Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Not sure I'll be able to do it once it gets harder as ankle still isn't very strong and I'm not very fit now either but for just now it's just the right difficulty level - really gets me sweating but isn't impossible! X
icklerockchick said:
Not sure I'll be able to do it once it gets harder as ankle still isn't very strong and I'm not very fit now either but for just now it's just the right difficulty level - really gets me sweating but isn't impossible! X

Just keeping doing what you can :)
Am here....just not in the zone. At all. Stressed out with my job, oh has new job but worried about payment from last job, feeling huge, bloated etc but seem to be stuck in a huge rut. So not the best company and don't want to be moaning my way out of a bag of self pity. Sure I will get back into it all soon.
Everyone else keep up the good work ;)
debtin said:
Am here....just not in the zone. At all. Stressed out with my job, oh has new job but worried about payment from last job, feeling huge, bloated etc but seem to be stuck in a huge rut. So not the best company and don't want to be moaning my way out of a bag of self pity. Sure I will get back into it all soon.
Everyone else keep up the good work ;)

Debs moan away. I did and these lot helped me. I'm just coming out of a bad rut so maybe we can help each other :)
Ive had an awful week so far. Bank holiday and stuff have got in he way. Luckily, the scales were showing a STS this morning so I'm ok.

Had a nasty bite on my leg which made me feel poorly and meant no gym since Saturday, hoping I'll get down there tonight even if it's just for a hour.

Ugh today they were giving away free dozens of Krispy kremes so I now have a box in the house ate like 5 so far!! Argh was so close to target as well - ah well another few weeks won't hurt not in any rush! X
lilprincessvic said:
Debs moan away. I did and these lot helped me. I'm just coming out of a bad rut so maybe we can help each other :)

Ah thanks very much. Sounds like we all need each other at varying points of the month. Am getting more and more pissed at myself as come tom its a week til we go our caravan trip and i am feeling the way I didn't want to feel about wearing a swimming costume...damn my greed.
Who thinks I can redeem myself in one week and even tho I won't look different surely I will feel better? Yes that's it....I won't feel as yucky!!
I am planning on NO wine this weekend. Can't remember last time I went without wine but to be honest it was going from one night treat to having a bottle two nights. Bad hangover last week too. Want to stay off wine until caravan so wish me luck finding my self control. However if oh doesn't get paid then I can't afford it anyway.
So just kinda speaking out loud and hoping it helps me cleanse my chocolate filled body.
How long til the sugar cravings disappear?
Is your leg ok Nikki?

Laura I have never tried those donuts, don't really like donuts but I can only imagine they are tempting you. Put them in the myself a row for not takin my own advice x
Leg is loads better thanks deb, just a nasty scab in place of the bite.

I'll admit.... I've been a terror all week! I keep saying in goig to the gym but after work I just can't motivate myself, so the plan is to go in the mornings now x
*peeks out from behind the sofa*

*whispers* hello...

*creeps out from behind sofa with tail between my legs*

*whispers* don't suppose there's room for a (not so) little one?

downtownsuzie said:
*peeks out from behind the sofa*

*whispers* hello...

*creeps out from behind sofa with tail between my legs*

*whispers* don't suppose there's room for a (not so) little one?


Hello gorgeous!!

Long time no speak!!

There's always room for you, we've missed you!! Thought you'd abandoned us.

Ok, weight loss challenge in need? Xxx
Hello gorgeous!!

Long time no speak!!

There's always room for you, we've missed you!! Thought you'd abandoned us.

Ok, weight loss challenge in need? Xxx

Not abandoned, just..... struggling but embarrassed to say so! HOWEVER, right now I am super motivated! Don't laugh, but I watched a documentary about Jodie Marsh becoming a body builder and I thought if she can do it then so can I! I fully don't intend to become a body builder lol, just to become lean. I've been looking into clean eating and seen so many amazing transformation photos for people. I'm on Day 5 (just got back from hol at 10st 10lbs, don't ask!) and still going strong. I will be weighing on Sundays.

I've just started a new blog (link in signature) and will be joining the gym once I'm back next week (stuck in London til Monday - booooooo). Can't wait to get lean! I've realised I'm a "fat thin person" if that makes sense - although my BMI is ok (well, it was ok until holiday), my fat percentage really isn't and that is what I will be working on. A bit of cardio, but mostly weights.

