Another "Miracle" Diet

So good that we can all laugh and see these claims for what they are.

So many unhappy people have not yet really accepted the relationship between what they put in their mouths is relative to what size their bodies are, they are the targets.
Most people what a get fixed quick solution, patience is not always a virtue with us. We all at one time or other have wished for a magic wand to make the weight drop off. Thankfully Dukan gives you a sense of 'speed' with giving us a deadline for our target and better control over our food.
eating a chore ?? seriously :eek:

i tried the toy boy diet 12 years ago.... worked wonders ;)
Ellie your a wicked woman lol xxx
i tried the toy boy diet 12 years ago.... worked wonders ;)[/QUOTE]

What?? You ate a whole toy boy!!!! Couldn't manage a whole one. I'll have to stick with the old sod I've got at home!! :p
plenty protein.... hmmm thats so wrong on many levels :eek:
Hahaha, love this forum....not only tips and support but you lot make me smile xxx
Reminds me of peter Kay when he's jumping about saying 'there is always a new diet in offices , its easy all you have is half a cup of drink your own pi$$ you loose 14 STONE IN A DAY!!!' LOL x
Lol hahaha 14 stone in a day....put big light on.....
My OH is 21.. I'm coming up 28... Does that count?