Alexmummy's learning journey...

'Zactly right Greeneyes. You have to stay put.

Remember there's not a huge difference between the losses on SS/+ to 810. 810 is more challenging because you still have to deal with food and I don't think you'd feel as deprived either. I'd have hated to go back to not eating again. Just a thought...
Hi everyone.

Well W.I. wasn't as bad as I had thought, 1/2lb on, which puts me at 11 stone 6 1/2.

I have spoken about SS/+/810 and have decided for 1 week to do SS+, and then to stick with 810 for the following 3 weeks, it's definitely do-able, and hopefully I may get some good results (Fingers and toes crossed).

I am still thinking next week may not be so good, as I would have thought I would have gained more than 1/2lb but hopefully the SS+ might counter-act it a bit.

Feeling very focused tonight finally!

Have eaten for my 'meal' quorn chicken, courgettes/mushrooms and 2 tablespoons of Cottage cheese.

Have a splitting headache so trying to have lots of water too.

I just hope this works now - I need to get back in - one day at a time x
Good luck Alex. Can I come complain about being bored on 810 here sometimes? I want fruit darn it! But I want the weight losses more right now. Groan.

Oh yes, this is your thread, not mine ;) Come talk food plans on my thread any time :)
Hope you head gets better soon. Well done on the weigh-in. Amazing how we can "feel" much bigger than we actually are just because we have a bit of a wobbly moment. Glad you're feeling focussed now. x
18th August 2009...

Hi Everyone

Having a good day again, which I'm soooo pleased about - 2 of 28 hopefully good ones!

Today I have had, choc mint shake, caramel bar and chocolate Tetra, for my meal I have had Tuna, Salad and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (feel a bit addicted to Tuna again lol)

Trying to up my water, as finding that a bit difficult at the moment as seem to be in and out all the time - will keep going though.

Really enjoying the lovely weather - even went clothes shopping for ME today! Haven't done that in a loooonnnng time! I bought some new underwear (bra's are soo needed!) and I bought some leggings and a long pink/black tiger print top. I've never ever worn leggings, and all I bought was in size 14 top and bottom (down from a 20) so I'm really happy about that.
Also my mum bought me some 3/4 length jeans from River Island in a 14 too! and a lovely pink handbag - so I'm feeling happy today :)

Just really need a haircut now as it's all overgrown now really, and the style has gone :(

Must plan that into my week somewhere xx

Hey Alex mummy -
just read your diary and you have had so much to cope with and managed to still lose the weight - you will get there I have every faith in you
19th August 2009...

Just a quick update. Today has been an 'ok' day, but had an evening meal with family tonight, so for my small meal I ate Chicken breast, cottage cheese, salad, but also a small piece of baguette, and a WW pudding. Not ideal, but it was all my choice, and I feel ok for picking the best choices, esp the desert - as the others had proper ice-cream and cookies.

Aiming for a 100% day tomorrow again, but not too disappointed with today.
Have had lots of water today which I'm pleased about - probably around 3 1/2 litres.
Day 3/28 done x
Hey Alexm, Good on you for getting back to it hun! you'll do brilliantly you are so determined!
Good luck for a fabby day today! Fab news on the new clothes shopping too, i loved buying the leggings again for the first time, felt all young n slim in them!!

20th August 2009...

Thank you for you're lovely comments Lelly! I feel like more shopping is needed, but trying to hold back as much as poss, as not at the end yet!

I don't know how/why/when but my motivation is absolutely back to it's highest now, and I feel great! It's so nice to have it back properly this time. I think I may have been kidding myself the other week that it was back, but it really is now, and I love this feeling, it's what kept me going all throughout the SS stage.

So, day 4 of 7 on SS+ and then onto 810 for the following 3 weeks.
I stood on the scales this morning, and weighed in at 11 stone 3 3/4 which is lovely, would love to get another 1/2lb before Monday, that would be lovely, so going to be absolutely 100% for the rest of the week! Lots of water to glug to help with the headaches too.

Plan today,
Choc Mint Shake
Caramel Bar
Hot Choc Tetra
Small meal, chicken, salad, cottage cheese (being a bit boring with my meals at the moment, but they seem ok so far) I'll start varying them again when I get onto 810. xx
Awwww it's fab to see you so motivated and back on track. I knew you could do it :) You're inspiring me now. Yay..... well done xxx

Well I don't know what it is about working, it seems to send me into this weird spiral. Thankfully it hasn't been too bad this weekend, and I have problem been about 90% good. It's mostly actually been fruit that I have had too much of - red grapes to be precise! I have possibly lapsed a little on my water too, but I'm not allowed to drink whilst working so that makes life a bit difficult, but doing my best. Hoping the scales will be a bit down tomorrow, but will see how they go.

What a gorgeous day today has been! It's been lovely just spending time with my (I'm biased) gorgeous fiance' and little boy, just shopping and then in the garden this afternoon. Sometimes it really is just the simple things that are great in life.

We have also planned for my mum's birthday/leaving for holiday/my brothers leaving for uni a get together with family at ours/bbq on the 6th September, so 2 weeks today. Looking forward to having all the family together, but realllllly hoping it doesn't rain or it will be very cosey in my small house lol! I also now have 2 weeks to try and shift as many lbs as absolutely possible!

I think this thing with work on a Friday and Saturday, I find that I don't have time to eat on my break although I'm hungry, and then I'm ravenous by the time I'm finished. I'm really going to have to think about this before I next go in on Friday to work out the best way around this to stop any extra picking as Monday to Thursday I am absolutely angelic and don't touch a thing that I shouldn't - so why should I be picking any other days. Clearly I shouldn't be.

