Ally's Diary - take two

That's really sad, it's not a good start to the day.

How is the tattoo today, can't wait to see the photo's.
Foot feels like its been stabbed multiple times. Leg is fine though, just a bit red.
Is it good or bad that i've only been wearing these size 14 trousers for 2 weeks and can already pull them down without undoing the buttons? Last week I had to unbutton them.
Since I'm already showing my tattoo's off to everyone who'll take notice... :p Yesterday I had the Rocket done (only part already existing on thet leg was the musical note star and stuff inside it), and obviously had my foot redone. Rest of it has been done between august last year and yesterday, nearly all of it as been done by one person who has turned into a really good friend, he did the whole of the Nanna & Grandad tattoo,the rocket and obviously the foot tattoo even though he didnt do it first time, just got him to fix it :p A girl i went school with did the musical note star and the original foot tat (should have gone to Roman for too but was impatient, he was moving to a new studio when i wanted them done).

Loving the tats they look amazing I really want my butterfly's doing now so jealous brave woman

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Loving the tats they look amazing I really want my butterfly's doing now so jealous brave woman

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My tattooist said that, but the only one that even remotely hurt was my foot haha
So much for expecting period bloat... Had my biggest ever loss in a week.. 3.5lb. Considering i have only been swimming once and not been gym at all, guess my body wanted the rest!

Breakfast: choc porridge, shape zero cherry yogurt
Lunch: ham sandwich, plum, apple, banana
Tea: gammon, pineapple and salad

Hea: milk
Heb: porridge
Heb: bread

Syns: marg 0.5, bournville highlights 2, gum 1, jaffa cake 2.5, mini twister 2.5, snack a jacks 4.5
Total syns: 13
Free snacks: prepacked fruit

Drinks: 1 tea, 6 glasses water
Body magic: 15 min walk
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I'm still wondering if my scales are faulty
Manufacturing fault maybe haha
I think its more disbelieve that I can actually manage to lose that much in week despite not being 100% on plan for 2 days AND being a meer half a pound off losing a total of 5 stone :O
Breakfast: porridge with golden syrup, cherry Shape zero
Lunch: salmon and philly ryvita, strawberries
Tea: fisherman's burgers and salad, apple

Hea: milk
Hea: extra light philly
Heb: porridge
Heb: cracked black pepper ryvita

Syns: golden syrup 2.5, jaffa cake 2.5, gummi bears 1, 2x mini milk 3, curly wurly 6
Total syns: 15
Free snacks: apple

Drinks: 1 tea, 6 glasses water
Body magic: 20 min walk
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I was too scared to get on the scales this morning just incase i'd regained that 3.5lb haha Maybe it will break my serial weighing!