Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Why are you only having 7 syns per day? You shouldn't deprive yourself, have 5-15 per day....a lot of OP say they lose more on the full 15! The only time I have less than 15 is when I'm full, I always incorporate them into my day x

7 is halfway between the 5-10 recommended by my consultant x
Right then consolidate what's been said....why are we lose weight & change our mindset about food! We can eat chocolate, crisps etc but not in the quantity that put us here in the first place! We will lose weight but have to be 100% committed. If you have a day off plan, it doesn't matter. What matters is jumping straight back onto plan after the day/weekend we have off....this is a lifelong change we need to establish physically & psychologically & make it a natural way of life, not a diet!
I have battled with my weight all my life. I've never been 'obese', but 'overweight' & been anywhere from a size 8 - 14. I'm short so every pound shows! When I met my DH 13years ago I was 7 stone 12lbs & the highest 11stone 6lbs! Once we married it just crept on with all the 'good living', 2 miscarriages, 5 lots of IVF (unsuccessful), Father dying unexpectedly, 2 separate cervical discectomies .. ...all reasons not excuses.
So here I am doing something about it as I want to lead a very long healthy life with my soulmate. We can't lose it overnight, so why not try & enjoy the experience & think of it positively & not what we CANT have.....there's loads of time when we're at target for the finer things!

Sorry about the long'speech', I'm sat in a hospital coffee shop waiting for my mum who's having a procedure, so have too much time on my hands. Hope none of you think of it as a rant, but I do get carried away & rabbit!
We love SW & our new bodies x

Hope your mum is ok x

Sounds like you've had a tough time of it all *hug* I'm a big emotional eater and I don't think I would be able to control it with going through all of that - you should be really proud of yourself hun x
Personally I would increase your syns Annie. SW recommend 5-15, so have them! You may notice an increase in your losses as you may not be eating enough especially now your exercising!
Luckily I'm not a comfort eater or I would have been huge with all the crap we've been thru! Wine was my saviour but given that up lol! X
Luckily, I've never been a wine person - I can imagine struggling with syns otherwise! I'm not much of a drinker at all really, mainly at special occasions.

I'll see how things go with the syns, I hadn't considered that I might need more with the exercise x
Don't forget you don't need to use the syns on 'naughties', you can use them for sauces, dressings, olive oil etc x
I might consider more things like pasta bake or bolognaise sauce, but to be honest (especially with bolognaise) I can't really tell the difference between that or passata.. :S
downtownsuzie said:
I might consider more things like pasta bake or bolognaise sauce, but to be honest (especially with bolognaise) I can't really tell the difference between that or passata.. :S

How do you make your bolognese if it tastes the same as passata ??? X
I quite like saving mine for naughties throughout the day - a little biccie with tea or a hot Choc before bed! I must try and use more 'smart syns' but OH is quite picky with food - might just end up leaving him find his own dinner for a few nights while I try some new recipes. Definitely going to try your lasagne Kim! I think he'll love that :)

Kim - I'm sorry to hear about all the things that have happened in your life - although all of those things are what makes us the people we are - and stronger for it ;)
Afternoon lovelies :)

Not long left at work for me now. Ready to settle in front of tv with my SW home made Chinese an a movie.

On the syns front, I usually go for the top end of between 10-15. Depends on if I have any plans coming up or not. Especially with this weekend, my dad leaves work today for good, (he has taken voluntary redundancy from royal mail after 33 years!) he usually only has 4 pints once a week and this week he said "I'm getting drunk" haha do I suppose that means we are all going to have 1 too many.... But because of this I'll have a weekly limit this week of between 70-105.

Sorry to babble :)

charliemm said:
I quite like saving mine for naughties throughout the day - a little biccie with tea or a hot Choc before bed! I must try and use more 'smart syns' but OH is quite picky with food - might just end up leaving him find his own dinner for a few nights while I try some new recipes. Definitely going to try your lasagne Kim! I think he'll love that :)

Kim - I'm sorry to hear about all the things that have happened in your life - although all of those things are what makes us the people we are - and stronger for it ;)

Exactly its certainly made me stronger & the love of a good man helps lol!
We all have a certain amount if crap in our lives its just how you deal with it!
Hope you enjoy the lasagna x
Nikki<3 said:
Afternoon lovelies :)

Not long left at work for me now. Ready to settle in front of tv with my SW home made Chinese an a movie.

