Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

MRS ABIGAIL! My phone was dead 'til 1am so I thought a reply would be inappropriate but HELLO! Pregnant!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So excited for you lady, that's awesome news! Absolutely awesome news. Yay :D

Yes Elle - Totally brilliant x
Morning abz, how are you love?
ha. hey guys. i'm working today but have been off the past two so sorry for not replying sooner. i'm doing ok. i still feel rather foul, but hopefully that will all clear up soon enough :)

here's me thinking that the gossips at work would spread the news but for the first time ever they seem to have thought they should keep it to themselves, so people aren't finding out for ages and then telling me i should have told them. well everyone works shifts so i can't go around everyone individually can i? ha. ah well. it's on facebook now so the word shall spread i'm sure :)

abz xx
Oh facebook will spread the news OK x
ha :D yes, you did say that didn't you? :)

it was fantastic to see you yesterday. still can't get over how bad that 2010 film was!! :D

abz xx
Sometimes facebook knows too much!
I met up with this lad i havent seen for years....and now facebook keeps telling me to make facebook more fun for him! Hadnt seen him for 3 years before last month.....NO I DONT WANT TO MAKE FACEBOOK FUN FOR HIM....Sod off haha.


2012 was shocking......David Cameron wrote and directs Avatar too though....and i really want to see that ... 17th December......:)

Soooo great to see you too... cant believe its been so long....xx
Hiya Abz
Congratulations on the bump news... Very excited for you xxx
Don't worry Tazzi - that ship has sailed - Abz confessed to HSM ages ago x