Anyone considered going to a Fat Camp?

I have come to a stage where I know I would need to commit myself to serious Dieting and Workout for at least 6-8 months to get back in overweight category. I have tried so many times and always fail within 2-3 days. I will watch what I am eating for 2-3 days, go to gym then suddenly out of nowhere gets craving to cheat.

One of the guys I know went to a fat camp kind of thing. He stayed there for 40 days and lost about 35lbs. It was no magic, it was serious dieting/ fasting, walking, massages, etc. Everyone said he will not maintain, but he did and managed to loose another 5lbs. Healthy eating with one cheat day every week combined with working out for 1-1.30 hours per day for 5 days a week. This routine has completely made him a new person. He feels full of energy and never complaints about his cravings.

I had discussed with him about fat camps and he told me its one of the best decisions he had ever taken. Its very difficult at start but then you get used to it. This was his daily routine

Wake up at 5.00, Get a healthy juice delivered to your room (Deluxe Patients)
6.00: compulsory walk at your own pace, they will not push you for time for first few days, after that it needs to be 1hr.
7.30: Yoga
9.00: Juice
9.00-13.00: Treatments- Massages, water therapy, etc (first come first serve basis)
13.00-15.00: Lunch, the center cooks wide variety of food. Your doctor will design your dietary needs for next two days according to your weight loss.
15.00-17.00: Leisure
17.00: Juice
17.30: Water exercise in the pool
18.00-19.00: Walk
19.00-21.00: Dinner

It sounds very difficult. Anyone experienced anything like this?
I think it sounds fab, I couldn't leave my kids or afford one though. Although I would have thought there would be a lot more working out, biggest loser style.
I went to one a few years ago. It was not military style, more holistic. You would do the walks/workout after breakfast from about 8am - 3pm and then the afternoon was for things like massages. hypnotherapy, accupunture, aromatherapy etc, much appreciated therapies after a hard workout. Bit expensive but definitely worth it for the kick start - I lost 13lb in a week. when I returned home my husband never recognised me and then coudl not keep his hands off ;) My weight has yo-yo'd since then but I have never put on more than 4lb of what I lost there. I would definitely recommend it. Wish I could afford to go again
I would, except for the expense. If I'm still majorly overweight as it gets towards June, I'll be trying to see if I can get 3 or 4 people together and book a lodge somewhere for a week to 10 days, where we can all focus on going out for walks, doing exercise, eating healthy, and motivating each other. It would still cost a fair bit, but nowhere near as much as a "fat camp". Alternatively, I'll be seeing if I can get my friend who's trying to lose weight to come take up my spare room and we can concentrate on exercise and healthy eating for a week or 2. I think the kickstart can be really useful.