Alli takes the scenic route to maintenance

LOL - lots of garlic bread lovers on here then! I like it but not at the cost in terms of calories - there's plenty of other things I'd rather have (won't list them in considerations for those of you on packs ;))

Well Molly is keeping me from breaking the diet tonight - I don't know what's up with her but she has been barking for attention on and off for the past hour or so. She finally calmed down and I thought I'd have some jelly babies and it set her off again. Bess - what do I do about that! I know it must be hard for her to have had 3-4 homes already at only 6 months of age, but she is very clingy - hopefully it will settle down in a little while. In the meantime I'm trying to give her plenty of attention at times and ignore her at others so that she doesn't get used to getting attention whenever she wants it. I'm hoping that's not mean but I need to start as I meant to go on and there's no way I can concentrate on her 100% of the time...
Hi Alli,
Just trying to catch up. Molly is such a cutie, but it sounds like chaos trying to get the whole dog-training thing right. I've been pondering having a dog for a while, no decisions yet, but your experiences are helping me to ask the questions needed to to know if its the right time or not. Don't blame you for putting the food on back burnier for bit. Well done on being good though, i'm well impressed! xx
I think you are doing it all right Alli....she'll settle down soon. Keep to the few definate boundaries and she'll learn soon. Female dogs (!!) learn so quickly I have found and they are very loyal.
It's very difficult with a barking dog, because of the racket, but the best thing to do is to reward the good behaviour with a quiet, 'Good girl Molly,' and /or a pat and ignore the bad. You might try immediately shutting her away ( with a very firm, 'No',) from you when she barks for attention and then inviting her in when she's eventually stopped? (It'll probably make it worse when you first shut her out...the thing is to be consistent.) Not sure about this one, but I still think it'll be a temporary problem. Oh, and never give her tit bits (jelly babies?), just sometimes small rewards for an immediate right response, like sit, stay, come here and so on.
In just the same way that your children mostly behave the way you want them to... (?!?) Molly will too, she'll want to please you I think, when she's worked out what it is you want. Don't worry, sounds like you are doing fine to me. xx
Morning all,

Went to see my CDC this morning and I have put on a lb in the past 2 weeks. She suggested I went back on SS+ or 810 to kickstart the weightloss and get me out of the Christmas habits. I bought enough for a week's supply but am not sure what to do.

Part of me thinks that I should lose this 7lbs by eating just below maintenance calories and part of me just wants to get back down to the weight that I was before so that my clothes fit well again.

Well - we're having a lovely beef stew tonight and I'm not going to miss out so will follow WLR calories today and tomorrow (1380 cals) and see how I feel when I go back to work on Monday.

Oh well - will ponder this on my morning walk with Molly - she's desperate to get out!

Off to dig out my wellies as it's muddy around here at the moment...
Hi Ali,
I must say hon I have struggled to get out of the christmas habbits to and I can understand why your cdc recommended to go back on ss+ or 810... I too needed to get myself back to Not picking and started doing 810 yesterday..
Dont forget to drink plenty of water it really helps..
Good luck with whatever you decide to do hon xxx
Thanks Curly - I agree with the picking - such a hard habit to get out of. I didn't start any plan yesterday and I did pick a little, but a lot less than usual.

Had a great outdoorsy day yesterday despite the rain. Went for a walk with Molly in the morning and then the whole family went to the woods and let Molly off the lead so she could have a good run around. Loads of big puddles to splash in and we all came home covered in mud.

Right - I'd better take madam for a walk as the kids have been playing tug of war with her and she is getting hyper!

Have a good day everyone!
Hi Alli,
Hope you have a good day hun and manage to minimise the nibbles. It is so hard after having all you want....i did not retrain myself at all over xmas which doesn't help now. Hence my return to 'strict' plans. Just thinking hr by hr is helping, as well as talking to myself if i feel tempted! xx
Woohoo - I've managed day 1 of eating sensibly (OK I know it's only 8pm but I'm feeling optimistic;))

No dieting as I can't get my head around that with everything else going on and as I'm only 4lbs over my pre-xmas weight I'm hoping it will reduce naturally as I get myself back to eating moderately. We'll see...

