AJs Maintenance Journey Part 1

Hi Goombagirl,

Great to hear your response and that all is going well at the moment. Well done and congratulations, i is so nice to hear another person is doing well in management.

So you are into the fruit, I am so jelous :jelous:. I am really missing fruit, and veg and cant wait for a baked sweet potato and sald with some cottage cheese. Heaven!

Do you get to eat exotic fruit in week 3?

Are you veggie? I have a question actually regarding the protien. I am veggie so would be able to have quorn, cottage cheese and eggs is that right? Can you mix and match what you have eg half and egg and some quorn?

I would speak to your brother, he may be able to sched some light on what happened with your other brother when you were little. You may be able to change your perspective on things.

Keep up the good work girlie and please keep posting xx

"....AJ - I LOVE your cheeky closing comments; they make me smile!....."

Let me tell you Mrs L, I was doing more than smiling! Hehehe

Well yesterday I bought a new toaster. I was fed up using the grill and burning the bread because it took so long I would get distracted and forget about it!

I am not sure what a good idea it was though. I tried it out when I got home and ended up eating several pieces of toast with jam! Oops. What was that all about.

Should I throw the toaster out? No. Better to work through what happened and learn from it, I think. Luckily there is no more jam left. I won't get any more....

I feel ok about what happened. As long as it does not become a habit, because that's ultimately what I want to avoid.

Today, I have had/will have....

Porridge for breakfast.
Apple and a couple of plums at playtime.
Large soup at lunch time (no time for anything else).
Mixed fruit salad mid afternoon (apple, orange, banana, grapes, kiwi).
Chicken faijitas with cheese (and spinach) for tea.
Another bowl of lentil soup for supper, and a couple of pieces of fruit to finish.

Did a bit more research about proposed decision to become a teacher. I need to get a 'Higher' in English and an 'Intermediate' in Math before embarking on the OU bit. I need to find out if I can do with locally at night school. I do hope so. Apparently, if I then get a degree (with or without honours is fine according to Scrathclyde) through OU, I can apply to do the council scheme to obtain the PGCE.

So, next job - find out where/when I can do the English/Math exams and

Arrange to visit OU office to plan the next stage of the journey. I have been told that I can take an afternoon off during the next few weeks so I can visit Edinburgh.

Hopefully, I can start firming up a timetable for the next few years (!), so I know what and when I'm doing.

I am looking forward to watching The Apprentice tonight and then having a lovely long soak in the bath. Mmmmm.

I hope that you are all having a grand time, those in the middle of LL - it seems a long time until 'food' but it's not really, time'll fly by, and before you know it, you'll be eating again!
I hope that you are all having a grand time, those in the middle of LL - it seems a long time until 'food' but it's not really, time'll fly by, and before you know it, you'll be eating again!

You know AJ, its words like this that just keep me from quitting, all because of the transitory taste of food! I am about to enter me 13th week, and the demons are hitting back at the mo, but with the great help from you and those here I can hit them harder!!

Good luck on your mission to become a teacher. I think from reading your posts, that you have the type of personality that genuinely cares and has an enormous will to succeed! I am hoping to apply for the NVQ3 in September (if my contract is renewed again!!!), apparently our LA will fund so many TA's each year, and I am hoping to be lucky enough to be one of those. Mind you, my first hurdle is getting a permanent contract which seems to be like hens teeth around here!!!

Keep on posting!!

Thanks for your post. Isn't it just SO frustrating when you lose a post you've just spent loads of time typing out!

Regarding your brother, or anyone else for that matter who constantly undermines you. It is incredibly damaging to hear those negative comments day in and day out because eventually you start saying them to yourself - and believing them! This sets up a 'core belief' which is very difficult to change, difficult but not impossible.

Regarding cinema sweets... I don't care what people think of me buying them at the supermarket before hand. I see the queue of people waiting to buy the popcorn and feel sorry for them for being deluded. There was a wee lad sitting in front of me with a huge pile of popcorn at his feet - he'd dropped his box. Some years ago I took my kids to the cinema and at the end, looked about for my son. I couldn't see him anywhere and then his head popped up over one of the seats. Apparently he'd been eating the popcorn which had been dropped during the film. Oh the shame!

Not sure about the glycogen stores. Hopefully someone else will know. I might start a new thread asking the question?

Betty Boo - I don't think it matters that you 'mix and match' with protein as long as the total amount does not exceed the size of your fist. During the first part of management, you are alllowed egg white only. I am not sure at which week you can include the yellow bit.

Hope that helps.
Hia Sez,

Lovely to hear from you. That's right, I remember you are a TA too. It's a bit of a bummer that you have to keep reapplying to renew your contract. Does that mean you are only paid for term time, not holidays?

