A quest for the old happy Em

Nasty scales said I'd gained 1.6lb this morning but I'll wait till WI on Sunday before I get all upset. Even if I have gained it'll be because I had lots of nice meals out and if I hadn't gymed it'd be even worse - so that's some consolation right!?

No gym this morning because my cold is a lot worse, all bunged up and wooly headed. Probably would have worked from home if I didn't have my xmas meal after work to go to. Hopefully I'll be able to taste it :)

Still....I managed 3 times a week for 2 weeks in a row, that's pretty darn good for me. I have 3 opportunities for gyming next week too and only 1 meal out ;-)
The scales were really really mean to me by the time Sunday rolled round....2.5lb gain!! So I know I had meals out, I had a stinking cold, and as of last night it's * week a few days earlier than expected - all of which would make me gain weight.

So I'm trying to think positive. Last month * was a week late and I worried that as my weight had gone up a bit my pcos had possibly got worse and I'd lost those nice regular visits I'd been so happy to see back after coming off the pill. Seeing it back on track again this month makes me feel loads better about that now. I'm still in shock that I'm receiving regular visits for the first time in my life!

I still managed 3 gym sessions which can only have helped, did lots of sweaty housework yesterday which has to count as body magic! My boyfriend feels the cold so the house was a bit too warm, it was like working in a sauna :)

Off to the gym tonight, hopefully visit 1 of 3....

Fingers crossed for a good week.
Well what a great start to the week - 4 quality street sweets stuffed in my face today. While it's very nice people bring in chocolates.....not so nice when I have no will power!!

So 160 cals approx to burn off tonight. I usually burn off about 300 according to the machines so it should be fine.

You know how people who use the gym and exercise are always injured and you can't help thinking the sofa is safer!? Well my knee has been playing up since last Wednesday so just proves my point! Didn't do anything to it that I remember doing, it just aches. Going to just work through it though as I can't be taking time out from the gym when I've barely started.
Thanks Jane, it's just a hard time of year isn't it. It's hard to keep focussed when every few days another meal or chocolate or mince pie comes along to sabotage your efforts.

I did go to the gym last night but my knee feels worse for it today :-( Oh well, at least I did it. Planning for 2 more morning visits this week, Wednesday and Friday to space them out nicely.

Been at the quality street again today, another 4, but then if I syn them my day should still be fine. They're nearly gone!!
I stand by the claim that exercise is no good for you. My knee is hurting sonme more now after a morning gym sesh so no more this week for me. I'll rest it up till Monday and see how it goes.

Scales are telling me I've porked on another 1.2lb since Sunday so that makes it all feel worth while right!? Going to make a doctors appointment I think as clearly all this gaining weight malarky started when I came off that pill earlier on in the year so I want to try changing my thyroid meds slightly as I know my levels aren't right. I wanted to lose weight first so they couldn't argue it's my excess weight making me tired but now I think I'm a position to confidently say my medication isn't right as I'm still tired and not right.

Hope everyone else is in a cheerier mood than me this morning!? :)
Weigh in day again, lost 0.9lb so that's pretty good. Only gymed twice in the end because of my knee but it's just getting worse rather than better. Just so infuriating not knowing what's up with it.

Start of a new week, going to try and gym and see how I go. Be nice if I could just get a STS for this week.:character00115:
Week's been a bit up and down. Not really sticking to the plan, more just calorie counting and trying to keep it as sensible as possible. Well as sensible as you can with mince pies and biscuits lying around the office!!

Went out with a friend last night, the one who used to go to classes when I did a while back. She's since been going through a divorce which did wonders for her weight loss! but since the stress died back a bit she's been getting into old habits and wants to get back on track in the new year before she puts any of it back on.

We decided last night that Wednesdays will be our own fat club night (as her ex husband has their daughter that night) and we’ll text each other our weekly weight and go for walks rather than meals or drinks out to catch up on gossip. She’s drinks though, so unlike me wouldn't be content to go out for diet cokes all night J It also means we can cook SW friendly meals for each other that we can’t inflict on ‘normal ‘ people ;-)
Well done on your weight loss Emmylou.Sounds like an excellent arrangement with your friend. Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas EmmyLou. x
Like half the women in the country I'm sat here thinking 'new year, new start, lose the weight' blah blah blah. Oh and probably like everyone in the country I'm thinking tomorrow morning is going to be a nasty shock to the system what with having to get up and go to work! I've had a week off.....scoffed my own (considerably larger than pre xmas) body weight in crap food and have basically slobbed around enjoying some time off work :D

I did get my bedroom redecorated so that's something, the xmas tree is down and the house is cleaned but the poor oven and hob and my filthy dirty car didn't get a look in. I forgot the wreath on the front door though and only spotted it after I'd closed the loft hatch so that'll have to wait till next weekend now.

