Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I found quark in sainsburys. So made it properly. It still seems soft tho.

I could never have a treat box. I wouldn't be able to stop myself eating everything in it :/
Doesn't look like I'm eating the cheese cake tonight. It hasn't set properly. :/ tomorrow maybe. Maybe ill have a hifi bar instead
Haha I was close. But then I would've felt very guilty
Busy busy ladies.
HP what was the rules on slim a tea..would I take it at night so it works for morn? Don't want have accident in work. Can I add slice lemon to it? Do you think it plays havoc to your natural do you think you rely on it now?

Donna meant to do you make your cheese in middle burgers?

Does anyone know how much Kerry low low spread cheese I can use for healthy extra?
debtin said:
Busy busy ladies.
HP what was the rules on slim a tea..would I take it at night so it works for morn? Don't want have accident in work. Can I add slice lemon to it? Do you think it plays havoc to your natural do you think you rely on it now?

Donna meant to do you make your cheese in middle burgers?

Does anyone know how much Kerry low low spread cheese I can use for healthy extra?

When u first take it, it can have u running to loo after about 6-10 hrs and then maybe after meals. Do u have a day off work. Maybe start it the day night before so u have all the next day to see how it reacts to u.
U take it every night for two weeks. Then a break of a few days. I'm sure u could add some Lemon.
No I don't depend on it. I stopped drinking it for a while there cause I ran out and forgot about it and I went to loo as normal.
honeypop said:
When u first take it, it can have u running to loo after about 6-10 hrs and then maybe after meals. Do u have a day off work. Maybe start it the day night before so u have all the next day to see how it reacts to u.
U take it every night for two weeks. Then a break of a few days. I'm sure u could add some Lemon.
No I don't depend on it. I stopped drinking it for a while there cause I ran out and forgot about it and I went to loo as normal.

Ah good. Thinking of gettin some. Do you think it help or has helped you lose weight?
Ladies am tryin to follow sw properly again but feel already that I am limiting my food and over thinking it which I do not want to do. Today I thought I would have a green day. Porridge and milk for my first set healthy extras. Then I had pasta with bacon. Had 85g of raw bacon as my second healthy extra. All of which is fine. Came home feeling hungry but didn't know what to eat. I de frosted some home made veg soup thinking it was great choice. Once it was cooked I remembered that it had little bits ham in it. Am I best saying I had ee day rather than green? These little things are what make me tie myself in knots with sw. Am not planning on any more healthy extra so just forget about it? Need stop over thinking it I know
I would say ur having a EE day.

This is why I don't do different days. I stick to EE. Was ur weight loss slow on EE?

Yea I think it had helped me big time on losing weight. I find that over the year of drinking it it has help speed up my metobolism, which speeds up weight loss. I use to go to loo one or twice a week. The past year I go few times a day almost every day of the week. Green tea is known to help ur metabolism anyway.
Busy busy ladies.
HP what was the rules on slim a tea..would I take it at night so it works for morn? Don't want have accident in work. Can I add slice lemon to it? Do you think it plays havoc to your natural do you think you rely on it now?

Donna meant to do you make your cheese in middle burgers?

Does anyone know how much Kerry low low spread cheese I can use for healthy extra?

My boyfriend usually makes them, but he just mixes the extra lean mince with some herbs or spices depending on what we fancy, today he mixed it with spicy season all and chopped chilli, you could add onions as well if you wanted but I always serve them with fried onions so don't bother. Then you get a babybel or babybel light and form a burger around it using the mince. Some people might use an egg to bind it but I don't find we need it :)

The lowlow cheese spread is just under half the tub for a HEA, we just use half as the little bit extra is negligible