Week 13!

I see from your tracker that you still have a way to go. Will you keep going or have a break? One of the girls doing management at the moment still has about five stone to go. She's lost nearly ten stone to date, but felt like she needed a break. She's done fantastically well and I am so pleased for her. She has decided that when she doee return to SS with LL, she will do it during the summer when it is warmer!

I am sending you positive vibes :vibes: . You really do thoroughly deserve success Sez. Perhaps we will meet for a coffee one day and chat about our experiences!
Hi Betty and Aj, thanks for your kind words. Betty, the fruit is low GI for week 3 - apples, kiwi, strawberries etc. Exotic fruit (higher GI) doesn't figure until week 6 - I wasn't concentrating and had the yummy fresh pineapple by mistake! As for protein, you can have quorn, tofu, cottage cheese and egg white in week 1 then in week 3 whole eggs, quinoa, soya mince and tempeh. Pulses are from week 7 then cheese is week 10 only! (trigger food). Of course after week 12 you eat what you want but the idea is your "wants" will be more moderate than before LL! Next week (4) I get to cook veg - yippee!, week 5 we get more starchy veg like sweet potato, parsnip, butternut squash - and wine:). It's quite complicated in a way but does build up gradually and I'm finding it interesting and fun. I think I would be overwhelmed to go from packs to unlimited choice overnight and might well go a bit mad.

Talking of which I think my protein portion sizes have been excessive - I saw what AJ said about fist size and she's right! I often have a piece of smoked mackerel with a spoon or two of cottage cheese plus a couple of ounces of prawns! However I tend not to be able to exceed 1000 calories so I'm not too bothered, especially since I don't want to lose more weight - but will reduce protein portions as I get to eat more veg and other stuff. Had my 1st omelette yesterday - absolutely delicious despite realising halfway through cooking it that I couldn't put cheese on it! I now know that they're yummy without cheese - that's a useful thing to learn. Never knew that before.

AJ, I think you're right about core beliefs. I never thought I had self esteem issues as I can be rather arrogant but I'm learning it's possible to do both! Good luck with the toast - it is rather more-ish. I think bread is going to be a struggle for me but I've decided to buy the interesting sorts from the local health food shop or make it myself in an attempt to make it more special and avoid using it as "fodder". The same with cheese (well I won't make that). You're spot on about the habit thing - that is crucial. Good luck with the maths and English research - my sister in law had to redo her maths O level (or GCSE as it is now) before she could do the degree. Lots of little hurdles, but I'm sure you'll clear them.
Thanks for that Goombagirl.

Pleased you are having fun and loving the fruit and veg. I love baked sweet pots so can't wait until I get there. Started Week 11 yesterday so have a long way to go but am so looking forward to it and hearing all of your experiences is really keeping me going at the moment.
Thank you for the advice, I love reading all the stories that go on here.

Hope you all have a great weekend xx
Here is a much needed update. I have had a frustrating weekend because I have had problems getting on-line because of 'problems' with the server. :banghead: I rang the telephone help number and had to deal with someone with an accent which was really difficult to understand. Added to that all the techinical terms and instructions, it was a nightmare. Everything seems ok this morning, but I'm not holding my breath that it's fixed.


It is funny now small decisions can make for big consequences. I walked to town yesterday morning (Sat) and got my eyebrows done. Hubby had asked me why I didn't do it myself. I explained that it was painful and my eyes watered so much I couldn't see what I was doing. I offered to do his... he declined!

First shop I entered was Thorntons. I had decided to reintroduce chocolate back into the house, but decided to buy only a box of two chocs so I wasn't tempted. There were hardly any suitable dark chocs but I noticed a box of six which included three dark. They were special offer and really inexpensive. I bought them for myself and hubby to eat at the cinema later (we did and they were nice).

Anyway, as I was passing the church I saw the Christian Aid was having a fundraising coffee morning so I popped in for coffee and soup (it was virtually lunchtime by then).

I ordered parsnip and apple soup - it was gorgeous so I decided to make my own later on). All was well, and I politely declined the tray of beautiful hand-made scones and cakes which was brought around to tempt me. There was a stall selling more cakes so I bought some home-made meringues to take home plus a bar of Fairtraide dark mint chocolate, for home.

Did more shopping, went to Wallis and bought a size 10 top. Had to go and buy trousers to 'go' with it too (size 12). Met husband later and went to see 28 Weeks Later - nice and gory.

