Andi - week 1

Sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you; try to eat something healthy if you can - you need to keep your strength up for your kids (and yourself!)
Hi ya Andi,
I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. Anyone on their own with kids gets my full admiration. Is there etc you can leave them with for a couple of have to have some time for yourself :D remember you are important, it's so easy to get caught up in the look after everyone but me scenario.
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.
sorry to hear that Andi you know where we are if you need us hun xxxxxx
Im so sorry to hear your news xx
Bless you, hun - I was a single mum for 5 years and it can be very gruelling BUT it's also fantastic when it's just you and the kids with no HIM causing a nasty atmosphere and cluttering up the place!

You'll take time to adjust but there's no reason why you won't find yourself happier than ever before once you've got used to to the idea.

Big (((HUGS)))

Sorry to hear your bad news, hope you feel alittle better today. On a practical level, when Ozzie was a puppy we bought him a baby's playpen, so that when we went out he couldn't cause too much mischief - it really worked. Might be worth a try!

Oh no Andi love, so so sorry to hear this :(
I can't begin to imagine what you're going through right now, we are here for you if ever you want a chat love and I mean that.
Thinking of you, let us know how you're getting on :hug99::hug99::hug99:
Thanks everyone for all your support - im really touched. Im staying with my dad for a couple of nights until h gets all of his stuff out of the house. Its killing me watching him throw away our family. Its been awful for ages and I did see this coming and he has been threatening this for ages but for some daft reason I thought it would be ok and would stay together no matter what because we both want the best for our kids. Im numb at the moment but maybe this is what I need to get back control of my life.

The good news is that I lost 5lbs this week. Its not a real loss but I have updated my ticker anyway.

Oh Andi ((())) it must be so hard :( Shows how much stress you're under losing 5lb, which under normal circumstances you'd be thrilled with.
Pleased you've had a great loss but not for the circumstances love.
Thinking of you ((()))
hi sweetheart,

I dont really know what to say because there isnt anything I can, I just want to let you know that im thinking of you and please dont hesitate to give me a shout if there is anything I can do for you or if you fancy a chat.

How are you feeling today?xxx
just popping by to see how u are xxxxxx

Puts my bad week into perspective. I was in a similar situation a few years ago so I do know how you feel, I lived on coffee and alpen bars for weeks, it was all I could stomach. There really is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better, just hang in there and take one day at a time. It doesn't feel like it right now but you will be OK given time. Think of you.

Oh i'm sorry to hear that Andi but if things have been bad for a while then maybe it's for the best. You will be OK i promise.
Thanks everyone - where would I be without all your kind words of support. He has most of his stuff out of our house and is busy spending thousands of pounds on making his new pad lovely. Strange how he never had any money to spend on our home:rolleyes: He hasnt lifted a paintbrush in years in our house but he has bought paint and is painting his new place. The more I think about it the more im convinced that he is doing me a favour and that I can at last move on from this huge rut I have been in for years. Me and the kids are moving back home tomorrow night. It will be strange for a while but we will get used to it and who knows maybe even prefer it just the three of us (and the mad pets aswell!)
