Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Awwww that's fantastic! What a great achievement for you! And no negatives to list either..... enjoy.xx
Sounds fabulous Di, well done on enjoying yourself so thoroughly:)
you'd forgotten how to feel nice and like yourself, feels good don't it. !
That's all lovely stuff xx
Welcome back sweetie - so glad you had lots of energy to charge around :)

Glad too that you had a good chance to really get to know Pilot - sounds like he will be a nice long term friend?

I'm just on my way home. .. Arrived in Dover a few hours ago.... Will update you from my bath - cant wait to read all you exploits while I've been away!! Xxx
OUR exploits?? cant wait to read YOUR'S!!
So lovely to have a bath instead of showers ! Lol

Well... I tried to keep as low carb as possible... Was tricky at times cos couldn't always get restaurants/cafes to understand me when I said no dressing! Lol

Just weighed myself this evening and I'm 2.5lbs more than Friday ... Which is fine as I am usually heavier in the evening and I have consumed loads of red and white wine and champagne - the brut stuff! Lol

Breakfast was easy - cold ham and cheeses with coffee and cream that I'd bought at the Intermarche

Not eaten enough (if any) veg ! But will sort that now I'm home!

Compiegne is a really lovely town - id definitely recommend that area!

He was really easy to get along with but he's very traditional - which is appealing because I'm not ... And very set in his ways ... And that balance works to a point... Then it just frustrates me! Lol

I think because he has to take beta blockers and warfarin the meds cramp his style - so that part didn't properly happen (sorry of that's too much info )

But, we get on and I know he's quite keen

I just couldn't get over how much energy I had ... I think being on holiday, away from London and the stresses of life really lifted me... And being away with a chap obviously does things to the ego ...

Now back to losing the weight! Xxx
Sounds like everything (almost) went swimmingly, you are forgiven for the TMI lol, we did say we wanted to know everything lol xxxx
aw Di..I have been eagerly awaiting your holiday review! So glad it went well, see, we told you there was nothing to get yourself in a tiz about!
I think because he has to take beta blockers and warfarin the meds cramp his style - so that part didn't properly happen (sorry of that's too much info )

No such thing as tmi - at least, not here. It's like having a huge bunch of girlfriends you can tell anything to :D

And Laura is so right, the tiz was completely understandable - but unnecessary xxxx
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Sounds like an amazing time and well done figuring out food that worked for you:). Of course all the wine and champagne will have done you the world of good. So pleased to hear you happy and back in your bath (! :D ). And agree - never TMI on minis:eek: