Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

i think i will need to do some reading on this low carb stuff cos it seems like the stuff you think is ok on a diet isnt!
you'll have to explain that daisy. what do you mean?

the foods i have mentioned aren't viable on induction on atkins (or some of them aren't) but they are all low carb...

abz xx
well good morning people. back at work again none too surprisingly, it being a work day and all. i'm absolutely shattered!! we are doing surprisingly well at getting rid of remaining wedding cake. i have given quite a bit away at work and we have a good chunk left at home for us too :) might need to get some wensleydale to finish off the rest of it however :D

how are you guys doing today?
Hi abz, I think Daisy is saying she is surprised at how much and what items you are allowed on low carb. Daisy at the top of the Atkins thread I have posted a stickie to get people started on Low Carb/ Atkins.
ah, ok. i thought i'd done something wrong there!! ha.

how are you this morning jim? (nearly wrote jimbo there, but thought there may be dire consequences :D)
Hmm yes, a smacking would be in order for that one abz. ;)

I'm fine love, the weather is crap though.
well that is rather the operative word isn't it jim? :D

still grey but clear.

a manager has asked us to magic 8 pcs for another office for her... well we don't have them, we don't even think they are for our department, and we are getting a bit sick of people using pcs from our budget for themselves. they seem to think that we have an endless supply... we did have a small overabundance when we downsized casual staff figures, but they've already been snaffled...

abz xx
ah tell her to use her own budget abz, 8 PC's is a lot in one go.
Hiya Abz
So is the wedding you are going to in Liverpool, Im going to a wedding on friday and the groom is from your part of the country... Hope you have fun in Liverpool its my home town although I live a bit further away now near warrington. I think ull do fine on Atkins I did ok on it...
aha!! there you are!! i wondered where you had disappeared to!! how are things going babes?

and jim, yes, i know. we only have five more live machines than we need, so they need to stay in case any go down really, which means scrabbling around for bits and pieces to try and get the others to work... it's infuriating. they've already nabbed loads of our machines... and then they complain when they are slow. well we are hardly going to give them our newest ones are we?
I don't even bother trying to fix PC's any more abz, they are so cheap now.
hey abz I am just thick! What I meant was that in other diets vegetables were always sold as a good food to have cos they are low in calories etc. In some you can eat as many as you want. But I think some contain carbs? and need to be limited. Not sure I may be wrong like I said I dont know much about it!
aha!! there you are!! i wondered where you had disappeared to!! how are things going babes?

well im ok eating seems to have gone off rails and Ive been MIA for a while but hopefully Im back. My kids are off on summer hols so life just got very hectic. I got told other week that my son has Autism and although I knew that something was up it still seemed to throw me to be actually told there is something wrong and hes not going to grow out of it as ive been told so many times for the last so many years.... I think my rebellion has been to eat rubbish I know it shudn't be an excuse but I really do think Ive been comfort eating while I got my head round things. I still dont feel I have my head round it...but I really will have to stop eating rubbish. Anyways thats me how was honeymoon??
hey there daisy. yes. you do have to watch the amount of veg you eat on a low-carb diet. but if you get all your carbs from veg (which you should really, or at least as many as you can in induction at least) then you still get a fair amount. fruit you have to avoid completely in atkins induction. have a read through jim's sticky at the top of the atkins thread and it will explain what you can have and when :) people cry out about limiting vegetables, but how many people do you think eat three mugs of veg a day on a 'normal' diet. not as many as say they do i bet!!

i'm sorry to hear about your son mrs hill babes. but now you know what his condition is you can learn how to manage it more effectively perhaps?i know a couple of people with mild asperges and i now know how to react and how to be when they are in a certain mood. it isn't the same thing i know but i feel for you.

our honeymoon was fab thanks. had a great time. pics are up on facebook of the wedding and eventually i'll manage to get some pics up on facebook of our honeymoon too, ha. fell free to have a scan :D

abz xx
cool I will have a look :)
good morning everyone. i feel like poop today. really run down and a bit sick, bit headachey, just generally not good. i have a few things to do at work today and none of them are particularly interesting but at least it will keep me busy. maybe the time will go quickly today.

abz xx
Oh love, I'm sorry to hear about your son as well. Hi abz, yes I read on the other thread that your not feeling well, I hope you get better as the day goes on love.
well after yesterday's demand for our machines i have done a wee bit of research and we only have 11 working machines above the maximum number the office will need. so if we give 8 away, there is a major incident and all office machines are needed and some break we're fooked... hopefully my boss will back me up on that one...