Anyway, I'm off to bed as feel I need an early night - will catch up on everyones diaries tomorrow xx
Hey hon.....
Hope your having a good day today......
I find it hard with the fruit too.. so I understand totally where you are coming from.. Being on 1000 I was just picking at fruit maybe a bit to much than I realised especially the grapes too.. Im cutting back on fruit this week..
Why are you not allowed to drink water at work? that must be hard..
Sounds like you have some exciting things to look foward to hon.

Have a good day x
If there are some fruits you are struggling with, (and forgive me if you've already taken this into account) try the low GI stuff. In fact I think the book lists the GI value anyhow doesn't it? I also find having protein with fruit helps.

Sounds like you've got some lovely family plans ahead. Good for you :)

Definitely must be tough not being able to drink water at work. I'd really struggle with that!

I'm sure you'll get your work plans sorted out. Remember that fail to plan = plan to fail x
Well ladies, after a week trying sooo hard on SS+, and failing miserable on the weekend again! work days again! I have managed to lose 1 1/2lbs this week and am weighing in at 11 stone 5 exactly. Not quite where I was aiming for unfortunately, but it's down from last Monday, so I've got to be pleased with that bit.

I think to be able to cope with those absolute mega cravings on Fridays and Saturdays I am going to have to stick with 1000 for now, because when I don't I just seem to go OTT and just eat way too much the second I get out of work, where, when I'm on 1000 I can actually eat differently and incorporate my day a bit better.

This is how my Fridays are at the moment:

6.45 - get up, dressed - get Alex up dressed, fed (etc) Have shake.
7.45 - Leave house, (all the next bit is in car)
8.45 - Drop fiance at work
9.30 - Drop Alex at Childminder
9.45 - Arrive at work
10 - Start work
12:30 (ish) break 15 mins - eat bar and water (both quickly)
3:30 finish work - drive to childminder.
4:00 Pick Alex up from Childminder - drive again
5:00 - Pick fiance up from work - drive again
5:45 - Arrive home (at last) - feel absolutely ravished and then want to eat everything - first on my list is shake, followed by banana and red grapes, and then evening meal, but as I feel soooo hungry, it's more than it should be, so I feel like I should be back on 1000 as perhaps I'd pick better if I were allowed my small amount of carbs again. Perhaps it would fill me up better.

I realise the loss would probably be smaller, but then why should I be in such a hurry. Yes I want to get to the end, and yes I really want to get to 10 stone 12 by my birthday, which gives me 4 weeks to lose 7lbs, but realistically if I stick to it, then there really isn't any reason why I shouldn't be able to do it, the way I'm going at the moment though I'll end up going backwards if I keep picking badly.


Plan today...

2 Shredded Wheat + milk
Choc Mint Shake

CD Chicken & Mushroom Soup
Small Salad - 2% Fat Sauce

40g Wholemeal Pasta
Tuna 1/2 allowance
165g Cottage Cheese

90 Gms Grapes to have throughout the day

No wonder you are hungry when you get home. A few comments:

1. Can you add some fruit like half a banana to your breakfast?
2. Rushing your bar won't help you at all at lunch time. Easier said than done but try not to rush it when you eat it. Or have half a bar and half a soup??
3. I don't think it's good to eat while doing another activity ie driving but spacing your meals a bit more evenly i.e. having half packs etc may help??

ETA I can't eat fruit on an empty stomach. Having protein with it does help, then as hard as it is, use that pause button so your head can catch up with how your day has been. It helps me to get a better perspective on the day. x

ETAA - When I've been rushing around, I make it a rule (well as much as possible) to note how quickly I eat the first few tablespoons of food. If I am rushing those as well, I need to slow down because I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating.
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No wonder you are hungry when you get home. A few comments:

1. Can you add some fruit like half a banana to your breakfast?
2. Rushing your bar won't help you at all at lunch time. Easier said than done but try not to rush it when you eat it. Or have half a bar and half a soup??
3. I don't think it's good to eat while doing another activity ie driving but spacing your meals a bit more evenly i.e. having half packs etc may help??

ETA I can't eat fruit on an empty stomach. Having protein with it does help, then as hard as it is, use that pause button so your head can catch up with how your day has been. It helps me to get a better perspective on the day. x

ETAA - When I've been rushing around, I make it a rule (well as much as possible) to note how quickly I eat the first few tablespoons of food. If I am rushing those as well, I need to slow down because I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating.

Thanks Laura

The reason bar is eaten quickly is because I only get the 15 mins break, so I have to get from downstairs across the store, to upstairs, locker, loo break, etc and then end up with only about 7 mins in the end to have my bar and water before I have to be back in position ready for the afternoon. I'm meant to/was meant to be on 810 on those days, and that's why when I was getting home, the first thing I was grabbing was fruit because if it wasn't then it would end up being something worse, like a sandwich, or something carby or chocolate, so was trying to make a better decision iykwim with the fruit, but yes the pause button does need to try to come into effect, as I do just eat bananna, eat grapes, then think - what next - still hungry kinda thing. This is what is making me think - would I be better being on 1000 having a proper breakfast that would fill me up more for the day ahead, and starting the day better to start with, and then going from there, allowing myself then to have a better dinner, and knowing that carbs will be in it, which will of course, fill me up more there too.

Really proud of myself today, Have done 20 mins on the Wii Fit, and also managed a half hour run - slowly yes, but a run none the less :) I don't think I have ever run more than 10 mins in my life! Mucho Proud! And after the initial I can't really do this, I can't, I hate this, why did I think I could do this - pain threshold - I actually quite enjoyed it! xx