Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

Don't panic, Steps wouldn't usually be my cup of tea but I prefer cheese to generic dance music for a workout - plus, when you know the songs you can pace yourself as you have a better idea of how long you've got left!

:) Tuesday - red

Breakfast - banana mid-morning

Lunch - leftover fish pie from Sunday

Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)
Half a kit kat (2.25 syns)

Dinner - Baked salmon with butternut squash and tomatoes (from Britmum's blog, but I substituted mayo for fromage frais to make it syn free and missed out the dijon mustard)

Was really nice, and I'm not usually a fan of salmon, but I didn't weigh out the ingredients so I was left with a teeny tiny dinner. It's OH's birthday and he is going to work his night shift in a few mins so I thought it was best to give him a decent sized portion (well, it was still pretty small) and I'll have something else later because I'm pretty hungry still!!

So plan is...
2nd dinner - 2 x tomato and cheese on toast (HexA x2, HexB + 4 syns) YUM

Total syns: 6.25

Going to do a session on my gym ball later too :)
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:) Wednesday - green

Breakfast - banana mid-morning

Lunch - leftover tuna pasta from Monday (tuna was HexB on Monday so I'm not counting it for today!)

Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner- tuna steak (HexB) with roast mediterranean veg and couscous
Solero (5 syns)

Total syns: 5

Had a bike ride tonight too :)
4 days done and dusted, 3 more to go (but don't WI until Monday). Can't say it's helping my loss so far though (I'm a compulsive self-weigher ;) ) but it's surprisingly yummy.
6lbs is an amazing loss - I knew you'd have that holiday weight off in no time!!! :) :)
:) Thursday - green

Breakfast - banana mid-morning

Lunch - leftover roast veg and couscous

Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - Cheesy crust haddock (HexA + B), SW chips and broccoli
Solero (5 syns)

Total syns: 5

Went for my bike ride tonight again too :)
:) Thursday - green

Breakfast - banana mid-morning

Lunch - leftover roast veg and couscous

Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - Cheesy crust haddock (HexA + B), SW chips and broccoli
Solero (5 syns)

Total syns: 5

Went for my bike ride tonight again too :)

sounds good, till i read the last bit as broccoli Solero, thought, OMG, what a flavour - doh!
eurgh! broccolli solero - what a nasty thought! I really admire all you ladies who manage the fishy week, i finally had a fish meal, the jamie oliver fish pie and for a not-so-keen fish girl, i thought the pie was delicious, maybe my tastes are changing, cos as i made the pie up i just kept thinking oh this looks so delicious, good luck for monday, donna x
Thanks Donna, to be honest I didn't think I'd manage a fish week, but thought that for a decent loss it would be worth it!! Then when I started planning I found it didn't look too bad. I've not had fish twice a day every day though, some days only once...

Had a cheeky peek on the scales this morning and showing 2lb off for this week so far....but then I'm off to my mum's for the BH weekend so could all change by Tuesday (will have to WI Tuesday so I can use my scales for a fair comparison) :)
:) Friday - green

Breakfast - banana and apple mid-morning

Lunch - prawn and mussel (HexB) salad (mixed leaves, cucumber, pepper)

Dinner - prawn and mussel (HexB) rissotto with green beans and parmesan (HexA)

Bag of chocolate buttons (8.5 syns)

Total syns: 8.5

Am writing this in advance since I will be in a rush this evening. Going to play badminton after work, then quick dinner before driving down to my mum's (Yorkshire to Reading, 4-5 hours...).

Hopefully will get on here tomorrow and Sunday to update my food diary - if not, look out for a bumper post on Monday ;) :)
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good luck for the weekend and enjoy xx
Hope you have a lovely weekend away :)
i wish you good luck at your next weigh in hun! :D

i always gained the last time i was with SW when i didn't have all my healthy extras, i just wouldn't be in the mood for them and that is a problem because they are there to make sure your body gets what it needs, if it doesn't then the plan won't work. syns aren't necessary, but healthy extras are hun, so don't cut them out. i learnt that the hard/long/expensive way :)
Just popping in to say hi after my hols. Well done on an amazing couple of weeks - you've been exercising like a crazy woman!! Definately paying off especially if you can feel the difference in your clothes. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend at your mums x
Helloooo, I'm back, had a nice time seeing the folks, but a weekend is plenty long enough...
Not very easy to syn home cooking unfortunately but I have done my best.....

:) Saturday - green

Breakfast - pear and apple

Lunch - veg lasagne (in a pub - HexA x 2 plus 8 syns?) with third of a slice of garlic bread (4 syns)

Dinner - Tuna steak (HexB x 2) with noodles and sauce (2 syns for one third of a spoonful of sesame oil)
Strawberries, raspberries, fromage frais and sweetener

Total syns: 14

:) Sunday - EE

Breakfast - none

Lunch - Dad's recipe spag bol (Hex A for parmesan + 4 syns for oil)
Toffee ice cream (8 syns?)

Snack - pear

Dinner - risotto with tomato, leek and bacon (fat NOT removed - I had a bit of a paddy with my mum over this one - 4 syns?)

Total syns: 16

:) Monday - green

Breakfast - strawberries and pear with fat free fromage frais and sweetener

Lunch - 2 bananas and 2 Mikados (1 syn)

Dinner - Jacket potato with baked beans and cheese (HexA)
10 Mikados (5 syns)

Total syns: 6

WI tomorrow and back onto the exercise. Hope this weekend hasn't ruined fishy week :)
Have also ordered a slendertone belt today -crazy? Maybe, but thinking I can slap it on in the car as I drive to and from work (that's an hour a day). We'll see ;)
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Hello and welcome home, glad you had a nice time with your family, you are soooo good at sticking to plan, well done xx