Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Super motivating seeing all your great efforts at exercising! Can't wait til this ankle cooperates and I can try running again :) since I start work at 7am I don't think there will be any pre work runs though lol! X

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Just wanted to share a piccy of my yummy Chinese. It's the diet coke chicken recipe which we use loads and just modify it.

Lean turkey mince (less than 5% fat), peppers, mushrooms, beansprouts, a tiny bit of ketchup, lots of Chinese 5 spice, Pepsi max and spring onions. It is scrummy!

20g of prawn crackers (5.5 syns) and lime with soda water lol last of the big spenders here!


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parfittaroles said:
Well thanks to you ladies I decided to dig out my running shoes! I'm ashamed to say I only managed 20 minutes!

Better than nothing at all, well done :)

Nikki<3 said:
Just wanted to share a piccy of my yummy Chinese. It's the diet coke chicken recipe which we use loads and just modify it.

Lean turkey mince (less than 5% fat), peppers, mushrooms, beansprouts, a tiny bit of ketchup, lots of Chinese 5 spice, Pepsi max and spring onions. It is scrummy!

20g of prawn crackers (5.5 syns) and lime with soda water lol last of the big spenders here!

Looks fantastic :)
Measurements taken - horrified! Daren't measure in cms, don't think I could deal with the numbers - I know how stupid that sounds x
:O forgot to do my measurements! I'll try and remember tomorrow!
Measurements taken - horrified! Daren't measure in cms, don't think I could deal with the numbers - I know how stupid that sounds x

How funny, Im the complete opposite as seeing everything in inches makes it seem bigger.....there is logic in there somewhere! Well done in remembering, so we'll see in a months time teehee!
Well when me and OH got together we drank every night because it was date nights all week every week... Then I cut back from September - end of December and then had party season/new year/ birthdays and then holiday! I probably have a drink thurs/fri/sat/mon usually but as of next week me an OH have agreed to make it a Saturday night only, that way we can enjoy it and get healthy again.

It's not a healthy lifestyle but in my defence I never went out when I was 18 so I'm having my "18th year" 5 year late lol

Plan is to cut out wine too, probably until I go on the wedding in June (you can't go to France and not drink wine can you) so that is also the next challenge. As of Sunday, 11 weeks wine free!


Haha, my DH & I were like that, but it lasted for about 10 years lol! We only have a drink about every 2 weeks now, so feel quite saintly!
Cant say I miss my running, but its good to see that some of you have become inspired by the posts on here.......Im hoping to be the next Mark Cavendish, well the female version anyways.....he's the British cyclist in case you didnt know! I should have buns of steel with the amount of blinkin' hills we have here in Dorset!
Note to self....get off your lazy flabby a**e & go for a ride in the morning!
Love your new picture Kim!

I'm on date night with the OH - pub for pool and itbox, I'm living it up with a diet coke! Might treat myself to an archers and lemonade later, only had 2 syns so far today! Haha x
Love your new picture Kim!

I'm on date night with the OH - pub for pool and itbox, I'm living it up with a diet coke! Might treat myself to an archers and lemonade later, only had 2 syns so far today! Haha x

Thanks Annie, been playing around, so now I have it sussed may change my pic daily haha!
Party on.......get some more Syns in bad girl lol!
Enjoy your night & hope your first Green day went well x
I second that Annie - fab pic Kim!

Also, am making the lasagne tomorrow night - what layers do you do and how long in the oven? :)
charliemm said:
I second that Annie - fab pic Kim!

Also, am making the lasagne tomorrow night - what layers do you do and how long in the oven? :)

Aah thanks Charlie, you should put one up.
I would start with the bolognese first as the lasagna sheets would stick & then layer finishing with the bolognese mix & then add your cheesey layer on top. Pop in oven on about 180 or gas 4 for about 45-60 mins. Hope that works for you should& you enjoy it x
kim63 said:
Aah thanks Charlie, you should put one up.
I would start with the bolognese first as the lasagna sheets would stick & then layer finishing with the bolognese mix & then add your cheesey layer on top. Pop in oven on about 180 or gas 4 for about 45-60 mins. Hope that works for you should& you enjoy it x

Thanks :) will let you know how it goes! I made the red velvet brownies last night, and despite first appearances (and smell!) they are gorgeous!

I will have a rifle through my pictures and see of there's a pic to use as y avatar :)
Oh, and I'm using my weight and measurements from last weeks weigh in for our experiment as I didn't want to break my non weighing streak!
Morning ladies :)

Hope you had a lovely evening Annie? Did you go running today?

Great pic Kim! Think it's about time I changed mine.

Been for another early morning gym session and nipped into morissons to pick up a salad box an a grapefruit for my lunch.

Got a busy weekend now and can't wait!

It was lovely thank you :) stuck to diet coke all night lol had a funny tummy overnight though :S

Haven't gone running (yet) today. Legs are a bit achy and I don't want to overdo it. Yesterday was the longest I have ever run and I'm worried that running today might ruin my chances for a long run tomorrow. That kind of makes sense in my head lol

How about you?

Morning ladies x
Went to the gym this morning but skipped the running: just did the strider ( kind of a cros trainer/ stepper) an burnt 450 along with abs workout.

STS this week ?why......looking back thru my diary & how I generally felt this week, I havent been particularly hungry so haven't eaten as much as I normally would & not had my full quota of 15 syns daily. So note to self, eat more!