Anna's WW journey

Thank you :) I felt so dorry for my husband this morning. I've not seen him look so worried/stressed for years.

The programme was hard viewing, I just hope that we get good news & don't have to fight to keep our home. We would still owe money even if it was repossed as house prices have dropped so much so we would be in negative equity. On the positive side we have no other debts so it's just the house but with monthly payments of almost £1,000 it would be a disaster if he is made redundent.
My husband has his redundancy meeting & based on the selection criteria they are using that includes length of service but misses out other areas where he is very strong, he will 100% not have a job in 2 weeks time :cry: He has another meeting next week just so he can say anything he might have forgotten this week & then gets told for sure the week after. It's all a farce really, a process they have to follow by law but they have clearly already made their minds up based on the criteria they have chosen :cry:
Oh, Anna - how awful for you.

Nothing else I can say right now really - sending you love, hugs and positive vibes.

Are they giving him some help in finding alternative work? What does he do for a living - you've probably told us that before but I can't remember?

Rosie xxxxxxxxx:hug99::hug99:
Oh waht an awful stressful time for you. Thoughts are with you. Take care xx
Oh Anna, I am so sorry to hear that. What an awful thing to happen. I don't really know what to say but I am thinking of you and am sending a hug (((hug))). Sorry again :(
I've had a rubbish few days & am right off plan. I haven't even really looked at my ww at home pack yet. I could do with someone knocking some sense in to me as I'm struggling with motivation :slap:

I think I need to give myself a good talking to....
Hi Anna. So sorry to hear that your DH is being made redundant, that's awful.

It's understandable that you would want to comfort-eat under those circumstances - someone you love is hurting and you can't do anything to help about it and your own security and that of your children is being threatened.

I'm an emotional eater too, so I know how hard it is. Bearing in mind that food is an emotional 'crutch' would it be helpful to post, pm or text someone on here when you feel you want to eat or if things are getting on top of you? You can have my mobile number with pleasure if you want it. Just send me a pm and I'll pm it back to you.

Look after yourself. You have a loving marriage, wonderful children and much to be thankful for. The rest will pass x
Hi Anna

Sorry to hear about your worries and will be thinking of you. If you need support always be here for you

I gave myself a good talking to & have decided to stop wallowing in self pity & get on with life. I am going to lose weight, I refuse to faff around using other things as an excuse to over eat. Whilst life is really not easy right now there are other ways to deal with things & if I plan on loosing weight & keeping it off for life then I have to find ways to deal with it that do not involve comfort eating.

So that's me back on plan & looking forward to loosing a whole load of weight in 2009 :):):)
That's my Anna. You can do it hun! It must be really hard right now but just remember why you are losing weight. Post here whenever you are feeling down - there is alwas someone here to give you a kick up the bum!

How is your hubby now?
That's my Anna. You can do it hun! It must be really hard right now but just remember why you are losing weight. Post here whenever you are feeling down - there is alwas someone here to give you a kick up the bum!

How is your hubby now?

Thanks Lea, there really does come a time when wallowing in self pity does become rather dull & tiresome, anyway, that's in the past.

My husband's not been sleeping as he can't switch off so it clearly very worried. I can understand why, it must be dreadful for him. He's off this weekend which is good :)

I'm going to ASDA this morning to see what WW things I can buy. I don't normally shop there so am hoping to come accross some of the things mentioned on here :D
well done Anna for making such a good decision. Awful to hear about your husband so I understand how hard it is for you to have your head in the right place right now, but well done for not giving up :) 2009 will be your year xxx
Thank you :) I'm still worried & have a lot on my mind, it is stress central here. I figure though that I may as well be loosing weight & worried than just getting heavier & still worried. At least this way I'll feel better about myself because I'm loosing weight & I'll be getting healthier so better able to cope with what life throws at us as well :)

I've not long got back from ASDA, I spent ages going round looking at everything points calculator in hand LOL I've bought lots of WW things, cakes, various tuna in sauces, meals, pizzas, crisps, cook in sauces etc & I got some ASDA meals as well for a change. They had loads more WW things than they have at Tesco. I'll still do most of my shopping in Tesco but will be going to ASDA to get those WW things (assuming I like them). Whilst I was there I also got some vegetables so I can make a zero point soup later. It's just as well we have 2 freezers that were half empty! ;):)

It might sound rather sad but I had a good time looking at everything & I am looking forward to trying out the new things I bought, if nothing else it will add a bit of variety for a while.

I'm getting my WW kitchen scales tomorrow assuming the web site is right about the meeting I looked up. I might get a cookbook as well whilst I'm there as whilst I like having ready meals in the house I do like to have home cooked food as well.
the scales are totally worth it Anna, i leave mine on the bench so they're never far away should i need them :) and dont feel sad.. i do that too! I keep my calculator on me at work and work out the points in everything i pass that catches my eye :D

hope your day goes well for you :) x
the scales are totally worth it Anna, i leave mine on the bench so they're never far away should i need them :) and dont feel sad.. i do that too! I keep my calculator on me at work and work out the points in everything i pass that catches my eye :D

hope your day goes well for you :) x

Thank you :D

One thing I found interesting is meals that we not officially low fat etc were often the same points or only slightly more than the often more expensive healthy ranges. I'll be taking my points calculator with me whenever I go shopping now! :)
i know - its shocking! To be honest, the ones i've found with lower points values are usually the basics ranges (bar macaroni cheese).. and although I can only speak for Sainsburys basics range.. they are actually really tasty! :D
i know - its shocking! To be honest, the ones i've found with lower points values are usually the basics ranges (bar macaroni cheese).. and although I can only speak for Sainsburys basics range.. they are actually really tasty! :D

That's what I found as well. I've still to check out Sainsburys but I'm sure I'll get there within the next few days :) I did see some muller lights yoghurts, chocolate multi pack but they weren't on offer in ASDA & I wasn't sure of the points value & they only have everything per 100g on the pack so not easy to quickly work out.

Glad to see you are taking a postive approach Anna and hope all goes well.


Thank you :)
they're all 1.5 per pot :) theyre on half price in sainsburys - all the multipacks are actually :) £1.48 i think?