A whole lot of weight to shift.

This is a fantastic place even though none of us actually know each other the support & friendliness we all offer & receive is great, makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside lol

totally agree Clanger :) I've never known such a friendly or supportive forum as this one!
I agree - Its so nice to be able to talk to like minded people who are going through the same issues and worries and be able to prop each other up when we need it!
Big pat on the back for all...

Emms x
Didn't go on bike yesterday as I just couldn't be arsed to be honest, but sod that I have come to far to mess this up and I WILL get to goal weight, hopefully this year but if not, it will be next.

Still feel abit down but I'm not going to get that in the way and become just another reason to stop me on my weight loss journey, as in the past I would just use it as just that and would of been pissed out my head by now, and being a menace more than likely lol.

So I not along ago went on the bike I thought I'm going to go a bit further and I doubled my time and did a hour solid, 25.2k, and it said I'd burnt 513 cals what incidently was my starting weight :)

Coming off track and going to old ways? Not on your life, after all I'm a WEMITT :)
Just been reading through my diary and it really puts things into perspective!!

Also noticed how many names I don't see round the board any more hope they are still on plan but don't come on the site and not fell of the wagon.

Also just how many great people there are on here :)
Stick with it James, you have come too far to revert back!

Absolutely right Laura, there is no way on this earth I will ever go back to that person, I want to live life not just be a passenger watching it go by.
Sorry I havant replied yet, but I'm not sure if it does or not, but I do know that it helps keep me on track food wise as I think I have done all this hard work exerciseing I'm not going to undo it by eating crap.

Ye its more about changing your mentaity i guess, making you think like a thin person which will keep you on track.
Iv set my self an 'exercise schedual' starting this week doing the zumba fitness game so fingers crossed i stick by it! i keep on wanting to get into the wjole exercising thing but when i come to do it im making excises up for myself 'im too tiered' 'im too busy' etc. I Just need to stay focused and positive about it!
Just try keep possitive and focussed and keep the reason you want this weight loss to happen in the front of your mind and use it when things get tough :)
Glad u are feeling more positive :) u are so inspirational! X
Thought I best jump on the bike for half hour afte rhaving braising steak and yet more chips this week making it 3 times!!! 14.2k done.
Glad u are feeling more positive :) u are so inspirational! X
We got to be more possitive, no point feeling sorry for ourself wont get us anywhere in life.
Exactly :) well done for bike x
Good luck with your weigh in today!! x
Morning! Sorry to see you had a blip James - think you'd have to be super human not to when it's such a long road!

Fantastic 1 year achievement, it really is - keep on keeping on!