Take a look at this article, I found it amazing: The Fat Loss “War” - « Transformation Pics

Weight loss challenge is in need :) I'm already halfway through my week though.

I might not be able to post as much as I did before - working and gym will take up the majority of my day, but you've got my dedicated attention until Monday. I will reinstall Minimins on my phone as well.

Love you guys - missed you! xo
downtownsuzie said:
Not abandoned, just..... struggling but embarrassed to say so! HOWEVER, right now I am super motivated! Don't laugh, but I watched a documentary about Jodie Marsh becoming a body builder and I thought if she can do it then so can I! I fully don't intend to become a body builder lol, just to become lean. I've been looking into clean eating and seen so many amazing transformation photos for people. I'm on Day 5 (just got back from hol at 10st 10lbs, don't ask!) and still going strong. I will be weighing on Sundays.

I've just started a new blog (link in signature) and will be joining the gym once I'm back next week (stuck in London til Monday - booooooo). Can't wait to get lean! I've realised I'm a "fat thin person" if that makes sense - although my BMI is ok (well, it was ok until holiday), my fat percentage really isn't and that is what I will be working on. A bit of cardio, but mostly weights.

Take a look at this article, I found it amazing: The Fat Loss "War" - « Transformation Pics

Weight loss challenge is in need :) I'm already halfway through my week though.

I might not be able to post as much as I did before - working and gym will take up the majority of my day, but you've got my dedicated attention until Monday. I will reinstall Minimins on my phone as well.

Love you guys - missed you! xo

Omg I've been looking into all this clean eating and getting lean too! I've watched soooo many you tube videos and stuff this week. Determined.

Glad your feeling motivated and ready to tackle it. Did you have a nice holiday? Where did you go?

And I have just been trying to start up a blog too! I tried all weekend but for some reason my damn Internet was playing up. I'll have a nosey at your blog when I'm home.

Are you following SW or just healthy eating?

I WI on a Friday now, and was thinking of setting up a challenge on here on our little thread because everyone seems a bit down in the dumps and would love to get us all motivated and spurred on again :) x
Omg I've been looking into all this clean eating and getting lean too! I've watched soooo many you tube videos and stuff this week. Determined.

Glad your feeling motivated and ready to tackle it. Did you have a nice holiday? Where did you go?

And I have just been trying to start up a blog too! I tried all weekend but for some reason my damn Internet was playing up. I'll have a nosey at your blog when I'm home.

Are you following SW or just healthy eating?

I WI on a Friday now, and was thinking of setting up a challenge on here on our little thread because everyone seems a bit down in the dumps and would love to get us all motivated and spurred on again :) x

I'm hoping that a lot of it is holiday weight and will go as quickly as I put it on - I already feel far less bloated, but I'm not sure whether I can notice a difference lookswise yet. I will be weighing at Boots so that I don't scale hop every day - now that I've moved, none of my floors are level anyway so I never know whether its accurate or not!

Once I've joined the gym, I'll post the workout that the PT suggests for me so that we can compare - I guess you'll have been reading about HIIT?

I have to admit, I removed you from my fb, but please don't take it personally, I was just so embarrassed at how much I was failing. Vicky has been telling me for a while that I should come back - we talk on Twitter quite a bit. If you don't mind, I can refriend you? Yesterday I 'liked' so many people's pages and their transformations are jaw-dropping, you should take a look. I was worried that as I'd weighed 13st before that my skin wouldn't tighten up when I toned up, but some of these people were a lot bigger that I was and they're now like 'woahhhh!!'

We only went to Devon. It was lovely, but I don't feel very rested! Weather was nice though. I was glad to get home by the end of it (went with the in-laws). Will def be going somewhere hot and sunny abroad next year to show off my new bod!

I'll be healthy eating, with the occasional cheat meal. I'm not as hardcore as some of the clean eaters that I've seen!!
Hi Annie

Lovely to see you back & full of beans again. Im sure you will drop that extra weight in no time as you're such a fast loser.
How's the co-habitating going? x
downtownsuzie said:
I'm hoping that a lot of it is holiday weight and will go as quickly as I put it on - I already feel far less bloated, but I'm not sure whether I can notice a difference lookswise yet. I will be weighing at Boots so that I don't scale hop every day - now that I've moved, none of my floors are level anyway so I never know whether its accurate or not!