Afterwards decided to go out for tea and, because we did not have the kids with us, went to a good local French place. Oh it was lovely. I had mussels and languine and one of hubbys snails (!). I would have loved to eat all of them but they are done in garlic butter. One was lovely though.

Some sort of pan fried artic fish with saffron mash was the main course, with a salad. I hadn't realised that they would put an oily dressing on it though. Still it was totally delicious. Hubby had a lemon posset (!) afterward and I had a spoonful. Double cream with lemon!

Later at home tried (again) to get on-line, without success. Watched Eurovsion. 'Nuff said. Hubby was playing computer games so I went upstairs to read. Unpacked all the shopping bags from the day and saw the meringues. Ended up eating them all (!). What was that about?

I think it is important to try and understand my thought processes here. There wern't any. That was the problem. I slipped back into 'blank' mode quickly and did not challenge what I was doing.

So, what did I do wrong? Should I have bought the meringues in the first place? What was in my mind when I did? My thoughts were the following...

* They are low fat (old thinking) so OK
* I remember (I think) seeing an LL recipe with meringues (so they are 'ok' or 'acceptable')
* I could have one (!) with a fruit salad
* The kids like them
*I would be able to have a different dessert (usually have fruit salad on its own or with spices)

Certainly, I did not covertly decide that I would eat them all at once, in secret. That is OLD BEHAVIOURS that I do not want to revisit. But that is exactly what I did, nonetheless.

So, sugar is still going to be a 'no no' for the time being. Interestingly, the chocolate bar, in the same bag, was not even considered for eating and it still intact by the bed. I will however move it downstairs later.

I do realise that (for me) having 'things to eat' by the bed is bad news generally because it was there that I could have privacy to eat in the past. So, maybe there is some psychological 'association' going on here.

This morning (Sunday) and I am gratified that I could get on-line again. I have been on here for about three hours since 9.00 ish, catching up with all my e-mails from about three days! I have not had breakfast yet and it is almost time for lunch!

Am I compensating for last night? I realise that breakfast is an important meal of the day for me. Missing it out is not a good thing. I will need to learn to accept that every day is a new day and that missing out meals will merely make me feel more hungry and eat more than I need to at the next meal. Then, I will just exacerbate stupid thoughts about food and eating (losing the plot again).

Thank heavens I have this thread to write it all down. It has really helped to get things in a better perspective. If anyone is reading this who is doing LL at any stage, if you haven't already, start your own diary thread and pledge (initially) to write in it every day, honestly, what you are doing, why, how you feel, what you've learned etc. Not only will you be helping yourself, your experiences will help others too. I know I go on about it, but other threads really helped me (and still do).

Lecture over for today!:blahblah:

I hope that, wherever you all are on your respective journeys, you have a good day today, and an even better one tomorrow!

Regards, all!:party0011:
Hi hun, just wanted to pop by and say hello. Just been reading a reply you made on someone's thread and realised that I hadn't said hello for a while. Have been in lurking mode for about a week because totm has made me retreat into my usual hole.

Haven't been able to read your thread because I'm being crap and couldn't bear reading about food. BUT that is just a lame excuse not to come by and say that I think you are fab!

I'll definately catch up with you soon. Had a boost at my LL meeting this week. Made a pact with 2 other strugglers for total support for a 28 day challenge. Gotta do it this time!!!

Have a lovely Sunday!
Hello AJ

Yet again, you are so generous by being so honest. I know it helps you but it really does help us too. You are inspirational and it's great to hear how you are getting on.

With the choccies and the meringues, do you think you are testing yourself to see whether you will crack? Maybe it's our old friend, crooked thinking, really trying to work against your phenomenal achievements? Our LLC said the further we go and the more we change, the harder the crooked thinking tries to infiltrate our minds.

It's just a thought.

Anyway, you know what a loyal fanbase you have on minimins!

Keep posting and enjoy the rest of the weekend. It is pouring with rain down here in the South East!

Big kiss.

Mrs L xxxxxxx
Hi Aj,

Well you have certainly had an interesting weekend lets hope the server is fixed now.

Men just do not understand females and beauty, perhaps that is why they don't often go together (I know they don't on my bf's part - must say this does rub off on me on the make-up front, I don't have a clue)

The pasnip and apple soup sounds lovely, I have had the covent garden Bramley apple and rosemary or parsnip (can't remember exactly, it seems like years since I have eaten something) which was nice but you cant beat homemade. When you have perfected it, could you post the recepie on here please?!

