Anyone in North Cornwall / North Devon on a VLCD?

I never get on our scales (too fat for them anyway they would probably spin around twice then collapse with bits of springs sticking out :sigh:) and i always weigh on a Tuesday - just to keep Jo guessing whether I'm sticking to it really :D


i only weigh on mine because i started losing weight on CD before i changed over to Jo and always went by my scales. decided to keep going by my scales every tuesday morning as they r the ones I started with.

PLUS im 4lbs lighter in the morning than in the night so works better LOL. mind u...they didnt weigh me 4lbs lighter this week!
well i missed a monday weigh in with jo and went on to gain 9lbs the following week so Im assuming its a good thing that my dad is a crane operator! will have to employ him to lift my 700lb butt out of bed each day

dont panic. im never far away :) im not leaving the country or anything..

please phone me..if you need fact i think i will call you both just to keep a check on you!!

so watch out...if your chomping into something you shouldnt be, and the phone rings...its could be me !! haha!!

watch out watch out JoJos about!!


dont panic. im never far away :) im not leaving the country or anything..

please phone me..if you need fact i think i will call you both just to keep a check on you!!

so watch out...if your chomping into something you shouldnt be, and the phone rings...its could be me !! haha!!

watch out watch out JoJos about!!


Karen is panicking about you being away and she wont be able to officially weigh in.....though I know how she feels you need to know the good news so it gives you a boost to keep it up, or the bad news so you can give yourself a kick up the arse and get told you have not done well.
Hang on

hey, 'ang on a minute - i've been virtually angelic :break_diet: since i started - ok, the multiple vodkas, bottle of red and bottle of white wine, very small wincy piece of choc (first time i've admitted to that but it was in the welcome pack and it was rude not to)and the bottle of magners - plus three jacket potatoes, with tuna and mayo, chicken curry and sweet/sour chicken toppings :eek: on the butlins weekend may not have strictly been allowed as part of the AAM week :rolleyes: - but not one week have i put on an ounce.....
I don't need to be nagged - anyway i won't be here so catch me if you can :cool:
of course, that in no way implies any criticism to anyone that may have succumbed to full pub meal (inc onion rings) the day before weigh in :)

ummmm........ :eek:
Busy time

Yoohoo Sonkie
Thought i would reply on here as i felt i was hijacking Karen's diary :eek:

Yeah, stupid time - it because i wanted to do a qualification which needs 6 courses and 4 exams - i have already done one exam but i am being privatised so i have to fit in the remaining 5 courses (all three days or more) plus two others (one is one day staff management thing, the other a week) before we go across on 1st July so April and May are ridiculous, i'll only get a few days in work
but as they say, every cloud has a silver lining :giggle:
trouble is i've just had to do a stack of annual staff reports to get them out of the way before i go and i hate doing them - spent all weekend going through them :mad:

However, means i can bring my AAM a week forward as i'm in a hotel all next week and can't waste those expenses :eat::drool::whistle:

Congrats on the tournament winning - i'm so glad i pulled out to give you a chance now :rolleyes:
However when i get the time to sit down in front of a 'puter we'll have to have a personal tournament to make up for it :D
Back home on Friday night but if i don't see you before - catch up with you in Bath :)
Congrats on the tournament winning - i'm so glad i pulled out to give you a chance now :rolleyes:
However when i get the time to sit down in front of a 'puter we'll have to have a personal tournament to make up for it :D
Back home on Friday night but if i don't see you before - catch up with you in Bath :)

HEE HEE Thanx, though its not quite the same knowing you have won because others were disqualified.
Sonkie - Diet

Replying on here to try and keep the meet up thread as is!
I'm 3 stone 4 lbs lighter now than when i started at the end of Jan (30th) I find Cd easy because like the other vlcds it takes away the temptation, i'm cr@p at anything that has to be done in moderation. I've done two AAM weeks and admittedly the first was the butlins weekend so i didn't expect to stick to it but the last one i did a week early as i was away with work and a colleague - so i had salad for lunch every day and then managed four evening meals out - first one i was pretty good and had salmon and a jacket potato, 2nd was an eat all you can spanish tapas, third a chinese :drool: and the fourth a mexican meal of garlic bread with cheese and quesadillas :whistle: because i couldn't resist the invite out in the evening !! I know it sounds really bad but i didn't actually pig out - just didn't eat as i should and over the two weeks (because i didn't weigh while i was away) i still lost 5lbs. I have a lot to lose so at the moment it is still coming off at a decent rate so that helps.
That said i like the fact that there is an AAM week as it helps me stick to the SSing as it gives you something to look forward to rather than think you will just be drinking liquids for the foreseeable future.
Obviously you need some will power to get back on it and stick with it but you've proved that with the LT.
The flavours are quite good and i've narrowed it down to the ones i particularly like but in a few weeks when i am sick on them there are still some others that i am not having at the moment that i can swap around but even hubby mentioned yesterday that the soups actually smelt quite nice - the mushroom is lovely. The flavours for the shakes are the standard van, choc, banana, straw plus fruits of the forest, cappuchino, choc and mint and butterscotch - soups mush, chick and mush, spicy tom, thai chilli, veg and broc and cheese (which tastes a bit blue cheese like)
I think that's it.
My weight had got out of control, one of my hips was starting to hurt and i think something just eventually clicked and i thought i really should do something about it before it's too late. i did CD years ago when it was not as wide a range as it is now and i saw something in the paper about CD - i didn't realise it was still available - so i looked it up on the intranet - emailed Jo and here i am :D
I would like to lose 10 stone or more but small steps eh - 5 stone is the next target.
What have you got to lose - you've proved you have the willpower to stick with a vlcd - you can try CD as it has more variety and if you don't like it or find it's not for you - you can always go back to LT. If you are wavering now - maybe the thought of starting afresh on something may give you back your impetus?
Well I still have a long way to go least 10 stone. Devonbabe is your cdc isnt she, not seen her around for a while though.

Yep, Devonbabe is my CDC - i think she lurks more than posts, cos every time i admit to cheating she manages to notice that post :eek:
Jo is away a bit at the moment - i won't see her for the next couple of weeks because of the BH and her birthday - but probably just as well as we will be cheating/drinking in Bath :eat: :angeldevil: