Aisha's S'n'S Journey!


I just placed my order with s&s today, was hoping to start monday next week, fingers cross they arrive! I ordered 28days worth. I get married in june and would love to shed some pounds before then. I have managed to lose a bit on slimming world, and re-started that after xmas last week, lost only 2lbs so have decided to bite the bullet and go for vlcd! Sounds like there is alot of us on s&s, it's really great to know we aren't alone!!!

Good luck Aisha!
@Borders..The chocolate truffa bar has almonds in it. But the nutritional info wasnt correctly labelled so theyr changing it and compensating me :)

@Tara .. ONLY 2 stones? Thats great! Iv managed a stone on my own but need to shed an extra 2 and hopefully s&s will help! Good luck! :)
Haha no 2lbs last week, averaging -2lbs a week on slimming world. I've lost almost a stone on slimming world since before xmas (gained a little over xmas and lost it again now). I want to lose 4stone in total, but would be happy with 3.
ohhhh, my eyes are working faster than my brain! .. Any loss is a good loss hun! Anythins better than a gain dont forget :)
I avoid Royal Mail wherever possible as they are useless IMO but I always order a month supply so they send it by city link which always arrives the next day so I never get to the running out of stuff panic lol
I think i might just do that next time. I only ordered a weeks worth for my first week, just to see how i get on with the diet but il deffo order more and use city link next time! I just didnt fancy paying the extra tbh (yep, im stingey lol)

I was speaking online to a s&s customer services person and he said they hate to use royal mail and that they pay alot more for using city link than they actually charge, just because you get less problems with them so they dont mind paying the extra. Booooo to royal mail!

If it doesnt arrive tomorrow, you guys will know about it because this screen will be filled with many many swear words!
Some say that if you order a monthly pack you can get free delivery if you email them and ask. Might be worth a try?
Yes any order over £90 you can get free delivery :) I think it's next day too x

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Woohoo! It came!! =D .. (no swearing required). Now i have another dilemma! .. Do i wait until Saturday when iv got the day off work so i can take the day to get used to it and see how i get on or just get started straight away tomorrow when il be at work and just hope for the best? .. What do i reckon guys???
I think start it asap, they say day two is harder, so I'd used saturday to really focus, summon your will power and relax into it.
Go for it girl! I will only be a day behind you hopefull I am starting sat I think, as I am working an 8-8 shift and I always manage better when I am working x
apparently everything is vegetarian , I read that on here , but email slim and save to check they get back to you really quickly
wow .. i thought most people would say to wait! lol Mayb i will just get on with it then!

Yeah everything on the website is suitable for veggies.
Start yesterday skinny tot :))

Yes everything is veggie :) that's why I'm doing it x

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Start tomorrow! It's easier at work as you're in a routine and working. I find the weekends more difficult as I have more time to stop and think about food and I'm also near the fridge etc!

Good luck Aisha! xx
Thanks girls! Tbh I only realised they existed after you lot mentioned it! Haha! I'm on week 2 of Exante atm. Is slim & save exactly the same? Exante is 3 meals a day so usually a milkshake, bar & soup which is 600 calories and 3 litre water.