alan carr easyway to stop smoking

sukie sue

this is My time to shine!
hey all ,
saw this forum and felt i should share .
5 years ago id tried alsorts to stop smoking several times , failing miserably each time . then a client told me about the book by alan carr, read the book in a day whilst still smoking (which it tells you to do) at the end i put out my cigareete as instructed and said that was the last cigarette i will ever smoke and poof 5 years later and ive never looked back or even been tempted to light up again .
i know every one is different but for the price of the book its certainly worth having a go , i now know many people who have quit using it .
whichever way you all choose to quite im wishing you all the best , and keep on pushing on !!!
Same for my hubby. Smoked since he was 14. Tried to give up several times with gum and patches and so on. Bought the book, left it on the shelf for some time. Finally sat down and read it last October and hasn't smoked another cigarette since. I'm hoping it stays that way! And he did it with no fuss, fidgetiness or grumpiness at all - unlike his previous attempts to give up! x
i think i am an anomaly. i read the book, while reading the first half i was all excited that i will stop smoking soon, then the more i read the more nervous i got, by the end of the book i extinguished my "last" cigarette, felt really nervous but still quite alright. first 2 days were not as bad as i thought, but the longer i didn't smoke, the more nervous and depressed i got, and after around 10 days i craved a cigarette so badly that i gave up. the worst part was that it was the 25th of december so everything was closed, and after walking around the entire city for around 3 hours i finally gave up and asked a guy smoking in front of a hotel to spare me one...
all in all, the book didn't help me at all in the cravings, but 2 of my friends quit successfully after reading it, so i guess it does help a lot of people:)
Read this book 5 years ago. Wasn't 100% committed about giving up, but thought I'd read it anyway...

Haven't had or wanted a cigarette since.

Agree with ^^ poster above. Have lent this book out to so many people.
I've got the book too - read it a couple of times but both times had been drawn back into smoking because the principles hadn't really stuck. But recently I've been thinking how much I hate smoking, the act itself as well as everything about it, and wondering why I do it. Then the book came back into my mind and it seems to have clicked! I haven't smoked for 42 hours. Yesterday was surprisingly not difficult. Today I've had some pangs but as the book explains, it's just the physical withdrawal that disappears in two or three weeks.
ive got the book now. does this really work??? no cravings at all???
ive got the book now. does this really work??? no cravings at all???

Had some "light" cravings the first few days afterwards I think. But not strong enough to want to give in to them if that makes sense?
Try it and the very best of luck to you. You can do it! :) xx
Ive read it and had my last one at 10pm last night xxx book is fab. hope it works...scrap that IT WILL WORK X
Ive read it and had my last one at 10pm last night xxx book is fab. hope it works...scrap that IT WILL WORK X

:D That's the way to go, think positive! Take each day at a time xx
Yes im having cravings but only at certain fav fag times! but getting through them!
thanks! hoping by the end of the week its better xxx
Hoping you're still a non smoker LVLLT and it's getting much easier for you :) xx
I read the book nearly 5 years ago and have not had a cigarette since I did have cravings for a few days and I must admit I still love the smell of a freshly lit ciggie but have kept the book so if I ever feel the urge I can read it again.
hello :) Yes im still a non smoker - been hard but done it! and well done bin59!
That is brilliant LVLLT it is hard to start with but good for you sticking with it.:)
Keep the book, even after 5 years I will not get rid of it!!
Well done. x
Thankyou xxx
I stopped with the book years ago..then fell off for some unknown reason...went on one of their seminars (full money back guarantee) in may last year...and haven't looked back really works!
A friend recommended the book to me 7 years ago. She gave it to me after telling me how it had worked for her. I had it on mybookshelf for a year before I was interested enough to give it a go. Then halfway through reading it something just clicked. Brainwashed maybe, but it worked for me and have never been tempted in the last 6 years.
I guess this is the reason I joined this website today, because I am finding it hard to shift the 10 extra pounds that I have gained since I stopped smoking. But, If I can keep off the cigs, I am going to try harder and keep off the 10 extra pounds.
To all of you trying to give up, get the book.... but don't open it until you are 110% ready. good luck everyone.
LVLLT how is it going I see in June you had not had a ciggie for over 100 days well done that is fantastic.:D
Keep going xx
Hello :) im still going...struggle sometimes i must admit but im still not smoking! have lost all but 3lbs of weight gain. cant say i feel healthier though! just smell better LOL x