Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Yeah, I've seen them. It's on my list of things to check out :) Thanks guys.

And we were all ladies beforehand gem... well, everyone but me, and all i did was remove my glasses and put on a dress... hee.

abz xx
Well I was thinking that may-bees you had gone from ladies to ladettes - that's the pics we wanted. Having said that the pics are lovely and you look great - You're just not being "naughty" enough x
Huh! that's that then.
well i had lots of fun... and did you see my inflating person pic? i think that's humiliating enough thanks!!
LOL, I think you looked fine abz.
Yea - no bad stuff Jim - we waz done I reckon. Glad you had a fab time Abz, you deserve it x
thanks gem. it was so lovely the things people wrote about me in the memory book bon put together. i didn't realise people saw me that way. far too complimentary. my mate emma told me i was an idiot, but most people don't tell you how they feel generally, and now i have it in writing to use for 'i'm wonderful please do me a favour' purposes :D hee.

abz xx
agreed Gem, I'm upset and sulking here.
I know what you mean Jim - we've been sold short.......
Yes Gem, all those promises. Huh!
LOL, OK next Birmingham meet then abz
Just starting all the end of day routines here abz.
Are you expensive to get drunk Abz? (counts pennies and 5ps in purse)
a bottle of wine usually does the trick gem. although i usually manage to make a tit of myself without help of alcohol. i've also just realised i didn't tip my food down my front either!! which must be a first!! ha.

abz xx
Boobs are the problem there - my food always seems to come to grief in them there hills x