Alli takes the scenic route to maintenance

Guess who's only eaten 1400 cals today - YAY me if I may say so myself :D

Only a couple of hours until bed time - it may be a good day after all...:angel09:

It's raining in Spain at the moment and the forecast ain't good. Still it should be a bit warmer than here and the kids will love the beach regardless of the weather.

Now where's that glass of wine..
No! Bad girl!! More water! :jelous: Well done on the cals, Yay!!

Spain in the rain sounds good to me...:D x

A few days in Spain, in the rain, would be lovely. Well done on the cals today. I have turned down chocolate and a bite of pizza. I asked for both and then changed my mind. Feels great! Just say no to wine!

No to wine - don't be silly :)

I did have a glass of wine but nothing else so my total calories were 1397...

Today not so good but am on my way out for a good hour's walk now so will hopefully even out the (nearly) full English had at the village cafe this morning...(as if!)

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
I really struggle to say no to wine, but I can't just have one glass, it comes in a bottle so I have a bottle. Am also like that with chocolate, hey hum.

Hope you had a good walk today. I am going to my mums tomorrow and we are going for a nice long walk - getting in training for Race for Life that we are doing again this year.

Have a great rest of weekend x
Learning moderation is the hardest thing. Can say no wine, but no to chocolate? Noooooo....

I really struggle to say no to wine, but I can't just have one glass, it comes in a bottle so I have a bottle. doing again this year.

I used to have 2 or occasionally 3 glasses, but then changed to a very small wine glass and only had 2. Still got to be every day though. :eek: Oddly enough I don't miss it.

Been thinking Alli, you must have done wonders with Molly. You mentioned leaving her playing in the water and she ran after you because she didn't want to lose you - that's great! Have the dog training sessions started yet? xx
Wow, well done on your recent days being so good....
I like a drink or two too. I have cut down a lot and never drink when I'm home alone.... yet. :) The amount of calories in wine puts me off big time when I can't exercise, and then when I am exercising, I don't tend to drink so much as it does effect my training.
Hi All,

Sorry I'm so rubbish at posting these days. I'm not doing great on the eating still but not too bad either - I might have put on 3lbs or so but I weighed after my morning coffee so who knows.

Bess - Molly's puppy classes have started but we have only managed 2 sessions yet because of the snow. She is good though and I'm confident to have her off the lead as long as we are somewhere secure. She loves the water and we often walk along a stream and she runs in the stream while I walk beside it LOL. She is still a bit of a pain at home at times with a lot of attention barking at night. It normally starts after the children go to bed and suspect it's hard for her to transition from the noise and excitement of the children to the calm and quiet house when they've gone upstairs. I might try and do some training with her then and see if that works.

Wine - I'm not a big drinker at all but occasionally I have a bottle of wine over 3 days. I can go weeks and weeks without drinking but once I open the bottle I will have a glass or two a night until it's gone.

We're off on hols tomorrow and I'm starting to look forward to it now. DD was poorly last night and we didn't sleep at all so getting the washing and packing done seems like hard work. Still it has to be done so I'd better get on with it. Molly has just gone to a friend's house for a few hours as they are having her for the week and we want to get her used to their dogs slowly before having her there full time.

Once I'm back from holiday I will need to get some focus back as otherwise I'll start putting the weight on again. I've made a deal with a friend that I'm going to lose another stone so that we are the same size (I think she wants to palm off her old clothes on me LOL) - I do like a challenge so will have a go....

Anyway - must go to the shop and get some lunch as the fridge is empty and the cupboards bare.

Take Care & hope you're all doing well! I will check on your diaries soon, promise!
Have a fab holiday Alli and see you soon!

Have a brilliant relaxing holiday and hope DD's ok now. xx
have a great holiday and dont forget to relax....
Hi Everyone!

I'm back from hols and it feels great to be back. We had a nice time but my MIL fell and hurt her back and so we were a bit limited in the things we could do. I confess to not feel much sympathy for her as she seemed to be perfectly OK when she wanted to be (swimming, walking etc) but when it came to cooking or doing anything we wanted to do suddenly she started to groaning and panting about her back. Every unsuspecting stranger that we came across had to listen to her story of falling down the bottom step of the stairs in their apartment and you could literally see the poor people (sales assistants, waitresses and anyone who made the mistake of making eye contact with her) desperately thinking of ways to get away - not easy - she's a pro:D. My poor DH was so embarrassed all the time - and in the end said something to her which caused a bit of a strop for a while. Oh well - other than that it was fine and the children loved having their Nanny with them on hols.

it rained a few days and those days were spent eating. My scales were not kind to me this morning but no surprise there as my jeans barely fit me towards the end of the week. Oh well - Hopefully it will sort itself out over the next few weeks. I'm not sure whether to follow a plan or just try to eat lightly - i think I might need the structure of a plan so will have a think about what to do today ready for tomorrow.

I hope you are all doing well and that the wagon is still chugging along nicely! I'm off to catch up on your diaries now.
Glad you had a good time Alli. I think you are very brave taking MIL with you, mine keeps dropping big hints but my OH won't hear of it....thank goodness!
I'll be interested to see what you plan to do....xx
Hi Alli

Quite a bit of those extra lbs will be water as flying causes you to retain. I have always found I tend to drop at least 3lbs or so over a couple days when I get back from hols so your net gain probably isn't all that much.

If I can offer some advice I would give just getting back into your normal eating pattern a go first as in my experience the weight does drop back down again.

Oh and hats off to you holidaying with the MIL!

Hey Ali,
Welcome back hon.. hope you had a good holiday despite your mil's fall etc..
I have found it quite tough being back from holiday as I did have lots more to eat when i was there.. I have been a little up and down since being back but Im getting there..
Wise words from Porgeous sounds like a good plan x
Sounds like fun... glad it went well!
