Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Oh Abz.. how lovely to hear from you! Sounds like once you got going there was no stopping you! There is nothing else quite like that urge to push is there??

Like Izzy/Isobel very beautiful!! That urge to stare & be in awe of never really goes away & don't worry you will want sleep again one day soon.

Thanks SO much for sharing with us & give yr gawjuss baby girl a big squeeze from me. xxxxx
Congratulations again Michaelis (?sp) family:D
Issy/Isobel is a lovely name:p
Please can we see a pic?:)
Sending cyber hugs :hug99: and much love
Welcome back Abz - sounds like a "not too bad" labour in the end and so good that your pelvis is feeling better. Just be a little better with that pelvis as it takes a long time to get back to normal and yours is problematic anyway. Be good to yourself and make sure you do the pelvic floor exercises and a bit of pilates wouldn't go amiss.

I wanted to repeat having babies over and over again - that feeling of love and awe is amazing and I wanted to experience it again and again. I did it 3 times and ran out of umph - 3 kids are very demanding (especially 3 under 4). All mine are grown up now but I still feel I could fight tooth and nail for them so that feeling (somewhat watered down) is still there x
So pleased for you guys. Beautiful name too. Can't wait to see the pics. x
Morning abz and Isobel. :D
Aww Abi Isobel is a beautiful name. If I had a girl I always thought I would call her Isabella :)

LOVE that your labour seemed to happen ridiculously fast lol. Go Abi. And they say you have to wait ages for the first...

Give her a kiss from me. xx
howdy guys. I've uploaded a couple of pics. not the best but the ones i could get my hands on immediately. they are in my baby pictures album :)

abz xx
Aw she is so beautiful :D I love the photo of you and her, lovely :)

Glad you're all well and that you're enjoying being a Mummy :)
Ahhhh, lovely abz, really lovely. :) Hi izzy :)
Beautiful!! Well done you!!
Morning abz and izzy, how are you both today. Our little Olivia is going to the doctors today, she has a rash on her back and sides. :(
I hope so Linz.