Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

What a disaster!!

I chilled it over night!!! And it just collapsed as soon as I removed the tin!!

Ugh the recipe only stated to chill for 4 hours and I made it exactly to every gram!!

Not impressed!


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I just followed the recipe and all the ingredients abs then put it in fridge at about 1:30pm yesterday til this morning
Did it have jelly or gelatine in it? Just being nosy as I was a chef in a former life!! Before becoming a mum and I made desserts all the time
It had gelatine in it x
How strange it didn't set especially with the gelatin!

That's me off for the weekend now after 5 nights in a row......pooped! Then back on Monday for another 3 nights & a long day.....glutton for punishment!

Deb I use a whole pack of extra lean mince, 500g packet, which makes 4 good sized burgers. Add bits into the mix as well to give extra flavour.....chili, onion, carrot....yummy!
I tried them with the babybel & didn't rate them really as couldn't really taste the cheese.

Hope you all have a good day

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Here to join! Week before last I lost 4lbs getting me to 9st13lb and this week another 1.5lbs off so thought I'd join now that I'm firmly in the 9s... I haven't been in the 9s since I was a child so very excited.

Just had a read through and I'm loving your focus on fitness as well as healthy eating, a few weeks ago I ran the Plymouth 10k but normally tend to run about 6k around 2 times a week.

Can I ask, has anyone had to adapt slimming world a little bit to continue getting losses at this stage? Thanks :)
Donna, have been thnking about the burgers haha - how much mince do you use? i read on here that folk use 500g which i thought was a lot. Also is it just one burger shape per babybel? i am sure i read one person say you put 2 burgers on top of each other? sounds silly all the questions but dont want to ruin the mince.....thinking of having it tom once i get some babybel ----- yum

We used 500g to make two very big burgers (and I mean big, struggled to eat them as a burger... if they were any bigger I would have needed a knife and fork) but we like that as it feels like a proper man v food meal but its all on plan. He doesn't make two burgers and push them together, he just makes one big one, puts the cheese in the middle and then forms it around, but you could do it with two burgers as long as you were very careful to pinch around the edges so the cheese didn't melt out.

What a disaster!!

I chilled it over night!!! And it just collapsed as soon as I removed the tin!!

Ugh the recipe only stated to chill for 4 hours and I made it exactly to every gram!!

Not impressed!

Oh no :(

I always have trouble using gelatine to be honest... I don't know why but I can never get it to work

We got up really late today, so we're not going to the market until tomorrow... whoops (got up at 10 past 10, usually we call half 8 a lie in) must have needed it though, so in a minute I'm going to go for my run, then have lunch and we'll probably do our food shop today as well (will be horribly busy, but at least we don't have little one with us today)
Here to join! Week before last I lost 4lbs getting me to 9st13lb and this week another 1.5lbs off so thought I'd join now that I'm firmly in the 9s... I haven't been in the 9s since I was a child so very excited.

Just had a read through and I'm loving your focus on fitness as well as healthy eating, a few weeks ago I ran the Plymouth 10k but normally tend to run about 6k around 2 times a week.

Can I ask, has anyone had to adapt slimming world a little bit to continue getting losses at this stage? Thanks :)

Welcome :)

personally I refuse to adapt it, as I know it works and I only started my exercise about two months ago (and I've heard some people say it can take a few months for losses to really pick up again) so I'm sticking at it this way for now. But some people do try to cut down more on certain things. You do have to be careful though as when I'm active if I don't eat enough I don't loose.
Welcome :)

personally I refuse to adapt it, as I know it works and I only started my exercise about two months ago (and I've heard some people say it can take a few months for losses to really pick up again) so I'm sticking at it this way for now. But some people do try to cut down more on certain things. You do have to be careful though as when I'm active if I don't eat enough I don't loose.