Once I've joined the gym, I'll post the workout that the PT suggests for me so that we can compare - I guess you'll have been reading about HIIT?

I have to admit, I removed you from my fb, but please don't take it personally, I was just so embarrassed at how much I was failing. Vicky has been telling me for a while that I should come back - we talk on Twitter quite a bit. If you don't mind, I can refriend you? Yesterday I 'liked' so many people's pages and their transformations are jaw-dropping, you should take a look. I was worried that as I'd weighed 13st before that my skin wouldn't tighten up when I toned up, but some of these people were a lot bigger that I was and they're now like 'woahhhh!!'

We only went to Devon. It was lovely, but I don't feel very rested! Weather was nice though. I was glad to get home by the end of it (went with the in-laws). Will def be going somewhere hot and sunny abroad next year to show off my new bod!

I'll be healthy eating, with the occasional cheat meal. I'm not as hardcore as some of the clean eaters that I've seen!!

I thought I'd not seen you for a while on fb. I have twitter also so if you pm me both your twitter and fb I'll add you :)

Have you joined I've been on there quite a lot having a look through stuff and have read up on HIIT.

There's no need to be embarrased Hun, I've been 10st for ages now and motivation was lacking big style!! I went up to 10st 1.5 again this morning and go on holiday in 10 weeks and want to be down to 9st and super toned :-D

I know what you mean about feeling like you can't tone up, I thought exactly the same. No matter how low my weight goes, I can never get it toned and it's still like a tire!

Sounds like it could be water weight then hun, it should drop off quickly hopefully. Good idea about the boots scales, i started weighing at the gym every Saturday but then there scales broke! So I then begun weighing at home and taking a picture of the scales so I don't cheat. Not sure whether to WI this week though x
Hi Annie

Lovely to see you back & full of beans again. Im sure you will drop that extra weight in no time as you're such a fast loser.
How's the co-habitating going? x

Co-habiting is fab, thanks! We're definately both ready to hit the gym! We're planning a lovely holiday next year so I reckon that will be our motivation!

Fantastic news that you are back at work, Kim! How are you finding it being back and tying it in with SW and exercise?

Has it been DH's cycle event yet? If so, how did it go?

Amazing to see that you're below 9st! Well done! Are you still aiming for 119? x
Welcome back Suzie...its pretty quiet on here but we are all plodding along.
How are you Kim? Are you motivated as ever? How is the non drinking going?
I thought I'd not seen you for a while on fb. I have twitter also so if you pm me both your twitter and fb I'll add you :)

Have you joined I've been on there quite a lot having a look through stuff and have read up on HIIT.

There's no need to be embarrased Hun, I've been 10st for ages now and motivation was lacking big style!! I went up to 10st 1.5 again this morning and go on holiday in 10 weeks and want to be down to 9st and super toned :-D

I know what you mean about feeling like you can't tone up, I thought exactly the same. No matter how low my weight goes, I can never get it toned and it's still like a tire!

Sounds like it could be water weight then hun, it should drop off quickly hopefully. Good idea about the boots scales, i started weighing at the gym every Saturday but then there scales broke! So I then begun weighing at home and taking a picture of the scales so I don't cheat. Not sure whether to WI this week though x

Still got you on Twitter, but I'll send you a friend request on fb.

I haven't joined, but I've been reading a lot of articles there. is good as well. HIIT sounds amazing - when we had our trial at the gym, I found a setting on the treadmill and thought I was going to die, but felt like I'd conquered the world afterwards! It's def the way forward! They were saying not to do it immediately after weights though otherwise you risk losing muscle. The recommended one in the AM and the other in the PM or to alternate days. Do you only do cardio? That could be why it feels like it's not toning... I just worry about having loads of baggy skin, but hopefully if bigger people than I was can tone up with tight skin than so can I lol

Once I've joined, I'm not sure whether I'm going to weigh every week. As muscle builds, the number on the scales is going to get bigger (even though I'm getting smaller) and that will be a difficult mental barrier to get over. I'll see how I feel I guess. Perhaps if I know it's muscle and not fat and can see the difference then I'd feel differently?