DD has got a tummy bug and can't keep anything down poor thing. Apparently there's a nasty bug around at the moment but am hoping it's just a 24 hour thing and that she'll be better soon as I hate seeing them all floppy and miserable. That on top of problems with our electrics (keep tripping every 15 minutes or so :mad:) and the noise from our fish tank when it happens freaks Molly out and she got so wound up earlier that she threw up bless her. So I'm queen of the mop this evening - what a glamorous life I lead :rolleyes:

The silver lining is that all the vomiting has made me lose my appetite completely :p

Hope you're all having a better evening than I am!!
Awww well done Alli sounds like you had a great day..
Good on you!!
Your poor DD i hope she is better very soon there seems to be lots of nasty bugs going round at the moment ..
Oh no what a night your having with your dog too.
Big hugs Alli hope tomorrow is a better day xxxxxxx
Oh hec Alli, your house sounds chaos! No wonder food is not really too high on your list right now, i'm not too good myself with other peoples/animals vomit.......eughhh! Hope your DD feel better soon. Well done for keeping it 'sensible' despite all the madness! xx
You're a hero Alli, some nights are sent to try us. Hope DD is better now and calm has been restored... I think you are dead right about the weight, you can sort that just by being sensible. Hugs.

Woohoo - I've managed day 1 of eating sensibly (OK I know it's only 8pm but I'm feeling optimistic;))

No dieting as I can't get my head around that with everything else going on and as I'm only 4lbs over my pre-xmas weight I'm hoping it will reduce naturally as I get myself back to eating moderately. We'll see...

DD has got a tummy bug and can't keep anything down poor thing. Apparently there's a nasty bug around at the moment but am hoping it's just a 24 hour thing and that she'll be better soon as I hate seeing them all floppy and miserable. That on top of problems with our electrics (keep tripping every 15 minutes or so :mad:) and the noise from our fish tank when it happens freaks Molly out and she got so wound up earlier that she threw up bless her. So I'm queen of the mop this evening - what a glamorous life I lead :rolleyes:

The silver lining is that all the vomiting has made me lose my appetite completely :p

Hope you're all having a better evening than I am!!

Shouldn't laugh I know, but that was funny, all apart from DD feeling ill, poor girl. Hope she's a bit better today. Nothing like revolting bodily functions for putting us off food.....I'm not too keen on spag bol since DD no 4 came down the stairs looking green a few years ago and threw her supper up all over the sitting room :rolleyes:.Tomato puree is very difficult/impossible to get out of a beige carpet. Mind you, thinking of pale carpet, which nutter got a black labrador instead of a pale one? :eek: That'll be me then. :flirt2:
I have surfaced again after 2 children with tummy bugs and then getting it myself on Wednesday evening. It was horrific but luckily only lasted 24 hours but I'm feeling completely drained now not having been able to keep food or drink down for a while.

We're all back to work and school now, leaving in about 5 minutes. Wish I could stay at home today as well but have so much to catch up on after being away yesterday - oh well.

The silver lining is that I have lost 4 lbs which puts me 1lbs under my lowest weight since starting CD. Only 4 lbs over my original goal. OK - I know that some of it will come back on as I start eating and drinking again, but it feels like 34ewqser34e31`(sorry Molly doing some typing there sucking up after having been told off) a good time to get going again and so I'm aiming for 1400 cals today.

Anyway - Must go and sort the kids out!

Have a good day!
You're doing so well Alli, you really are! Sorry the bug got you but glad you are on the mend now... take care & keep smiling! (As for Molly, what a star, a typing dog!)

Poor you, its always the same with kids isn't you can't even be sick by yourself everyone has to join in too! Hope you are all feeling better soon!

Typing dogs, skipping cats....what clever pets we have, I could tell you the tale of our pony in the kitchen......she wasn't actually cooking of course, so not that clever I suppose after all.

Poor Alli, I am sorry you have all been ill. I remember these kind of bugs that would lay us all low at the same time, when the children were small....and feeling so miserable. Take it easy if you can over the weekend. Good on the weight loss though, even though it's not on a plan!
Hi Alli,
Sorry to hear you and your brood have been so poorly. Hope you start to feel a bit more energised soon. On a positive note...Yay for you being at your lowest! Ok, so its a horrid way to get there, but every cloud.....! Like you say, it will hopefully give you a bit of an advantage to get back on track again and get to that goal. xx
Hope things are settling down a bit more now, hugs.
