Angry Rant, Sorry.

Well said Betsy!

After a life time of being fat I was used to being asked when I was due or hearing unkind comments. As a teacher I would ignore them. One angry teen once called me a "stupid, fat cow" as he ran out of the classroom (he had serious emotional problems) and I just yelled after him "I may be fat and a cow but don't call me stupid!"

What really annoys me is that anorexics and bulemics are treated with sympathy, accepted and given lots of help but those with other eating disorders like compulsive eating are shunned and labelled as fat and lazy. Even though I was morbidly obese I exercised more than all my slim friends and was probably healthier than them, I certainly had lower blood pressure. Just because someone is slim doesn't mean they are healthy!

Good rant Betsy, it has really helped me.