Ladies am tryin to follow sw properly again but feel already that I am limiting my food and over thinking it which I do not want to do. Today I thought I would have a green day. Porridge and milk for my first set healthy extras. Then I had pasta with bacon. Had 85g of raw bacon as my second healthy extra. All of which is fine. Came home feeling hungry but didn't know what to eat. I de frosted some home made veg soup thinking it was great choice. Once it was cooked I remembered that it had little bits ham in it. Am I best saying I had ee day rather than green? These little things are what make me tie myself in knots with sw. Am not planning on any more healthy extra so just forget about it? Need stop over thinking it I know

I'd def just call it an EE day if your not wanting anymore healthy extra's anyway.
Thanks ladies that's brilliant.
Donna that was good your little one is doing ok. Such a shame tho, esp such a sensitive area.
Well think I will get some slimatea tom x
I know, I feel so bad for him, plus he's at my mums tonight, I feel so helpless :( she said after he'd had a wee he was saying the cream didn't work and she had to explain to him that it will work a little at a time. He spoke to me a little on the phone but didn't mention it.

He has been brilliant in himself today though, so happy so that's one thing. He didn't go to the toilet at all at school though and was busting when we got his sample for the doctors. Just hope this cream works quickly so he doesn't get into the habit of trying to hold it in.

Sat in watching some films with my boyfriend now, a couple of terrible horrors from lovefilm, but the one we're on now actually isn't too bad.

Decided I'm going EE tomorrow as we're going to the Christmas market (going to take tuna pasta with loads of veggies and then some chopped melon for after) and then at my friends for a take-away, hoping we'll have chinese as then I have loads of low syn choices, but if everyone else gets pizza I can at least have shish kebab
donna88 said:
I know, I feel so bad for him, plus he's at my mums tonight, I feel so helpless :( she said after he'd had a wee he was saying the cream didn't work and she had to explain to him that it will work a little at a time. He spoke to me a little on the phone but didn't mention it.

He has been brilliant in himself today though, so happy so that's one thing. He didn't go to the toilet at all at school though and was busting when we got his sample for the doctors. Just hope this cream works quickly so he doesn't get into the habit of trying to hold it in.

Sat in watching some films with my boyfriend now, a couple of terrible horrors from lovefilm, but the one we're on now actually isn't too bad.

Decided I'm going EE tomorrow as we're going to the Christmas market (going to take tuna pasta with loads of veggies and then some chopped melon for after) and then at my friends for a take-away, hoping we'll have chinese as then I have loads of low syn choices, but if everyone else gets pizza I can at least have shish kebab

Wee soul. Hope it clears soon for him. How do you make your tuna pasta? I used to use mayo extra light but have been using phily lately and was thinking of having it for dinner tom. Saves me gettin take away. What would you get from Chinese?
I normally use a bit of natural yog mixed into the tuna, but might try philli tomorrow.

Loads you can get, I got kung po chicken last time which I've worked out is about 15 syns, but usually go for chicken or beef in blackbean sauce (5 syns) I think chow mein is about 7, might try something new, would have to have a nose in my book to see what's low though. I like things quite spicy.
Yes chow mein is 7 for 380g? Also chicken with mushroom very low as well. I could have two morgan spice for that tho...oh decisions decisions ha ha
Oooo morgans spiced. I don't think I'd ever bother with getting take-away when its just us, but obviously don't want to look like a freak bringing my own food when other people are having take-away

chicken and cashew nuts it 8.5 (not bad considering the nuts) chop suey is lower than chow mein... 5.5 for chicken, sweet and sour chicken is only 8.5 as well
Well done for sticking to plan for your meal out. Im worried about next sat because my bf has planned a full day at the German market with friends..

Tue: 9.0
Wed: 9.0
Thurs:8.13(1/2) WHOOHOO!!!!!!
Sat: 8.13
Donna, have been thnking about the burgers haha - how much mince do you use? i read on here that folk use 500g which i thought was a lot. Also is it just one burger shape per babybel? i am sure i read one person say you put 2 burgers on top of each other? sounds silly all the questions but dont want to ruin the mince.....thinking of having it tom once i get some babybel ----- yum