight, i think my mini goals will help me.

I am aiming to start of around 1400-1500 cals a day and then have a sat or sun on 1600-1700 ish I am going to do this for 3 or 4 week and see how it goes I may need to giggle my cals about a bit.

I love cooking so hope to make lots of health meal, i am lucky hubby will eat anything ( bar salmon!) and so will I ( bar fennel as it makes me sick!) I do find bread/wheat bloats me so i TRY no to eat loads. i don't eat that much protein, so I am going to try and up this. several years ago i had CFS/ME and I feel with the sleepless night this is lurking about and eating more protein seems to give me more energy.

i don't do any exercise other than walk with the buggy, i am slowly going to increase this if i can.

I have just had a load of blood test done to check my thyroid and iron levels due to the tiredness, and waiting to see what come back.

My aim for this week is to try and drink more water, as i drink loads of tea and coffee as i am always freezing :( but hopefully the warmer weather will help with this!

Best get some sleep before the 4am feed!

Hi Hun good luck! I've just started too my LO is 2 weeks old tomorrow, it goes so fast!
Looking forward to reading your diary xx
Thank you guys xxx

Mrs-s you are doing so well, when my little one was 2 weeks old I was barley out of my PJs let alone getting started on weight loss :) You should be proud of yourself.

currently drinking hot water with a squeeze of lemon! Did this when I worked in a nursery with ginger every morning to try and avoid colds, as my immune system is rubbish, need to add ginger to shopping list! figure its health so cant do any harm!

Going out to lunch with a friend to a local family pub in her village so no idea of cal in food am thinking of a salad if its as hot as they say its going to be! So not sure how I will work it out! At least we are walking so that should use some cals, am going to start taking a bottle of water with me wherever I go, to save some pennies as I am forever buying drinks and also to help up up my water intake

Porridge made with skimmed milk and blueberries ( that desperately needed using up!) 261 cals

gammon, chips, peas and pineapple ??? cals

Apple 70 cals
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jules1981 said:
Thank you guys xxx

Mrs-s you are doing so well, when my little one was 2 weeks old I was barley out of my PJs let alone getting started on weight loss :) You should be proud of yourself.

currently drinking hot water with a squeeze of lemon! Did this when I worked in a nursery with ginger every morning to try and avoid colds, as my immune system is rubbish, need to add ginger to shopping list! figure its health so cant do any harm!

Going out to lunch with a friend to a local family pub in her village so no idea of cal in food am thinking of a salad if its as hot as they say its going to be! So not sure how I will work it out! At least we are walking so that should use some cals, am going to start taking a bottle of water with me wherever I go, to save some pennies as I am forever buying drinks and also to help up up my water intake

Porridge made with skimmed milk and blueberries ( that desperately needed using up!) 261 cals

Thanks :) I was on a diet when I got pregnant still trying to lose baby weight from my toddler so I was careful all through pregnancy, I only put on 1stone and had lost that on Monday so I just have the 2.5 stone from toddler to get rid of now lol, been itching to diet all through pregnancy so I've been excited to get back to it! Have sister in laws wedding in October to be at goal for and got a christening next month so I want t look good when I see people rather than still looking pregnant haha x

I can't get into hot water and lemon. I know it's meant to be good for you but tastes like washing up water to me haha, have fun at your lunch! Just ask for dressing on the side etc and pick something you know won't be massive on calories like chicken or prawns x
I didn't like the hot water and lemon at first, but am used to it now. I used to be the same with green tea too!

well done for being good during your pregnancy, i ate all the wrong stuff and now paying for it, oh well! little goals are the way forward :) although have just had my big goal moved forward! My best friend is getting married sometime next may in Kos and I soooooooo want to go :) I am hoping I can be 10stone by then- but we will see! It will depend on £ too, but fingers crossed we can save hard!

didn't do well with my lunch, we went for 2 meals for 310 deal and I had gammon, chips, peas and pineapple 9 figured that was healthier than fried egg!) But then only had fruit for tea, but no idea on call, but hopefully under!

