Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery


I need help with my wedding cake. i was going to buy three cheapy cakes and stick one on top of another and there we go. cake. however of course, thinking about it, it will need supports. i have no clue whatsoever on how to stack cakes, where to shove rods, that kind of thing. and i was going to put some kind of thingummy in between layers (you can tell i know my stuff can't you) to make the cake look bigger and that makes it even more complex... aaargh!!

does anyone know what they are doing enough to help me? am off to message minz!! ha.

abz xx
On my avatar is my cake Abz & we just had some foil between the 2 so it wasn't the traditional tiered cake but had the same affect. x
i have been told that even what they are just placed one on top of the other they need rods in them so one doesn't sink into the other...

and it's a gorgeous cake!!

the reason i was going to put bits in between (not columns, a cube or something) was because if i get asda cake the cakes are only 5cm wide so the cake would only be 15cm high = mini-cake... how tall was yours?

abz xx
Can't remember to be honest.. maybe 12 inches high?

I wonder if we had something magic so they didn't sink coz there was definately no rods in them!! Maybe we just got lucky glad I didn't know about that before now!!

We also had a cake made from different cheeses as hubby is a cheese monster!! Was good with french bread for the evening reception!


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any of these anything like what you have in mind hun ?? the last 2 go between cakes, hope that makes sence.


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they all look a wee bit grand. there is a place in leeds that hires out three-tier cake stands that look ok, so it looks like i may do that... aaargh.

abz xx
Hey Linz, I love that cake!!!
I'd have eaten it on my own. LOL
Is there a cake craft shop near you - they are usually full of helpful advice whether you want it or not x Good luck
my friend nicky found some polystyrene blocks for seperating wedding cakes and the site suggests surrounding them with flowers so they can't be seen, or wrapping them in ribbon if they can be seen. then you stick thick card on the bottom of the block and stick rods into the cake underneath it to support it and presto!! cake!! so that sounds fab. but it also sounds rather precarious!! ha.

abz xx
I liked this one - could something like this be hired perhaps?
i have already emailed someone about hiring a stand. but the cakes are so small i think it would look ridiculous... think i'll stick with the block in the middle...
It's what you like best in the end Abz - but there is the option to put a string of ivy or something around the outside of each tray on the stand and a little posy on each cake - can look really classy x
Hi Abz, sounds like you're having a nightmare time with your cake! I haven't got a clue so can't offer any advice but I like Gem's suggestion of putting ivy around the outside of each tray.
well the cake dilemma is just sitting there now. now that we have some kind of idea of what we are doing we just need to manage to get to asda and look at the cakes there and check out tesco too and decide what we are going to do. i am waiting to hear back about a cake stand i enquired about hiring too, so that would also be an option :)
you know, working with guys is most frustrating sometimes. in our weekly meeting last wednesday it was suggested that this wednesday we should all go out and play pool or something after work as it's the only day we're all here together. a week later and do they know what we're doing? i refuse to organise it this time, despite having found all the nearby pool halls for them, and looked into good places to play pool a decision has not been made -- they are all rather expensive.

but for goodness sake!! i want to know what i'm doing!!

other than that i'm shattered again. just dropping off to sleep last night and the cat starts yowling because she wants to play fetch. i don't think so!! but it took me a while to drop off to sleep.

before i woke this morning though i dreamt that me and thomas were breaking into some kind of super secret base and we stole a car to escape... not sure of the particulars but there were pears in there!! ha.

abz xx
Morning abz, you love working with guys, admit it, most women prefer toi work with men than other women I'm told.
well now i don't think we are going anywhere!! or possibly going to the cinema. or maybe going to play pool, but we're waiting for the other chap to start at 10 (basically to decide that we aren't going out no doubt)...