On the syns front, I usually go for the top end of between 10-15. Depends on if I have any plans coming up or not. Especially with this weekend, my dad leaves work today for good, (he has taken voluntary redundancy from royal mail after 33 years!) he usually only has 4 pints once a week and this week he said "I'm getting drunk" haha do I suppose that means we are all going to have 1 too many.... But because of this I'll have a weekly limit this week of between 70-105.

Sorry to babble :)


You enjoy it Nikki its not as if you drink everyday don't do you??!!lol x
How do you make your bolognese if it tastes the same as passata ??? X

Passata and herbs! Haha, might use some syns on a jar of Dolmio x
I'm already thinking about Saturday, as we're going over to my brothers to watch the rugby & celebrate Paddies dad was Irish so were halfy half! Before that were going to Dads golf club as they've planted a tree in memory of him & the plaque is being I think the Jamesons will be flowing....I'm duty drives! Then out for lunch with mum, back to brothers & then the booze will flow! Vodka & slimline for me as can't do wine a day off plan but back on it again on Sunday! Or will have my head down the loo which is very typical for me! Am still on very strong painkillers & not supposed to drink on them or will suffer the consequences lol!
Kim, can I have your recipe for lasagne please? x
I'm already thinking about Saturday, as we're going over to my brothers to watch the rugby & celebrate Paddies dad was Irish so were halfy half! Before that were going to Dads golf club as they've planted a tree in memory of him & the plaque is being I think the Jamesons will be flowing....I'm duty drives! Then out for lunch with mum, back to brothers & then the booze will flow! Vodka & slimline for me as can't do wine a day off plan but back on it again on Sunday! Or will have my head down the loo which is very typical for me! Am still on very strong painkillers & not supposed to drink on them or will suffer the consequences lol!

Have fun, but don't make yourself ill! x
downtownsuzie said:
Passata and herbs! Haha, might use some syns on a jar of Dolmio x

Is that it, no meat???!!!
NO don't waste the syns......tin of tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, mushrooms, grated carrot, lean bacon, extra lean mince, tomato puree, worcester sauce, sweetner & vinegar & seasoning.....schimples ! X
kim63 said:
I make a bolonese sauce, layer it with lasagne sheets & for the topping, mix together either low fat natural yoghurt/quark/creme fraiche with a teaspoon of dijon mustard, 2 eggs & LF cheese....whisk it all together & spread over the lasagne :)

This how I make a meat lasagna & to make the bolognese use the recipe above .....enjoy x
kim63 said:
You enjoy it Nikki its not as if you drink everyday don't do you??!!lol x

Well when me and OH got together we drank every night because it was date nights all week every week... Then I cut back from September - end of December and then had party season/new year/ birthdays and then holiday! I probably have a drink thurs/fri/sat/mon usually but as of next week me an OH have agreed to make it a Saturday night only, that way we can enjoy it and get healthy again.

It's not a healthy lifestyle but in my defence I never went out when I was 18 so I'm having my "18th year" 5 year late lol

Plan is to cut out wine too, probably until I go on the wedding in June (you can't go to France and not drink wine can you) so that is also the next challenge. As of Sunday, 11 weeks wine free!

Is that it, no meat???!!!
NO don't waste the syns......tin of tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, mushrooms, grated carrot, lean bacon, extra lean mince, tomato puree, worcester sauce, sweetner & vinegar & seasoning.....schimples ! X

OHHHHHH! I thought you meant the sauce. I use extra lean mince, passata, onion, mushroom, salt & pepper, herbs, garlic..

You put SWEETNER in yours? I can't imagine that! Loooooool, must taste nice though if your hubby is a chef - I'll try it :)

It's not a healthy lifestyle but in my defence I never went out when I was 18 so I'm having my "18th year" 5 year late lol

I'm the same, except my 18th year hasn't kicked in yet, haha
downtownsuzie said:
I'm the same, except my 18th year hasn't kicked in yet, haha

haha i think ive enjoyed it more now because it's been new about nice meals with drinks, and having friends over rather than the whole clubbing scene. Having said that I'm going "clubbing" with my 2 closest friends next Saturday... See how that pans out!