A Weigh of Life

Emmmm............well........yes! But you won't die, you'll feel as though you might but you'll be fine by day 4, you'll ache that's all, don't think anyones ever died from achey legs?
Oh and yes I think it's totally ok to say to random people, feel my bum it's well firm innit ;) xx
Zoe, I believe there is a long thread about this DVD in 'off topic' I remember seeing it over the weekend. Might be worth a quick read? as lots of people had commented. I remember someone saying lots of star jumps etc and my old fat knees don't cope with those yet. xxxxx
As you may have noticed I'm not yet in Tesco at the checkout with my dvd. I decided to eat before I went to prevent any bakery incidents.

But as way of making me do it without backing out tomorrow - here's my before shots:


Bust - 40.5 inches, Waist 35 inches, Hips 43 inches, thighs 25.5 inches, Arms 12.5 inches
I'm 5ft 3. (not expecting Jillian to make me taller tho)
Okay - final request for advice...... can I do it barefoot or do I need trainers?

Hi Zoe,

I have done lots of DVD exercise tapes in my time, starting with Jane Fonda, yes I am that old

Good rule of thumb if you are moving about a lot on your feet, wear trainers. This will protect your joints from the impact and keep you stable on your feet. E.g zumba, dancefit, boxercise, Rosemary Connelly.
If the exercise is mainly floor based then no need for trainers e.g. yoga, palates.

Hope this helps

DVD/Video exercise past history:
· Jane Fonda – feel the burn
· Cher step – needed and operation after this one :(
· Rosemary Connelly 3 different ones – ok I guess
· Palates – hard work for lying down most of the time
· Gerry Hallowell – don’t say it I know
· Some American skinny girl throwing herself around the room – that didn’t last long either
· Callentics – the best one ever for sculpting your body I did it in the late 80’s but I think you can still get it on DVD
It was fun remembering all those not lease how many years I have been doing some kind of exercise starting in the 70's eek :eek:

I even did running for a while until my hips packed in. I now have 2 new ones and walk, cross trainer, RPM(spinning) and body balance class (a mixture of palate/yoga & tai chi) not all at once you understand.

Sorry I have babbled on a bit :eek:
good luck with the exercise

Lynda xx

Juicy July Challenge

My personal challenge 30lbs in 12 weeks…..:scale:

The Whole Picture

Wk 1 - 6
Wk 2 -1.5 ...1/2 Stone Award :D ... SOTW
Wk 3 - 4.5 ... SOTW
Wk 4 - 3 ....1 Stone Award :D …SOTW
Wk 5 + 1....Bronze Body Magic Award
Wk 6 –5 …:D

My Diary… http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-weight-loss-diary/222393-lyndas-life.html
Well, that was a palava. Tesco don't sell it. Neither does the HMV near my work (I rang), I just ordered from amazon and I've paid extra to have it delivered tomorrow by 1pm.

Thank you. We have the Jane Fonda on video somewhere. Although we no longer have a video player. My mum got that when I was a kid and played it about 3 times I reckon.

I've never done an exercise dvd before. I've done a bit on the wii fit but we unplugged that last year for building work and never hooked it back up.

I now have a bedroom with enough space to exercise in private so hopefully I can get to grips with this and eradicate some wobble.

I'll keep you all updated on how I get on


I've always had the benefit of having absolutely NO belly at all (unless I sit down). even at school I had a flatter/tighter stomach than the girls that did dancing 3 or 4 times a week. It's my hips, bum and thighs that carry all my weight. And I've learnt how to hide it well (note how my trousers are slightly too long making my legs appear longer).

If oding Jillian can get rid of that little muffiny bit hanging over the sides I'd be over he moon. If it can slim down my thunder thighs it will be a miracle.
You already look great in your photos, you've already got a flat tum! Well jel! ;) It'll be perfect for you, you'll have abs to die for by the end,promise. Google before and after 30 day shred and have a look at some of the amazing results (no I don't work for Jillian ;) I've done myself a sad little chart I've stuck on the fridge, so when I feel like missing a day, it reminds and motivates me.

I'm sorry to have to do this but I'm going to have to start making notes on here about when George comes to visit me. Currently the only way I know when I'm due on is by reading back through my posts on here and trying to work out from my weigh in diaries.

So, it's not happened yet, and I wasn't even aware it's due until I realised I just got paid so it must be. George was last here just WI15, and as WI19 is due Wednesday it's got to be about to happen.

