adding more water to shake packs/tetras

Hi Amy,

The whole Statmenting Process can be such a strain -- and then making certain that they actually do what the Statement outlines is an even bigger hassle. But, remember this is YOUR job... you fight for your child.

I am currently trying to get my daughter a secondary school placement at the school with the ONLY language unit in Cambridgeshire. I am hoping to get this school as the named school on her Statement (and a place for her in the Unit). We have visited twice and plan to go again. I am very impressed with the unit and their programme.

I was not at all impressed with the ONLY primary language language unit in Cambridgeshire -- hence, the Church of England Primary School.

She has one more year at primary, but a special needs child needs to begin the transition process in Year 5 -- not Year 6. The Senco from the "receiving" school -- needs to invited to the Year 5 annual review and the fall Year 6 placement Statement review.

Please attend some Parent Partnership seminars, etc. if possible. They are so beneficial.

I taught a few years in the States before I moved overseas -- and have not taught full-time in the past 15 years. But, I worked as a TA at a British Secondary School (for the past two years -- I quit in December) and taught Sunday School, was a Girl and Boy Scout leader, etc. I have always kept my hand in with the kids.

There is a "Thanks" button on the bottom right of most recent postings. You jusst click on that. if you have not had 50 posts, yet -- then you may not be able to give "thanks". I am not certain. To up your postings you can go on the Off-Topic forum and join some "Game Threads". Ones like last letter, starts next word or movie titles. This will up your postings fast -- and they keep you from eating! LOL

Again -- Good Luck Amy,

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lol thanks :) I don't think I've reached 50 posts yet.

I am slightly nervous about tommorow, Bradley has a social worker from the children with disabilities team and she's fantastic, she'll be there tommorow :) so far it seems like they're going to give him a statement but I am prepared for a fight if needs be, we've had to do it before unfortunatly, not with the school but the educational department.
The LEAs seem to be all about money -- it is too bad, but Special Needs is expensive so they make it so hard.
Wonderful advice from Mel x

My daughter is 15 now, 16 in October. I had to fight the LEA to get her into the school she is in now as they refused the first time. But I was stuck as they would not let her in the Junior language Unit as her speech had improved enough not to merit a placement and the mainstream school refused to take her as they knew they couldn`t cope. She had language problems, GDD, MLD etc etc etc.

Thankfully, I won and she is still there and I am so glad because it is an amazing school. I was very anti "special school" at first as I believed she should be entitled to the help she needed within the mainstream environment. I`m glad things turned out how they did though :D

Good luck, Do let us know how you get on Xxxxxx
SS -- You look awesome.

re: Your daughter's placement and all of our children. I know that this sounds a bit preachy -- but I am forever saying to people:
"God does not make mistakes, Julianne is exactly how God meant her to be."
