Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Annie, one door closes & another always opens!
I'm a great believer in fate & what will be will be.....full of cliches I know....chad but good!
Brilliant news for you & more dosh you must be so cuffed.

The 100% Challenge is something we've been doing for 4 weeks & each day we just write down the day we've had & I chart it for the week. If you look back a few pages you'll see today & our week begins on a Tuesday as that's when we started it.
Kim...100% Red 1HexA 2HexB 10 syns 25mile ride 750calories
We also chart our exercise as well & calories if you know them
Come & join us as its quite motivational xx

I'll join in :) I don't mind waiting until Tuesday when the new week begins. Just planned my week using all the frozen food and got it all in for 80 syns! I'm going to do the weekly syn thing - I found it helpful last time.

Will plan the following week with OH, he giggled when I said I'd started so that he wouldn't end up being skinnier than me!

Got my rucksack packed for a jog to the train station in the morning! Hope I actually go through with it lol
cant quote what i want as on my phone,

just thought id update for today... 100% green 2 hea 2 heb and 2 syns....

i know i can have more syns but im stuffed so cant see it happening (will make up for it on Monday lol)
downtownsuzie said:
I'll join in :) I don't mind waiting until Tuesday when the new week begins. Just planned my week using all the frozen food and got it all in for 80 syns! I'm going to do the weekly syn thing - I found it helpful last time.

Will plan the following week with OH, he giggled when I said I'd started so that he wouldn't end up being skinnier than me!

Got my rucksack packed for a jog to the train station in the morning! Hope I actually go through with it lol

Annie you're more than welcome to start tomorrow if you want....more the merrier xx
donna88 said:
cant quote what i want as on my phone,

just thought id update for today... 100% green 2 hea 2 heb and 2 syns....

i know i can have more syns but im stuffed so cant see it happening (will make up for it on Monday lol)

As you say Donna you have a few days of gluttony coming up so don't you worry how many syns you have now x
Annie you're more than welcome to start tomorrow if you want....more the merrier xx

Ok, thanks - I'll start tomorrow :)
As you say Donna you have a few days of gluttony coming up so don't you worry how many syns you have now x

Yeah, I suppose I did the same last week but kept syns to 0, I'll just have to be careful when I'm back on a normal week as I don't loose if I don't have all my syns...I think I'm getting myself used to weekly syns (although saying that pretty sure I won't be saying no to lion bars ect. when I'm back onto a week with no plans)

Ok, thanks - I'll start tomorrow :)

I think its good to start straight away, a good bit of motivation :)
I think its good to start straight away, a good bit of motivation :)

I'm just hoping I can get into the groove with it again this time - I know when I do it properly I have really good losses. Just need to sort out some toning up! x
downtownsuzie said:
Ok, thanks - I'll start tomorrow :)

Fabaroonie, I'll add you on from tomorrow. Just have a look at the list I post daily & you'll see how its done....schimples! X
My run went well considering I haven't done it for an age! Forgot to turn my app on though, so I can't give you calories burnt :S it was 25 mins of jogging and fast walking if anyone can work it out for me?

Have a good day everyone x
downtownsuzie said:
My run went well considering I haven't done it for an age! Forgot to turn my app on though, so I can't give you calories burnt :S it was 25 mins of jogging and fast walking if anyone can work it out for me?

Have a good day everyone x

Good stuff, well done for doing it x
Morning everyone,
I feel really weird this morning, I'm not tired, but I can't be bothered to do anything :( Going in to do my voluntary work after dropping little one off and have loads to do when I get back as well and off to see my nanna, but I really just want to crawl back into bed...might be the rainy weather

My run went well considering I haven't done it for an age! Forgot to turn my app on though, so I can't give you calories burnt :S it was 25 mins of jogging and fast walking if anyone can work it out for me?

Have a good day everyone x

No idea on the cals, but well done for doing it. I really need to start doing more exercise then just walking....