Has anyone else found that as they're losing weight the normal signs start to disappear? I used to know it was coming because the hubbas would ache for the week beforehand. That's stopped.

Anyway - this is the best place I can think of storing it without having to mark it on my calendar where The Mother can see it. She used to make me do that when I was younger and she suspected I'd started doing The Sexy Body Magic before I was meant to.

I'm waffling.

Also, DO NOT (!!!!) let me use George as an excuse for not doing Jillian. If i"m going to be achey and crampy anyway it's best I get the two things out of the way together.

I bought new trainers as well. They're horribly girlie. Fortunately they'll only come out in the bedroom.
What phone have you got? I've got an app on my iPhone called period tracker, it's ace ( and free) it tells me when I'm due, when I'm ovulating and when I'm fertile. ( not tonight dear I'm fertile) :D
Hi Zoe

You look really good in the pics - I can see a difference from one of the very first you posted so keep at it hun.

Good luck with the 30 Day Shred. I did day 1 and abandoned it! Far too much impact exercise for my very arthritic body. But everyone else I know who's done it highly recommends it!
Wow. Do I feel like I have some magical power to summon the devil or harness the seasons.

It's almost like I looked in the mirror and muttered Beetlejuice three times.

Within about half hour of posting George arrived. No forewarning. No signs. Just my faint suspicion he was due.
So - my date stamp for next month - 18/7

Anyway: Shred update: I missed the postman. I have to wait 24 hours for him to get back to the post office. I might invite him to join me in keeping fit as I can walk there in 20 minutes so he must be really out of shape.

I bought new trainers yesterday (in sale - £42). And a yoga mat thing. Supposedly non slip but I still reckon I'll go arse over tit on it. Alsobought another DVD for a fiver: Belly, Butt and Thigh Blasters. It came with a free sculpting loop. I don't even know what that is.

I am in agony with cramps so still in bed. But they should be gone by tomorrow so my body is completely clear for the pain of shred.
Weigh In 19 - 1lb on

Bloody George!!! Seriously. He bought with him a gift of an extra pound. SO I"m back up to 13 stone again. I seriously seriously seriously have issues with getting down into the next stone and getting clear of it quickly.


BUT, I have just completed day 1 of the 30 Day Shred. And wow. I ache already. Thank god I live on one level and I didn't have to cope with getting up any stairs for a shower. I only had to drag my wobbly arse a few feet into the ensuite.

I'm going to be realistic as I know now I can't do this 30 days in a row. I'm working teh next 3 Sundays which are killers already without adding in Jillian. There's no way I"m getting up at 5am, working 10 hours and then getting home at 6pm and adding the Shred into the mix.

Looking at my diary and counting days I can definitely do it and allowing a few for being a cop out I'm aiming to have it done and dusted in time for my weigh in on 24th August. So 5 weeks.

Kind of hoping this will have a big effect on my weight loss too or I'm likely to start getting disillusioned with it all again.

I've done all my before pictures properly now. In shorts. So you can see all my well hidden wobbly bits (thighs and arse) and I'm going to do some close ups of the bingo wings. I'll save you the pleasure of admiring my stretch marks and won't post until I'm done. Or maybe after every level. Depends how well I do.

Hope you're all doing okay, chicas

I'm really interested to see how you find the 30 day shred I am thinking of getting it myself but don't know if it's going to be too hard and I'll give up! You can be the guinea pig on this one and if it's any good I'll get off my arse and do it too. Good luck ;)
Quite happy to be your guinea pig Shigby. If I can do it it's a good sign anyone can. I've done pretty much zero exercise since I started SW apart from an occasional swim and a bit of walking. I smoke 20 cigarettes a day and pretty much give my doctor a heart attack whenever she sees me. I get out of breath going up one flight of stairs and walking down to the shops leaves me looking like I just ran a marathon.

So if I can do it anyone on the planet can.

We'll see how I get on. Right now the stomach muscles down the sides of my stomach hurt. I'm no expert but looking at a picture I'm going to plump for these being my internal oblique abdominals.

I'm actually pretty pleased because having read lots of online forums about doing The Shred I thought today I'd be in agony. I predicteed I may have to get my boss to feed me my dinner as my arms would be so sore I couldn't lift spoon to mouth. I suspect I may get the killer aches in the morning though.

I'll check in with you all when I wake up. if I have the strength to lift the bedsheet off that is
