Another newbie diet diary

Yesterday, I went Christmas shopping with a young ( emphasis on young) neighbour of mine. When I got home, everything from the waist down ached and I still have sore feet this morning. Why do we do this to ourselves? I don't have many presents to buy at all. Most of our friends live overseas and all their presents; things I'd knitted, crocheted or 'tapestried' and paintings my husband had done, went overland in August. Some old bat got me in my, not inconsiderable, mid section with her elbow when we were in Boots and she never said sorry which is typical for people of our age. The youngsters often have far better manners. Oh yes, and another thing... our dog has eaten my reading glasses so apologies for the spelling in this
ooh tasi what a start to your day :) hope you get new glasses soon!

I enjoy xmas shopping, but i agree, the rude shoppers out there are a nightmare ;)

Enjoy the rest of your day x

Stiff as an old sow when I got out of bed yesterday after that marathon shopathon on Monday... then I went and defrosted the big chest freezer in the shed:confused: Hello?... Why? halfway through, I was walking like a giraffe because my knees were too sore to bend and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it started to rain. So there I was, carting stuff through the back door in a blinking cloud burst.
Now, you may be thinking that I had learned my lesson and would sit down for a cuppa and a rest. No. Our local paper came through the door and I had a look at it whilst sucking up a quick coffee. There was a flyer from Farm Foods with smashing offers so after lunch off hubby and I went and stocked up the freezer ready for Christmas AND IT WAS STILL BL**DY RAINING. By the time 'Death in Paradise' (my favourite at the moment) came on TV last evening, Tasi was sitting in front of the TV with her feet in a bucket:eek: Having a quiet day today.
Busy lady Tasi..but very productive! Now you can tick emptyingthe freezer off yourlist of things to do before xmas :) list is about a foot long at the moment!
I love farmfoods bargains, but since leaving the city, i haven't been to one in years! the freezer section in my co-op gets my money every christmas..not quite the same..selection or bargains!
The joy of soaking your feet after a cold hard day..sounds bliss!
Have a great day whatever you are up to today :)
Thanks Kate. I have had a quiet day today. This afternoon I sat down and watch a Father Dowling Mystery on TV and didn't feel at all guilty when hubby walked the dog alone... a black lab the size of a small donkey... the dog not hubby.
It has only just gone 4pm here and as black as the inside of a cat. It doesn't seem that long ago we had the doors and windows open and the blinds down to keep the sun out. Still, we are in December tomorrow and can't grumble about the winter so far can we?
I went to see my mum this morning, she will be 92 in January. She used to be so switched on: spoke 5 languages fluently, always immaculate. Court shoes matching hand bag, and a smart business suit . Dementia has taken her away from us. She doesn't know me, speaks a mixture of welsh and latin, cannot walk properly, has paranoia and hallucinations and can be very violent. I can hardly recognise her. She refuses to wear anything but a scruffy old dress over her pull up nappy & mens shoes and socks. Her hair has been cut short because she won't let a hairdresser near her. The whole time I was there, she didn't talk to me at all, just kept talking to her voices. As I left, she almost recognised me, and then the fog of dementia thickened and I was a stranger again. I am an only child so she is my responsibility. We hung on to her as long as we could in our home, but 5 years ago we had to put her in a dementia home because she was getting a danger to herself and to others. They do their best, but I shall be glad when she slips her moorings from this world because she has lost her dignity and self respect.
Good morning Tasi :)

your post really touched me, what a dedicated daughter you are, you should feel proud of yourself hun. what a wonderful age, 92, that's an achievement it itself. Your mum sounds like an amazing woman, sadly lost in dementia now, how sad for both of you.

I was raised by my grandparents, grandad died far too young at 66, gran developed dementia at 74, so i fully understand how upsetting and devasting AND difficult it is to live with. She lived with us for 11 years, died at the age of 85, not knowing us for all those years, or where she was, living in the past, looking for all her family members from her childhood etc. We used to get respite care for a couple of times a year, towards the end, life was so tough for everyone, we were struggling to cope..then just before christmas 16 years ago, she suddenly collapsed at home one morning, was taken to hospital, where it was discovered she was riddled with cancer, mostly in her brain..she died 3 weeks later.
Keep strong love, she is in the right place with the professionals who can care and cope. She is still the same wonderful woman you remember, smile at the memories and don't allow the fog of the dementia rob you of the mum you know and love x
Hope today is an easier day for you, you are such a strong woman and have a great sense of humour, enjoy your weekend :)
We are very alike you know Rose. My grandparents were heavily involved in my growing up too. My dad was killed in an explosion when I was 3 weeks old. Mum returned to work (she never claimed a penny in benefits, started nuring in 1937 retiring in 1980) Gran and grand dad were marvelous.

RIGHT THEN! I want you all to be the first to know... drum roll... fanfare.... we have, after 18 months, finished decorating this house and it will go on the market in the new year/spring. It has been a mamouth task. Tomorrow we will have been married 36 years and 33 of them were spent here so you can imagine all the stuff we have had to clear out in each room. Three piles: tip, keep, charity shop. We are ready now for the next stage of recovering from losing our daughter so suddenly and cruelly. It's time to go and take fond memories of this house with us and leave the painful ones behind here. We can see her everywhere. And everytime I walk upstairs I can see the paramedics working on her, its time to relegate that vision to memory.

