Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

MrsWilsoncroft said:
Hey ladies

Weighed in tonight with a loss of 1.5lbs, also got slimmer of the week.
im over the moon as its only my second week too :) xxxx

Excellent good stuff. Well done
Oh does ur consultant do it? Would u still get slimmer of the week n stuff?
Miss slinky Donna....excellent. very well done you. You do deserve some recognition as you work hard and it will pay off. If you decide you do want to lose more, what do you think you could change?
Yeah she does it, some others do as well, although I've heard slimming world don't encourage it, but it is better for me at times as I get off my own back again. Would still get slimmer of the week if I did (but doubt I ever will as I have small losses) but wouldn't be told how much I'd lost still.

I'm not sure Deb as its sort of hit and miss if I loose or not, I suppose I would have to look at things like carbs and maybe cutting down my portions, but its hard with me as I can go the other way and maintain because I haven't eaten enough. It's not something I'm going to worry about until the new year though and then I'll decide what I'm wanting to do... well I'll have to loose some after then anyway as no doubt will have a big gain Christmas/New years.
If it works for u then go for it :) I could never do it lol
Weighed in...8st 9. Yes its a loss from yesterday and I know I was bad on Sunday but for 4/5 weeks I have been excercising and I am back at my starting weight....very frustrating.
Need keep going with it and see what happens over next week
Weighed in...8st 9. Yes its a loss from yesterday and I know I was bad on Sunday but for 4/5 weeks I have been excercising and I am back at my starting weight....very frustrating.
Need keep going with it and see what happens over next week

They do say though hun that you can't out-train a bad diet. It comes down to 20% what you do in the gym and 80% what is on your plate. Stick at it and the results will come x

Well done for the losses last night and well done for Miss Slinky, Donna!
OH has got an inflamed stomach and has been given medication to take for 4 weeks (!)

Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs

Went to the gym last night and I'm so glad I did! Did 4k! Going to try without walking today and see how my time changes. My shins only seem to be a problem when walking, they didn't play me up at all last night. Felt a real sense of accomplishment. Also was sweating an awful lot so felt like a true gym-goer (I always wondered how people sweat so much cause I never do)
I wouldn't have thought it would work for me Charlene, I don't think I'd do it if I weren't in target, but my boyfriends right, I was happy when I did it, I only lost 1/2lb over 3 weeks, but I wasn't completely on plan over those 3 weeks, so I was happy with that but if I'd seen the gain and the maintain when they happened I wouldn't have been happy. I won't do it next week as we have a different consultant in but think I might do it up until Christmas depending on how I feel the following week. It was great for me as I focused more on how I felt and eating on plan when I could. I've been far too busy the past couple of months to be expecting to loose to be honest. Well I suppose I could have made better choices, but I am in target if I don't treat myself and eat like everyone else when we're out now when will I?
and thank you everyone, hope you all have a good Wednesday.

I'm meeting my sister for a coffee and she's talked me into making her lunch as well, she was disappointed after ONLY loosing a lb this week (after her 7lb loss next week) was going to make mackerel pasta salad for myself so will just see if I have enough to make double
OH has got an inflamed stomach and has been given medication to take for 4 weeks (!)

Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs

Went to the gym last night and I'm so glad I did! Did 4k! Going to try without walking today and see how my time changes. My shins only seem to be a problem when walking, they didn't play me up at all last night. Felt a real sense of accomplishment. Also was sweating an awful lot so felt like a true gym-goer (I always wondered how people sweat so much cause I never do)

Oh dear has he got an ulcer? Quite often if you get acid reflux it can cause chest pain which is a tad worrying! Im sure his drugs will kick in soon & he'll eel better.
I love to sweat as well Annie, feel as tho you've had a proper workout if you do! :)
She didn't say anything ablur an ulcer, she just said that if the drugs hadn't worked within 6 hours then to get to a&e. He seems to be doing better, he's still asleep at the moment
downtownsuzie said:
They do say though hun that you can't out-train a bad diet. It comes down to 20% what you do in the gym and 80% what is on your plate. Stick at it and the results will come x

Well done for the losses last night and well done for Miss Slinky, Donna!

I know...just because my diet isn't bad. Yes I have had a bad day but feel a bit cheated. Not going to dwell. Hope oh is ok x
downtownsuzie said:
She didn't say anything ablur an ulcer, she just said that if the drugs hadn't worked within 6 hours then to get to a&e. He seems to be doing better, he's still asleep at the moment

What drug has she given him? Wander what she means by an inflamed stomach?! Sorry I'm a nose nurse!

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Omeprazole, 20mg. Two tablets a day for 4 weeks and has to go back in 3 weeks
downtownsuzie said:
Omeprazole, 20mg. Two tablets a day for 4 weeks and has to go back in 3 weeks

That's normally used for stomach ulcers or to help with stomach acid.....normally a very effective drug. Tell him not to take anti inflammatorys if he's got a dodgy tum as they will make problem worse.....ill stop interfering now !

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Oh no, hope he's better soon. Bit weird how she didn't explain it a bit more, but hopefully what's she's given him will work

Adam Richman is in England I'm loving it, just turned the TV on and he's on the wright stuff which I don't normally watch but I love him (the guy who does man v food if you don't know)
He's been getting an acidic taste, especially with burps. She said it could be Gastritis. She did say to stop taking ibroprufen, but that paracetamol should be ok so he's been taking those as well.

Adam Richman has got soooo big! But can we really be surprised lol. I've only seen bits and bobs of man v food, but he's a beast! I thought I had a big appetite...
Lol my spelling is terrible today. My auto correct obviously isn't correcting - sorry!