Anna's WW journey

Ahhh dont worry hun you'll claw those back in no time!

As for the comments about your little boy; i'm proud for you!!! How lovely. And at 2.5!!! They are meant to be the 'terrible two's' arent they!:) x
aww you musta been glowing when you were given that report! And like Karen said, you're lovely so not a surprise that your kids are too :) x
Hey hun, happens to the best of us. After not eating v much the other week while you were ill, it might be the kick start your metabolism needs. You're taking the right approach anyway, cutting down by 4 points a day plus your activity points can go towards it as well. At least you did it at the right end of the week lol.

Congrats on the proud mummy moment. You are lovely so it comes as no surprise to me that the little one is lovely too x

Thank you, that's a really kind thing to say :) My children are wonderful, I am constantly amazed by the things they do & say, I am very fortunate to be a part of their lives :)

You are right about doing it at the right part of the week! lol I feel a lot better today, more energy so maybe I needed the extra points although I'm not saying what I did was right or advisable :rolleyes:
Ahhh dont worry hun you'll claw those back in no time!

As for the comments about your little boy; i'm proud for you!!! How lovely. And at 2.5!!! They are meant to be the 'terrible two's' arent they!:) x

Thank you :) He should be in the terrible 2's but apart from the very occasional day, like yesterday, where he is hard work, the rest of the time he really is a very funny & entertaning little boy. He's a really good little helper as well & loves helping out with everything round the house. I feel very fortunate having 2 such wonderful children :)
aww you musta been glowing when you were given that report! And like Karen said, you're lovely so not a surprise that your kids are too :) x

awwww thank you :) It really was a proud mummy moment :D He's full of beans today & back to his usual happy self.
Btw I'm studying with OU - having an enforced year off as no funding - but can't wait to do E243 Inclusive Education - you'll have to let me know how it goes.

I will do, my set books arrived this morning as I ordered them early so I could get some advanced reading in. I always try & get ahead as by the end I'm always struggling to keep up as life has a habbit of getting in the way! :rolleyes: It is expensive, I don't qualify for any funding but thankfully have a husband who doesn't mind going without holidays to fund it :D The Tesco deals vouchers come in handy as well :)
I had a really enjoyable day yesterday :) We didn't do anything special, just got some shopping done & lots of playing with my toddler in the afternoon.

Today I'm going to try & walk to toddler group. I'm not sure how I'll manage as it will be the first real walk since having flu but at least I can sit down for an hour when I get there :D I did manage 10 minutes on the exercise bike yesterday so the walk should be OK

This afternoon I'll be making Christmas tree decorations with my toddler. I know it's still November but when working with a 2 year old these things take time! lol

I kept to my points yesterday. I've worked out my weeks food plans so I can make sure I cut back 4 every day to help after having pizza hut. It wont be enough but it will at least limit a good part of the damage :eek:
So, how are you doing this week Anna?
We must have posted around the same time as I've just done an update :D I'm doing a lot better, on plan with my points & getting my strength back after the flu :) Looking forward to my walk this morning & just hoping it doesn't wipe me out :rolleyes:

How are you doing?
It's great to hear you sounding positive Anna. I am trying to stay positive too. We need to spur each other on. It's hard bouncing back from a gain....

Well done on the cycle and walk. Try not to overdo it but you know that anyway ;) I guess that means you are feeling almost back to normal? :)

I would love some tips and info on the tree decorations. My 3 year old would love to do that too. Good idea :)
Thank you :) I really enjoyed the walk but am worn out now so not quite back to normal, getting there though :D

Christmas decorations....

It depends on what you want to do, just ones for the tree or Christmas things in general.

In general....

We have made snowmen using paper plates, card to make various hats, the eyes, mouth etc. Wool to make a scarf & twigs we have collected on walks for the arms. All good fun, lots of cutting & gluing involved. You can make Father Christmas the same way but with painting involved & cotton wool for the beard & trimming on the hat etc.

You can make a nativity scene... we use the tubes from inside the toilet rolls & make all the different characters & some animals & then a cereal box for the stable. Again it helps if you have lots of different coloured paper in the house, wool for the hair & possibly some bits of fabric to help with clothes although paper is fine.

We make paper chains. Snowflakes are fun if they like using scissors & we put them up on all the windows.

If you have a roll of paper or left over wall paper then drawing round them is fun. You can then use paints etc to make their cut out in to Santa's helper.

For the tree....

The tubes from toilet rolls are used to make Christmas crackers to go on the tree. I use card to make the cracker shape & then they stick things on to decorate.

I cut out shapes of trees out of card which can then be decorated to make little Christmas trees. The same for stockings & balls.

Do you remember making pompoms as a child? They are great for making snowmen to go on the tree or Father Christmas.

Wooden sticks, like lolly sticks are great for making in to stars, they can be painted or glued so glitter can be put on them.