NOW! 'fess up time. Being 61 and 63:( Mark and I have got to the age when we know what we can do and, more importantly what we can't do. There is no way we can be good over Christmas! We can eat sensibly, drink moderately but doubt we will lose much weight, So, we will not weigh until the new year, but also, we will not go daft and eat everything in sight. People are so kind to us and we have been invited to more Christmas parties than ever before.

Talk to you all in the next few days, but don't expect a weight update!!
Hello :)

Now I don't feel so guility for avoiding the scales until january..i've now got a buddy doing the same hee hee, thankyou Tasi! :)

Grandparents are the best aren't they? Sadly my wee cherub's grandparents and step grandparents all died within a year of each other 2 years ago... he never sees his only surviving set of doesn't know the joy of visiting or staying with granny and grampa anymore.

Wishing you a lovely memorable day tomorrow, congratulations,,now what's the secret of a lifetime of wedded bliss????..i'm only 3 years in..and still loving it!

Good luck with selling your home, hope you get a quick sale for a brilliant price! Are you leaving the area, or buying local again? How exciting :)

I am sad to hear of your upsetting memories, i won't pry lovey, but it sounds so heartbreaking to have lost your lovely daughter like that. Take all the beautiful, happy, unforgettable memories with you, your daughter will be with you both in your hearts matter where you make your new home. {hugs}

MUST go and write some xmas cards, can't keep putting it off! :D

Enjoy your day tomorrow x
Thanks Rose. There's no secret to a long happy marriage except give and take and realise that neither of you is perfect... certainly not me! We have a mantra: A day without a laugh in it is a day wasted' Of course, there have been many days over the years when we have cried, but we have cried together.

We didn't do anything special yesterday except have a Chineese takeaway as a treat in the evening, and of course, remembered the ceremony at 10.30am. On Saturday we are calling in at an old friends in the morning. She opens her house every Christmas and has a bring and buy for charity. Last year she raised £2.000. Then on Sunday, we are going away for the day to a Christmas market 30(ish) miles away. It will get us into the spirit. last year we didn't go, and to be honest, hearing Beth's favourite carols still brings a lump into our throats and a few tears. Aren't we blinking wimps? Right then my 'undiet buddy' we will agree to be good but not too virtuous over the holidays and hit the diet trail with a vengeance in January... we can do it! If anyone else wants to join the 'sinners train' please jump aboard. We change to the 'good angels train' at the January station... toot toot
I'm on the train lovey and sitting comfy!!! :)..i am aware the january station is a few miles away though ;)

Sounds like a lovely couple of days planned. You are not wimps at all, christmas is such an emotional time of year, and is the time to remember all our loved ones. I ALWAYS get emotional during the carol service, even on the tv!..and when the wee kiddies are singing at the school service at christmas, i am an emotional wreck, especially as my wee cherub is among them!

oooh a chinese takeaway..sounds like my kind of celebration! happy to hear you had a nice day. I too, remember the 'time' of our ceremony on our anniversary, and annouce it to hubby, just incase he has forgotten!!! hee hee

have a good day, keep bracing myself up here for those 80-90 mph gales today!!!!!
hop you are okay and just snowed under with christmas preparations?

Have a lovely christmas Tasi and here's to a happy, healthier and 'stunningly beautiful' hee hee New Year :)
tasi's back after Christmas binge!

Here I stand girls and boys having gained 5 blinking pounds over Christmas. I'm just relieved it wasn't 10!:p

The thing about breaking diets is not to feel a failure and get back on the diet train asap.

Hubby only managed to gain 3lbs, I'm happy for him (not)

We had a good Christmas but now its time to get back on track, shed these pounds and look forward to a slimmer summer.
Happy New year Tasi :)

5lbs will seem like nothing by the time i weigh in next monday ;)

You'll get that off in a blink of an eye..welcome back and good luck with your restart :)
Day 4 of restart after Christmas and it isn't going too badly at all. As you know, hubby and I are doing this together, but he is on another forum. Today we are going for a walk (my knees allowing:sigh:)

If you are reading this Rose, you'll enjoy the next bit:

When Mark saw the weather forecast I was in the kitchen and he shouted through: 'Isn't your pal on the forum up in Scotland...?'

Me: 'Pardon?' as I was draining the sprouts

Hubby: 'Ragtime Rita'

Me: 'Do you mean Rainbow Rose?'

Hubby 'That's the one'
Day 4 of restart after Christmas and it isn't going too badly at all. As you know, hubby and I are doing this together, but he is on another forum. Today we are going for a walk (my knees allowing:sigh:)

If you are reading this Rose, you'll enjoy the next bit:

When Mark saw the weather forecast I was in the kitchen and he shouted through: 'Isn't your pal on the forum up in Scotland...?'

Me: 'Pardon?' as I was draining the sprouts

Hubby: 'Ragtime Rita'

Me: 'Do you mean Rainbow Rose?'

Hubby 'That's the one'

hee hee :D :D :D :D :D it!..i've been called many a thing in the past..but that's new one ;)

How's hubby enjoying his forum?, hope its as supportive as this one :)

Have a good day lovey, storm seems to have passed, but a lot of damage outside, especially wee cherub's trampoline! Still windy today but calmer and we've even got sunshine :)

Going to dust off my exercise back ready for monday morning :D

Enoy your walk..i'll be wth you in spirit! :)