The grand total of weight gain for the last fortnight is 5.4lb :eek: and that was on top of what was already my heaviest weight last year. So now my work trousers are too tight but luckily I kept the last pair I shrunk out of just in case of such emergencies. I haven't kept any clothes bigger than that though so I have a very small window in which to turn things around.

Today has been back on plan and tomorrow is back to the gym. I daresay it'll be packed with all those people with new years resolutions :) My knee isn't right still as I've obviously clicked something out of place as I can feel it click. I did it a few years back by falling over and a second fall a few months afterwards banged it back in. I'm not going to try and knock it back in this time though but I'm going to keep going to the gym regardless as I have to.

So fingers crossed this week brings some sort of loss on the scales and everyone has a great first diet week of the year too. x
Happy New Year EmmyLou and good luck with your SW week! I am going to bite the bullet and go back to a SW class tonight for about 3 mnths(decided to buy a 12 week countdown with christmas money). I am a bit nervous but feel that the thought of being publicly weighed might give me the push that I need. x
Well I'm feeling good about today so far. I've resisted two huge chocolate bars in our department (that unfortunately were going very slowly as everyone else seemed to be on a diet too!), then birthday doughnuts were brought in by someone at lunch which I also turned down. I've had my two HexB's and 4 syns so far and dinner will be 3 syns. I think 4 syns on one of the heinz squeeze and stir soups was a bit of a waste of syns but I just wanted to try one and thought they might be less than that really. Just as well I didn't buy the tomato one at 7 syns :eek:

I'm now off to the gym to fight the hoards of new gymers wanting to get fit for the new year.

Good luck at class tonight Jane, 2012 is the year we both start to see those scales go the right way for a change :)
A new visistor to my diary - thanks :) It's easy to forget that I have still lost 2.5 stone when I get all down over all the gains I've had lately.

Last night was busy at the gym as expected, lots of new couples joining together as oposed to friends and unfortunately a large group of boys about 15 years old who were messing around dropping weights while trying to lift silly big ones and jumping off treadmills and leaving them going.Not sure why they were there after school hours but hopefully they won't be there again. I'm still shocked at how much fitness you can lose in the space of a week and a half but I did make myself do my usual routine and my stomach muscles aren't hurting today or my arms too much so that's a result. I think the only reason my arms ache a bit is from doing tricep dips on the bottom stair in the hall last night!

I watched that new show on 4 last night called Fat Fighters following personal trainers and it had exercises you could try at home. One of which was tricep dips to banish bingo wings - 20 a day aparently. So I promptly went off to strain myself in the hallway! There's a lot of me to lift up on my puny fat girl arms so it wasn't the controlled elegant movements the twiglet on the telly did but it certainly worked my arms!!

Can I do that again tonight? Not sure. I might do 5 and be in agony and stop ;-)

I also watched the first episode of The Biggest Loser. After watching lots of the American one my boyfriend downloaded for us it's odd to watch the British one and not have Alison presenting it or Bob training and not have the show go on for 1.5hrs. The British one isn't a patch on it unfortunately and I'm not a Davina fan but I will still be watching the whole series :) The American one started last night too so we'll be downloading that as well. So much great telly for the new year - I love it!! I do find telly about diets and stuff motivating too as it reminds me what I'm supposed to be doing.

Tonight I'm cooking for a friend, SW friendly veggie chili. I guess tonight is our first official night of our at home fat club and if the weather is nice we'll go off for a walk too.
No walk last night in the rain and gales but she did like my veggie chili so that's good. She's going to cook me a veggie risotto next week :)

I had a bit of a headache and didn't feel great this morning so no gym today but I will be going tomorrow to make up 2 visits this week so not too bad. The scales were still being good to me today and yesterday I managed a 5 syn day so I was quite pleased with that.
WI this morning....1.8lbs down. Not as good as I'd hoped as I've gymed, turned down cakes, chocolate and walked for 5 hours yesterday but a loss is a loss and on any week but a 'first' week I'd be amazed at a loss that big. Hey ho, never happy am I!?

Fingers crossed for a good loss next week too :)