Any low carb losers-then-maintainers?

Low carb diets are brilliant if you stick to them, they are the sort of diets that you have to have willpower of Iron to do. However saying that they are brilliant and show a good rate of weight loss if you don't mind the smelly breath and have the willpower to stick to it with a rod of Iron. Good Luck
Low Carb is PERFECT for maintenance. Just perfect. Tons of food you can eat in generous quantities. Real everyday food!

And you can still have your carby treats NOW AND THEN, just not every day. Check it out - Atkins for example. Atkins maintenance. The key to the kingdom of lasting weight loss.
Hi there essbe
I've just started the maintenance journey - started atkins jan last year and hit goal a week and half a go. Now just learning the maintenance ropes so everything crossed:). What are your plans?
I am was on low carb but could not get my abs the way I wanted. Now I have completely removed all carbohydrates (grains) and only stick to veg's,fruits, and fish.