Ooh thanks, I quite like that attitude actually as you are right... it definitely does work. And I've never noticed the not eating enough not losing thing when active, but that could actually explain some weeks when I've slightly reduced carbs and then haven't been wowed by the scales.

Woke up this morning weighing 8:13(1/2) and then had breakfast and went back to bed for about 4 hours and woke up n weighed 8.12 :)

Lol finally trailing myself out of the house tonight. Getting dressed up. Been too scared since I started sw but deffo need to see friends! Wish me luck x
Hi Hannah & welcome
As Donna said, I wouldn't personally make any changes or adaptions to SW at this stage. Unfortunately as we get nearer to target the losses can slow a bit. However, sometimes our bodies can plateau & get stuck in a rut, so you will need to shake things up a bit to get things moving. If you're exercising, you will need to make sure you have a deficit in your daily intake to carry on takes a deficit of 3500 calories per week to lose a pound a week.
You've done so well, so keep plodding away.
I ran the Plymouth Half a few years ago.....are you from down that way?

Have a great night tonight Charlene & dont fret about SW, just enjoy yourself & get back on it tomorrow
Don't worry Charlene just have a great night :)

Off to a friends tonight, just text him to see what take-away he's thinking, I was sort of hoping for pizza as then I could get a kebab (so far I've had a red day but if we go for curry I'll switch to EE and have rice with it) but then realised he gets a discount at domino's so really hoping he doesn't go pizza otherwise I'll have to go out and get something from somewhere else.
Yay wee night off Kim. Put your feet up and snuggle into hubby

Got some slim a tea today. Woman in shop says she sells loads. Why am I so scared to use it? Lol

OH also commented on how different I excercise must be paying off.....yay
Hi Hannah & welcome
As Donna said, I wouldn't personally make any changes or adaptions to SW at this stage. Unfortunately as we get nearer to target the losses can slow a bit. However, sometimes our bodies can plateau & get stuck in a rut, so you will need to shake things up a bit to get things moving. If you're exercising, you will need to make sure you have a deficit in your daily intake to carry on takes a deficit of 3500 calories per week to lose a pound a week.
You've done so well, so keep plodding away.
I ran the Plymouth Half a few years ago.....are you from down that way?

Have a great night tonight Charlene & dont fret about SW, just enjoy yourself & get back on it tomorrow

Thanks :) yeah suppose I'll just have to keep on plodding! I'm a student training to be a primary school teacher at Plymouth uni, so live here term time. Ooh nice, I was thinking about signing up for April but the most I've ever ran was the 10k so it seems like quite a big challenge, I'll have to see!
Yay wee night off Kim. Put your feet up and snuggle into hubby

Got some slim a tea today. Woman in shop says she sells loads. Why am I so scared to use it? Lol

OH also commented on how different I excercise must be paying off.....yay

What's slim a tea?! :)
Yay wee night off Kim. Put your feet up and snuggle into hubby

Got some slim a tea today. Woman in shop says she sells loads. Why am I so scared to use it? Lol

OH also commented on how different I excercise must be paying off.....yay
haannah said:
What's slim a tea?! :)

Am not entirely sure to be honest lol. HP recommends it am sure she can fill in the blanks but it is from Holland and barrett and its a tea to boost metabolism but obviously it has the side effect of lose ahem stools. Hence why am scared lol
So bit confused about dinner. I had king prawns in garlic and ginger sauce. Assuming this is very low in syns? OH ordered wrong thing and also got singapore chow mein instead of noodles. So I had 9 prawns and to be safe I would say half the chow mein. Any ideas how to syn it?
i wouldnt think the syns would be too high in that... chow mein is 7, so id def say your under 10

ive gone for chicken vindaloo with boiled rice and going to share a chappati with my boyfriend so think thats 10 syns and obvioualy decided im doing ee rather then red.

oh and i came on bearing god news... TMI but good news, Auntie flo is here so thats my lb gain explained! hopefully ahould mean i have a good loss on tuesday now :)