Anna's WW journey

I STS!! :D I thought I'd put on weight so I'm really pleased with this weeks weigh in :bliss:

The shocking thig though...I ate loads this week, I dread to think just how much I used to eat put on weight :eek:
Well done on STS Anna :D Here's to 2lbs a week until Christmas. You CAN do it :)
Morning Hun,
well done on a sts thats great! It always makes you feel good when you get a sts when you think you have put on...
How was your weekend hun?
Well done on STS Anna :D Here's to 2lbs a week until Christmas. You CAN do it :)

Thank you :) I have to do it! I'll really will drop another clothes size then :)

Morning Hun,
well done on a sts thats great! It always makes you feel good when you get a sts when you think you have put on...
How was your weekend hun?

Thank you :) I had a really good weekend, thanks. How was yours?

well done on STS Anna x x x

Thanks :D

I decided to get back to exercise this week as I'm feeling so much better. I walked my toddler to pre school this morning in the drizzle, I got soaking wet, drizzle is deceptive! Thankfully my son was in his pushchair under the rain cover so he was fine. As long as it's still just drizzle I'll walk to collect him as well :) I get 2.5 activity points for each round trip so I could earn 5 activity points today.
Ah well done you! Wish i could walk as much as you do Anna, there is no way i could even convince myself to go out in 'drizzle'! lol xx
Ah well done you! Wish i could walk as much as you do Anna, there is no way i could even convince myself to go out in 'drizzle'! lol xx

Thank you, I must be a little mad though as I did walk to collect him from pre school & 5 mins after I left the house the drizzle turned in to rain :eek: It's a 45 min round trip (longer in reality as I have to wait around for my son, get him in the pushchair etc) & by the time I got home my jeans were soaked so after carrying my son up to bed as he fell asleep in the pushchair, I had to get changed. I got rather wet!
Thank you, I must be a little mad though as I did walk to collect him from pre school & 5 mins after I left the house the drizzle turned in to rain :eek: It's a 45 min round trip (longer in reality as I have to wait around for my son, get him in the pushchair etc) & by the time I got home my jeans were soaked so after carrying my son up to bed as he fell asleep in the pushchair, I had to get changed. I got rather wet!

Crikey! Even more kudos to you then! x
Well done on STS you must be thrilled! Good for you for walking this morning especially in the naff weather xxx
Well done on STS you must be thrilled! Good for you for walking this morning especially in the naff weather xxx

Thank you, I am really pleased & still can't quite believe it :)

I'm glad I did the walking. I've always used the weather as an excuse not to do things but I know if I'm serious about changing my life I need to cut the excuses & get on with it. If it was heavy rain I would have taken the car as I'm not that mad! lol :D
well done on sts this week...:):) can so relate with u about the drizzling being deceptive the baby clinic is 2.5 miles from my house so i set of this morning on my walk to it and was grand half way back and the clouds opened and started to pour really heavy while ryan was all cuddled up in his travel system covered up all cozy i had an umberella but it was so awkward going down the country roads trying to push the pram hold a bag and an umberella i ended up giving up on the umberella and appeared in the house like a drowned rat - i had no fone and dp was at work with the car base in it - lol :)
I forgot to say Well done on STS!x
well done Anna! :D STS is fantastic, especially as you were so sure you would gain! Also, well done on the walking - like everyone else.. i am a buggar for finding excuses and any sort of bad weather would put me off walking until next summer haha! :p

heres to your [just over] 2lbs per week up until xmas.. you can definitely do it! xxx
well done on sts this week...:):) can so relate with u about the drizzling being deceptive the baby clinic is 2.5 miles from my house so i set of this morning on my walk to it and was grand half way back and the clouds opened and started to pour really heavy while ryan was all cuddled up in his travel system covered up all cozy i had an umberella but it was so awkward going down the country roads trying to push the pram hold a bag and an umberella i ended up giving up on the umberella and appeared in the house like a drowned rat - i had no fone and dp was at work with the car base in it - lol :)

Thank you :) So both of us getting rather wet! :eek: How old is Ryan?

I forgot to say Well done on STS!x

lol Thank you :D
well done Anna! :D STS is fantastic, especially as you were so sure you would gain! Also, well done on the walking - like everyone else.. i am a buggar for finding excuses and any sort of bad weather would put me off walking until next summer haha! :p

heres to your [just over] 2lbs per week up until xmas.. you can definitely do it! xxx

Thank you, I'm still on cloud 9 as I really wasn't expecting it :) I am going to make sure I do everything possible to lose those 2 & a bit pounds a week :)
Goodluck Anna x
Goodluck Anna x

Thank you :) I hope things get back to normal for you soon, once the surgery is out the way your mum will soon be feeling a lot better :)
I'm having another good day so far. I took my toddler to a soft play centre where we met up with friends. Climbing/crawling round one of those places is hard work!

Before he went down for his nap my toddler asked to go to the shops this afternoon bless him! If he still wants to when he wakes up I might walk to the shopping centre as it will get me at least 3.5 activity points :)