I can't wait to go and see 28 weeks later, was hoping to go last night but had a migraine so went to bed and slept from 6 yesterday until 9am this morning - think it has done me good, although still waking every couple of hours :sigh:

I do have a question for you!! I can understand you taking the clothes bags upstairs to unpack later, but why did you take the bags with the food up? If you just forgot I can see as perhaps you aren't aware of food as much as you think you are, which is good. On the otherhand, if you did knew they were in there when you went up knowing that hubby was downstairs it seems that you had set the situation up earlier or were testing yourself to see what choice you would make? Or, perhaps you had just had a fab evening out with hubby and got carried away before you had the chance to realise what had happened, which is not a bad thing. You have thought about it sensibly and come out and told all of us so will be aware next time. Moving the choccie downstairs is probably best, I used to eat in secret too so I understand where you are coming from. Did you tell hubby after?

I hope I haven't said anything in the above that upsets you, it's just that from what I have read about you I can see myself and I feel so sad that I was doing these things and wouldn't admit to myself let alone anyone else.

Have a good healthy lunch and you will be back on track :hug99:

You really are an inspiration. Your words were heartfelt and I actually felt quite emotional reading them.
Congratulations isn't a big enough word for what i feel about your amazing achievment.. So supercalafragalistic everyone is so proud of you. xxx
Hello there Sarah!

Lovely to hear from you. I thought I'd posted a reply earlier to yours, but it's missing?

I have been following your 'restarter' thread faithfully and feel an enormous amount of sympathy for you at the moment with your struggles. I can fully understand you wanting to isolate yourself at this time but really appreciate that you are making yourself post when you can. Even 'lurking' is a step forward!

I am hoping to be in North Wales during July sometime, so we must arrange to meet for (more) coffee and maybe some shopping (!).

Christina, it's great to hear from you. Don't worry, I will still be around! The soup is embarrassingly easy to make. I just chopped up about five parsnips and two apples (peeled), added them to two litres of water and two chicken stock cubes, left them to cook and the blitzed them with the liquidiser. I personally didn't add salt or herbs, but others may prefer to. We all had it at lunchtime with toast (using new toaster). Next time I do the soup, I may add a sweet potato for bulk, or maybe a handful of lentils (mmm). Am afraid that's the extent of my culinary skills - it's usually just 'throw this in' or 'throw that in' and see what comes out. No measuring needed!

".....With the choccies and the meringues, do you think you are testing yourself to see whether you will crack? Maybe it's our old friend, crooked thinking, really trying to work against your phenomenal achievements? Our LLC said the further we go and the more we change, the harder the crooked thinking tries to infiltrate our minds....."

Mrs L (some pupils at school occasionally call me Mrs L, and although secretly I like it I always have to insist that they call me by my full name) you make some thoughtful comments here. It is certainly given me something to consider. Thanks for that.

Betty - how could I be upset by your comments? They are insightful as usual and I appreciate that you have taken the time to write them.

If you can imagine for a moment when we both arrived home from our day out. I'd been out all day (since 10.00) shopping, then lunch, then meeting hubby for cinema visit, then Tesco shop, then hunting around for a restaurant for tea, finally back home for 7.55 in the evening. Basically I'd forgotton all about the meringues! I left all the bags (except the Tesco ones) at the bottom of the stairs to take up later, but didn't do that until I actually went to bed. So, there I was unpacking the lovely new clothes and putting them away, when I saw the meringues. 'Oh yes.' I thought. 'I'd forgotton about them. Mmm they look nice, I'll just try one of the little ones....' Well, you know what followed!

Did I tell hubby? Well, no. I was already asleep when he came up stairs (he's been playing computer games downstairs - it can take a while), and I haven't brought it up today either. Hmm, do you think I should?

".....feel so sad that I was doing these things and wouldn't admit to myself let alone anyone else....."

That's a very interesting point Betty. Yes, indeed it did cross my mind not to write that part of the day down, but I won't address the issues it throws up if I don't admit it on paper, at least. I think that I was able to do that, is a real indication of how safe I feel talking about such things here. I think I have a real problem with being judged which is tied up with feelings of (lack of) self worth generally which I am trying to deal with. So I guess that it is a step forward for me. Also, I 'confess' because I think that it may help someone else....

I wonder if we all sometimes lie or kid ourselves that something is one way, when it is really another. Who benefits? No one.

Alunsarah - it is great to hear from you too. Thanks so much for your kind words, especially the really long one!
Lovely to hear from you. That's right, I remember you are a TA too. It's a bit of a bummer that you have to keep reapplying to renew your contract. Does that mean you are only paid for term time, not holidays?