Still not sorted my stomach problem out though so daren't do too much, I should at least start dancing or something though
Right ok so somehow I don't have many syns left and weigh in day isn't til Tuesday. Hmmm not sure how to handle this as I haven't factored in any wine I know I will end up having.
Looks like am going to need to have couple days of very little syns as I only have 50 syns left. Now am debating even having wine but wow I feel deprived at the thought
On a lighter note because my syns are weekly was still 100%, and did day 2, level 3 of shot.
Really tight today which can only be good thing...happy with that
Time of month definately to blame for my eating this week ha
Morning, well done on the run Annie. I really need to get back into the exercise. Gunna be so hard at my mums tho.
the weather is making me sad. All I have brought to my mums in terms of work clothes are maxi dresses n my sandals :-( thankfully it's a training day tomorrow so can wear my jeans
icklerockchick said:
Welcome back Annie glad you are settling in and I'm sure you will be back on track with a vengeance soon!

Having a tough day and totm is making me a crying mess so trying to avoid the comfort eating and focus on some positives instead. X

Hope your ok missus..its a rubbish time for us ladies. Is there any sign of you returning to work?
downtownsuzie said:
My run went well considering I haven't done it for an age! Forgot to turn my app on though, so I can't give you calories burnt :S it was 25 mins of jogging and fast walking if anyone can work it out for me?

Have a good day everyone x

Hey hunni! Well done on getting back running. I tried to work out your cals and based on a 13-14min mile and doing 25 mins at your weight, it said 165 cals burnt. :) xx
100% Challenge Week 4

Kim 9st 6lbs (STS)
Tuesday - 100% Red 2HexA 2HexB 8 Syns 38.5 mile ride 1425 calories
Wednesday- 100% Red 2HexA 2HexB 12 Syns 16.7 mile ride 733 calories
Thursday - 30 mile ride 1131 calories

Vicky 9st 12lbs (-1.5lb)
Tuesday - 100% Red 2HexA 2HexB 14 Syns
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Ronnie 9st 7lbs (-1lb)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1Hexa 1HexB 11 Syns
Wednesday -
Thursday -

Donna 9st 0.5lbs (+0.5lbs)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 1Hexb 3.5 syns
Wednesday - 100% Green 2HexA 2HexB 2 syns

Laura 9st 10lbs (-2.5lbs)
Tuesday - 100% SF 9 Wkls
Wednesday - 100% SF 5 Wkls
Thursday - 100% SF 7 Wkls

Annie 9st 13lbs

Thursday - 25 min jog/fast walk
Last edited:
Morning girls

Brrrr, bit chilly this morning!

Well done on your mini jog this morning Annie, I bet you will feel better for it x
kim63 said:
Morning girls

Brrrr, bit chilly this morning!

Well done on your mini jog this morning Annie, I bet you will feel better for it x

Mornin Kim, yes miserable here too. How's Charlie?
As much as I would love to be, am not quite 8st 7lb yet...8st 7.25
I tried to change my stats but little one was climbing over lap top so back on phone.
Think It's best to keep me out 100% challenge this week. I only have 50 syns left and only two days into my new week. Not sure what's going on. I have been on plan somewhat but just used so many syns am not sure it even qualifies to say I have been on plan 100%
The excercise is keeping me going and about to cut pineapple and prepare mince for tonight...x
Mornin Kim, yes miserable here too. How's Charlie?
As much as I would love to be, am not quite 8st 7lb yet...8st 7.25
I tried to change my stats but little one was climbing over lap top so back on phone.
Think It's best to keep me out 100% challenge this week. I only have 50 syns left and only two days into my new week. Not sure what's going on. I have been on plan somewhat but just used so many syns am not sure it even qualifies to say I have been on plan 100%
The excercise is keeping me going and about to cut pineapple and prepare mince for tonight...x

Thanks for asking, Charlie is fine but wont keep her dressing on as its not sticking that well & Im sure she hides round a bush in our garden & pulls it off. Its not a problem really as the Nurse said leave it open to the air as well & the wound is clean & dry......but she's still in a strop!!!

Oh, thought you said you'd lost 0.25lbs this bad! Thats what weekly syns are for, but if you feel you will go over your 105, especially with your vino at the weekend, I suppose its not 100%! Dont worry about it tho Deb, we all have days/weeks like this & Im sure your mojo will come back. Has anything put you in this frame of mind? I'll take you out of this weeks challenge, but maybe you'll feel better for it next week xx
Thanks everyone!

Hey hunni! Well done on getting back running. I tried to work out your cals and based on a 13-14min mile and doing 25 mins at your weight, it said 165 cals burnt. :) xx

Thanks hun :) it was 2 miles if that helps? Need to get an app for that lol