Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Morning abz, how are you this morning love. :)
just starting work jim :) and avoiding looking at this problem. ha. if i hide from it long enough do you think it will go away? :D

have just had a cinnamon and raisin bagel for brekkie and am working on a decaff cuppa. how are you this morning jim? what have you got ahead of you today?

abz xx
Not much on the forecast today abz, Just see what the day brings, typical support really.

I have ordered my sausage and egg on toast for mid morning break though. :D
mmm, sounds good jim :)

well we're having citrix issues. it never stops does it? ha. but another team are taking care of it. they have the citrix servers there. we are but plebs in a big machine :) hopefully they'll get it sorted soon though. i'm in the middle of a machine audit and don't really want to leave my desk until they've contacted me to tell me it's ok...
So Abz, how are you and Jim going over here in I.T. land?????

I'm doing some reports we finish school in 4 weeks.

well our current problems have been solved bren, so i can go back to auditing machines :) sounds like things are going great for you. have you managed to remain unobsessed??
Still unobsessed yes! Now feeling in the right place for getting on with things. Dieting doesn't appear daunting, quite the opposite really.

Been slowly finding a happy medium of eating out sensibly, eating healthy, not punishing my mind if I have a biscuit, been exercising and drinking the water. Thinking as of tomorrow being tougher with the treats and being calorie mindful again. Or should i say BYTE mindful!!! LOL

Hi ya Jim! Presume you have both just started work or is it about 1pm maybe?

I was in at 8 this morning Bren, I'm pleased you seem to have got your head sorted love. :)
Hi Abz - you don't sound quite a desperate today x
Thanks Jim I am feeling much better. It's been a journey I'll tell you.

Morning abz, yes nice early 4 O'clock finish here. :)
oh grrr jim. well we are off to the german christmas market that's arriving today after work... so it's going to be absolutely crammed full of people... but never mind :) some people finish at 5 so they are going first and grabbing seats :)

abz xx
That's a bit early abz, ours in Birmingham isn't 'till mid December I think.
it's from now until about the 20th december usually i think jim. went to birmingham's last year with elle, gem and taz and it totally put ours to shame. ours is only teeny. still gotta love those sausage sandwiches though :D
Yes indeed, food is a subject close to my heart abz. :)