Off to get some zzzzzzz!
Dont think it would be too bad don't worry about it! I can't ever help myself when we go out I end up having a massive blow out! You did well to pick something healthyish and to pull it back at tea time x
Hi we have had such a busy weekend! Ate out fri, sat and yesterday! But made healthy choices :) apart from my prawn salad which turned out to be prawn mayo :eek: but it was nice! walked lots and my legs ache, but i think that more to do with the fact I was walking in silly flip flops rather than doing any goo really!

Am now off walking up the shops-the long way as off round friends for lunch :) thinking tuna salad or wraps, at least if i buy it I can keep an eye on cals.

Will drop by everyone's diaries tonight as we are supposed to be there @9am :p that's NOT going to happen with a 3 month old!

oh had a sneaky weigh in this morning lost 1lbs :) know its not a lot but every lb counts right 1 less to go :)

haven't been doing very well with cc!

breakfast was 260 cals

snack 1 choc digestive ???

Lunch-jacket pot with tuna lf salad cream an sweetcorn and salad- no idea of cals????

Snack diet pepsi and babybel chesse 41 cals

Tea-asda ready meal low fa ttagteli think it was around 400 cal with steamed mixed veg 48 cal and yog 108 cals

Need to add up everything tomorrow!

Off too get some sleep!!!

I typed a long post out at home yesterday but no idea where it went, maybe i posted on the wrong diary, Whoops!( stayed my parents last night so now on there slowwwwwww computer!)

Mrs s you are so good I have to add up everything! I am wandering round with a bit of paper with everything i eat written down, as cant always get to computer!

Walked into town yesterday :) and going for a walk today cant wait till I can get some comfee trainers!

I have lost 2lbs this week :) not great but please :) any loss is good :) to me.

Must get back to logging daily.

Apple, Rivta and peanut butter 270 cals

Babybel cheese x 2 quavers hard boiled egg 276cals

quorn steak, mixed veggies and a few of hubbies oven chips! 450 cals
Jelly and pineapple 150????

total 1146 so far

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I update as I go along on here on my phone haha so I don't forget!

Iv just been calorie counting for a while now so I know roughly what the things I regularly eat are x
My phones so old!!! little one slept for 2 hours this morning and nearly 3 this afternoon, he never sleeps that much have started putting him in his cot during the day he sleeps so much better :) tried it before and he screamed! bet he wont sleep tonight. Anyway no walk but all housework done :) and tea ready to be put on :)

That's good, both of mine sleep with us in our bed so it's very cramped in our bed haha, my toddler will not sleep in his own bed, the LO is better though and goes in his Moses basket quite often, hope to keep him in the habit of sleeping by himself lol. X
Aw I just cant sleep with him in bed am convinced hubby will roll over onto him, must be so lovely to all cozy up together. xxx
I think you just know they are there though, like you know where the edge of the bed is and don't fall out haha it's just the same lol x
Had a lovely day, with my god son and his mummy :)

eating was good apart from scone- but avoided butter and just had jam ;)

Hard boiled egg and oatcakes 200 cals


wrap with tuna, salad, olives and crisps 498 cal

Scone and jam 160

Quorn cottage pie with mixed veggies 300
pineapple and jelly 95

Ribena 40???
Milk in tea and coffee 70

Total 1363
They are ready made ones Hun dole fruit ones :) dont think I have ever tried making it with proper fruit :)

I seem to have eaten loads today :) but low in cals!

1/2 crumpet, egg whites and smoked salmon and 200 mls milk 186

raisins and apricots 50 cal

Rivta, cottage cheese and salmon, olives 300

Oatcakes x2 and an apple 160

fish in parsley sauce with mixed veggies 200
Bacon stole from hubbies pizza 50
Pineapple 200 ( not really sure this is a guess 1/2 small pineapple!)

going to have a hot chco later

Total 1186

Saw friends today and I turned down soooooo many treats we didn't leave our friends till 6pm was so tempted to get take away but didn't saved £ for Greece pot :)

Am watching the voice watched it at the beginning then missed the middle now watching it at the end!

Grrr! babybrain cant change my ticker :) xxx