If you have different coloured card you can cut out the shape for them to be folded in to boxes, decorate the boxes before they are folded if that makes sense, fold them & then tie the box with string so you can hand them on the tree. My daughter likes to put chocolate in the boxes...I wonder why! LOL ;)

I must admit that we have a lot of craft supplies in the house so lots of card, glue, glitter, string, wool, paints, crayons etc but I also use things from round the house like toilet roll tubes, boxes, the lids from the milk bottles, I save the foil from sweets etc, old clothes if they can't be sent to the charity shop can be cut up for crafts if the fabric is suitable. Everything that can possibly be used for crafts/gluing etc gets kept & put in a box, OK make that lots of boxes :rolleyes:

That's just a few ideas, I have more but that should give you an idea of the things we do :)

wow theyre fantastic ideas for chrimbo! my sons only 4mnths will be 5 mnths for xmas i cant wait until hes old enuff to do arts and crafts im a big kid myself and used to love all that!! xx
wow theyre fantastic ideas for chrimbo! my sons only 4mnths will be 5 mnths for xmas i cant wait until hes old enuff to do arts and crafts im a big kid myself and used to love all that!! xx

He will be old enough before you know it, they grow up soooo fast! I love doing crafts with the children. Apart from the fact it's fun getting covered in glue & paint etc it's really good for them. They learn so much whilst just having fun :D

We have a den (can't call it a play room with a 12 year old in the house ;)) & it's mostly used for crafts although we sit round the table in there for meals. The walls are covered in pictures etc, I love it & my toddler gets are real kick out of seeing his latest picture put on the wall. Then there are the things that can be hung from the ceiling :D

My friends children love coming over & always want to go in the den to do crafts or get things like the play doh out. A lot of my friends can't believe that I'm not bothered by the mess but it's easy to clean up, even when they have been doing foot painting by standing in trays of paint & then walking over rolls of paper ;) Toddlers are great fun!!

My daughter still enjoys doing crafts but now likes helping her brother rather than doing her own projects. I love seeing them sat at the table together painting etc :)
I over estimated just how much I could cope with today. I feel drained & exhausted & am struggling to stay awake. I did put on Thomas & Friends on the TV in the bedroom & lie on the bed for 1/2 hour with my toddler as I just hit a wall & needed to lie down. My husband is home in just over an hour...

I think I'll go back to using the car for the rest of the week, that walk has knocked me sideways :(

What I would give for some chocolate! I can't though as I dread to think what the next WI will bring anyway after the pizza hut incident :rolleyes:
Anna, thanks so much for your ideas. I am going to try some of that in the net few weeks. We are not an arty family and it makes me feel bad but I have bought him a big art set for his birthday (which is 3 weeks away) so we can get to work.

You sound like such a fantastic mum :D Your kids are very lucky :D

Sorry you are feeling tired. I hope you are resting now. Take it easy this week, there's always next ;). Try not to worry about WI and stick to the plan. I shared a bar of chocolate with my son but I only had enough points for 2 squares (I had 3). I have eaten 2 and put the other away! How sad lol but I am determined to lose this week. Hey, maybe I could send it over to you via carrier pidgeon??? hehehe
Anna, thanks so much for your ideas. I am going to try some of that in the net few weeks. We are not an arty family and it makes me feel bad but I have bought him a big art set for his birthday (which is 3 weeks away) so we can get to work.

You sound like such a fantastic mum :D Your kids are very lucky :D

Sorry you are feeling tired. I hope you are resting now. Take it easy this week, there's always next ;). Try not to worry about WI and stick to the plan. I shared a bar of chocolate with my son but I only had enough points for 2 squares (I had 3). I have eaten 2 and put the other away! How sad lol but I am determined to lose this week. Hey, maybe I could send it over to you via carrier pidgeon??? hehehe

You shouldn't feel bad about not being arty, everyone has their 'thing'.

That was a really kind thing for you to say. I'm not a great mum but I am the best mum my children will ever have ;)

Well done on the chocolate, I couldn't have done that! :party0038:

I feel OK this morning. I know I said walking was a mistake yesterday but I feel fine so am thinking about walking my toddler to pre school although I will collect him in the car. I'll have 2 hours to sit & relax when I get home & then he has an afternoon nap so I think a walk should be OK. I do miss them, I never thought I'd say that as I have always been allergic to exercise ;) Now though I feel like I'm being deprived of something if I can't get out & walk, I must be going mad! LOL
Forget what I said about going for a walk, just realised I need to go to Tesco & the rabbit hutch & hamster cage both need cleaning out so no walk for me today :sigh:

But y'know that will work your arms out;)x
Yesterday was a difficult day, I'm rather glad it's over with. It has made me appreciate just how much I turn to food when I'm under stress or pressure as I did get the munchies yesterday for chocolate although I was within my points so no real damage done :)

I had been cutting back by 4 points a day after the pizza hut incident on Monday but I've decided to stop doing this. Psychologically I've been feeling deprived, daft I know as I did go way over my points on Monday. I have no problem in banking points in advance if I'm planning a meal out etc but I have decided not to try & cut back on points if I've gone over one day. I know this might slow down my weight loss but I crave things if I'm feeling like I can't have them. It's a lot better for me to just accept that I've over eaten one day & carry on as normal with my points the next & just hope my activity points balance it out. If I put on or STS as a result well then I have to accept responsibility for that & that's fine, what was hard was when this week I gained even though I stuck to it 100%.

I have a lot of weight to lose so need to make sure I can stick to this long term. I can live with a slow weight loss, I can't do feeling deprived or guilty because I've gone over my points & am then trying to claw them back. There will always be unexpected meals out, I will try & make sure I stay within points but life happens & I need a life long friendly way of doing this.

I am just talking about things like unexpected meals out, not just eating too much because I feel like it as that would be giving me the green light to do whatever I feel like & I do need to keep to my points on normal days or I'll never lose weight!

I'm rambling, not sure if any of that makes sense but I know what I mean :)