Sorry for not replying sooner AJ!! You are right, I am paid for term time only, but I think I am right in saying that is the case for all the TAs in our LA, but I might be wrong. I have worked at the school for about 18months now, and I thoroughly enjoy it (apart from Friday when one of the 6 year olds I work with, who is prone to aggression and worse, decided to do a runner, and ended up running down the main road with myself and another TA shouting after him.....) I work full time, effectively, my contract states a 9am start, but its usually 8.35 when I take on the mantle of Mrs Watts, then I supposedly finish at 3.15pm, but by the time the class is tidy I neer leave before 3.30!! Oh, and there is 1.25hours unpaid for break during the day, and woe betide if the Head thinks you are over stepping your allotted time.... Never mind the extra we all do all the time!!

Great to read all your posts AJ, your story re meringues helped me to focus on my binge last Thurs. Its behind me now and I am well ontrack again, although who knows what the scales will say.....

Keep posting AJ, we all need you!!

Hi AJ, Mrs L, Betty et al, good to read everybody's posts. It's interesting hearing about your experiences with chocolate/sugary stuff etc AJ. I was in the newsagent's last night and at the till there was both Galaxy and Cadbury's Dairy Milk on offer. I found myself thinking, "I should get some; it would be useful (!?) to have some in." I related this to my husband who asked me what I did - he was expecting some sophisticated psychological mumbo-jumbo - and I said, "I thought NO." I probably should have been more analytical but couldn't be bothered!
We (kids and I) watched Eurovision on Saturday (why?) and I realised we had a ritual which involved eating chocolate after every 2 songs! Also I usually liked to have a bottle of Bailey's handy, following the example of Terry Wogan who said it helped him get through the show. So this time I was bereft - in the end I ate my spare lemon bar which seemed to do the trick.
I love parsnip and apple soup - first tried it from a weight watchers book. I had already planned on making some once parsnips are on the list in a week or so. Had my first cooked veg today - what a difference. I've always liked raw veg but it was getting a bit much not cooking them. I'm trying to keep to the plan but not getting too stressed if I deviate slightly. For example I ate with my husband's family on Friday - wonderful Aberdeen Angus steaks with salad (+ illegal croutons and feta!); refused chips but had a small chocolate crepe and really enjoyed it. My weight is pretty stable now but obviously I'll have to watch it once more foods are introduced - can't be too spontaneous yet; got a lot of learning to do about eating sensibly. And the trigger weeks will be a test!

AJ, I think it's great you have such insight into your relationship with food. I remember the secret/unconscious eating but usually managed to strike it from my mind - I didn't have to face up to it then. Writing about it must be the way to tackle it. There may be some confessions coming from me in the weeks and months to come! Hope not too many.

Just had to post right back when I read the update.

Now we know how meringue-gate occurred (meant nicely!), it's very clear what happened and it set my mind racing. Because I would have done exactly the same. And please, please, please be assured that your honesty DOES help the rest of us. It really does. And you are so fantastic to share - felt I should acknowledge that.

Do you remember the joke, "I'm on the seafood diet. I see food and I eat it!"? Well, that's where I am right now. Like you, I am probably not consciously thinking of particular foods but when my hubby is tucking in, sometimes I just can't resist. Invariably, it's crisps. I might not even be craving crisps but I have a couple. And I'm supposed to be in abstinence! Or I might see a particular food (like you did) and just well, have a bit of it.

What's that about? I'm going to do a thought record on it BUT it usually happens SO quickly that I am not even consciously aware of my thought process. I'm like my Labrador who sees a snack and swipes it! And the funny thing is, this may be food that has been sitting in our kitchen and I haven't touched it for days. Yet there is something about me that is determined and willful...and quick. I don't even have time to argue with myself because, whoops, I've eaten them! I am going to blog about this, I think (not disclosing this discussion) but just this issue because I've noticed it's not a good habit for me to have, particularly when I do move onto food.

Does anyone else have these moments? Any thoughts?

Anyway, AJ and everyone else, there is plenty to think about!

Take care.

Mrs L xxxxxxx
Sorry GG, didn't see your post when I wrote my update. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog!

Mrs L xxxxx
AJ, I've been thinking a lot about "meringue-gate". Firstly, thanks for your honest posts - it is so helpful to hear about real experiences.

When I read about your meringues, the thought that came into my head was, "Well, they are low fat, it's not so bad..." And that thought is still there! Am I trying to kid myself that it's fine for me to gobble up a load of meringues if I get the chance? How can I still think that way when I know better? I remember feeling so happy I didn't crave sugar - but now proper hunger has returned, I wouldn't say no to something sweet. It's not as strong as it used to be but I can see it's going to be a bit of a struggle to work through it. Must read that Eating Less book again (thanks Pixie for recommending it!). And must make a note not to buy/make any meringues - getting quite obsessed with the thought of some!